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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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Got placed in Gold which is eh.

Sometimes I wonder if people read patch notes when they pick shit like Torb or stay on their Genji play which would be mediocre before the nerf, and is straight booty now.

Actually, they must read them because the amount of Hanzos I'm seeing that think they are gonna change the tide by taking potshots on attack, can't be a coincidence.

At least I've been slapping on my offense mains. Lowering my MLG Pro-sensitivity settings to grandma sensitivity has turned me into a MLG pro.

I was in a QP earlier where two guys was wondering why they lost. They were saying "We were both Hanzo, how can we lose. You guys are cheating"

Neither of the hanzo's landed many shots. My Ana had silver elims and damage and heals.


Been having some good competitive matches today. I've been playing Zarya and it's been great. I wish I picked her up earlier


Was going well today, but got a string of Leavers fucking us over towards the end.
Laughable that it trys to ask you to stick around just in case you win when you're down 3 teammates.


I have a friend who plays a pretty decent Genji. Whenever he picks Genji we have more of an advantage. The problem is, he doesn't like picking Genji for whatever reason. So on defend maps he likes trying out Sym, on KotH he likes picking Junkrat, etc. Nothing really wrong with it when it works (and sometimes it does), but when it doesn't work it takes a few requests before he swaps out. Lost on Route 66 yesterday partly because his Sym failed and then his backup play when he swapped was to play Torb when the entire enemy team was riding the payload, there was nowhere to setup a turret, and we didn't even have enough firepower to get them off the payload. :/
I finally got the rapid discord trophy, praise be to my Zarya teammates ult.
Now I have the bragging rights of Pixel Zenny.

Speaking of bragging rights, I see the vote cards are as silly as ever, four matches today with four gold medals, better pop me up a card for transcendence or objective kills!
I finally got the rapid discord trophy, praise be to my Zarya teammates ult.
Now I have the bragging rights of Pixel Zenny.

Speaking of bragging rights, I see the vote cards are as silly as ever, four matches today with four gold medals, better pop me up a card for transcendence or objective kills!
Well, I mean, if you get a card for trans healing, the you must have saved a few team fights from being lost and I'd rather see that they turned the tide of a fight so well. But that's just me.


Speaking of draws, I don't get why the draw interlude is like the defeat one.

I hate these interludes altogether. Just quickly skip to my stats with 'defeat' written on the top in plain white. Don't give me the tragic announcement and sad music to rub more salt in the wound. Let me quickly move on.


Just had one of the worst games with randoms. No one wanted to be support and Zarya random couldn't kill shit.
Well, I mean, if you get a card for trans healing, the you must have saved a few team fights from being lost and I'd rather see that they turned the tide of a fight so well. But that's just me.

Hmmm, good point.
but it often just feels like the game's default Zenyatta vote option.
Hmmm, good point.
but it often just feels like the game's default Zenyatta vote option.
Yeah they should probably update some cards because I feel that card was designed around the original trans, and the original trans was shit, so any ok amount of trans healing got a card.

Also, Dva seems to rarely ever get cards, but oh well.


Sometimes I wish there was a record feature in the game so I don't have to run other programs, though I'm running on an i7 processor and a good amount of RAM. Some of these plays are classic, playing McCree almost frozen to death by mei but I actually turn to her and head shot her ass looking her in the eyes, RIGHT before frozen status hit me.
Was going well today, but got a string of Leavers fucking us over towards the end.
Laughable that it trys to ask you to stick around just in case you win when you're down 3 teammates.

Hate that you still get penalized for leaving after a teammate leaves. I could understand if it was set in place like that for Premade queue's (To avoid one person taking the hit so the rest could cheese out), but its kinda bullshit in solo queue.

Can rarely think of a time where I won a match after a person or two had left. Just turns into "How well can I play to try to avoid my rank getting nuked"
I have no luck with matchmaking comp games today. Two matches in a row I'm stuck with people playing Mercy who are only healing their buddies. So infuriating.


I have no luck with matchmaking comp games today. Two matches in a row I'm stuck with people playing Mercy who are only healing their buddies. So infuriating.

Are their buddies good DPS and/or flanking characters like Genji? If so you might want to just play characters who have self-heal and can support that. Roadhog/Dva/Soldier. Could end up really effective! Remember, lemonade from lemons!


It has to though....cause I got two draws in a row tonight and was down 20 points. Played three matches. First was a win next two were draws. Missing 20 points.
It doesn't.

Are you sure you're just not misremembering what your rank was?

Edit: Okay, looking into it some people are saying they've lost rank from draws too. I've had a lot of draws and NEVER lost rank and assumed that was how it works. Some people saying if your opponents were underdogs you lose a bit if they tie with you, but that doesn't sound right to me.


Man I'm super salty whenever anybody talks about how high rated their characters are on Overbuff or MO. Not only did my top 1000 D.Va get fucking wiped off the board down to the 39th percentile, my comp s2 stats are still nowhere to be found.

Man I'm super salty whenever anybody talks about how high rated their characters are on Overbuff or MO. Not only did my top 1000 D.Va get fucking wiped off the board down to the 39th percentile, my comp s2 stats are still nowhere to be found.

Same. I bet I have a really good Tracer but I can't tell :(
Are their buddies good DPS and/or flanking characters like Genji? If so you might want to just play characters who have self-heal and can support that. Roadhog/Dva/Soldier. Could end up really effective! Remember, lemonade from lemons!

If I remember correctly, it was just one other guy each time. Soldier 76 then a Pharah. Guess I should've just switched to another self-healing character, but we were really getting stomped at the time.


Group of 3 bring their gold buddy with them into a Diamond match with Top 500s, it ended poorly for our team. Allowing a 1,000 difference is a mistake, the skill gap is insane!


Group of 3 bring their gold buddy with them into a Diamond match with Top 500s, it ended poorly for our team. Allowing a 1,000 difference is a mistake, the skill gap is insane!
They only did it because the community whinged and whined about the 500 difference skill gap stopping them from playing with their friends.


Group of 3 bring their gold buddy with them into a Diamond match with Top 500s, it ended poorly for our team. Allowing a 1,000 difference is a mistake, the skill gap is insane!

There are deffinitely golds that shouldn't be golds though. I've met them.


Okay, I have NO idea what just happened.

Competitive match on kings row. We attack. Two points. We get defeated about halfway to the 3rd point. Enemy team attacks gets to 2nd point as well. The 3rd point for whatever reason is exactly where we stopped pushing the cart. How in the HELL is that fair that they get a easier 3rd point like that?

Fuck man. That grinds my gears. They should have had to push it to the 3rd point as well.


Okay, I have NO idea what just happened.

Competitive match on kings row. We attack. Two points. We get defeated about halfway to the 3rd point. Enemy team attacks gets to 2nd point as well. The 3rd point for whatever reason is exactly where we stopped pushing the cart. How in the HELL is that fair that they get a easier 3rd point like that?

Fuck man. That grinds my gears. They should have had to push it to the 3rd point as well.
All they have to do is push it further than you to win, there's no point of them pushing all the way to the 3rd point of the map - it's a waste of everyone's time.

It has always been like this, even in Season 1.
Yooooo I just realized I placed lower than I did last season since gold seems to line up with 40-49 SR from S1 hahah.

I started out at 56 last season and got up to 60. Don't think getting to platinum will be possible in solo que, at least without some serioussssss grinding and lots of patience lmao.

Feels bad cuz personally I feel like I'm better than I was in S1 but I guess I should have waited for my premade to get on since I lost like 6 of my placements.



Okay, I have NO idea what just happened.

Competitive match on kings row. We attack. Two points. We get defeated about halfway to the 3rd point. Enemy team attacks gets to 2nd point as well. The 3rd point for whatever reason is exactly where we stopped pushing the cart. How in the HELL is that fair that they get a easier 3rd point like that?

Fuck man. That grinds my gears. They should have had to push it to the 3rd point as well.

I don't understand what you're complaining about? The victory condition is based on distance. They don't have an easier 3rd point. Their victory condition is just that they have to push further than you did. You didn't need to push to the 3rd point either. You just needed to stop them from pushing further than you did to win.


All they have to do is push it further than you to win, there's no point of them pushing all the way to the 3rd point of the map - it's a waste of everyone's time.
Except... we didn't get a point on the scoreboard for getting it that far they did. I'm sorry but that's shit. For us to have gotten a 3rd point on the scoreboard we would have had to accomplish a harder objective.


Except... we didn't get a point on the scoreboard for getting it that far they did. I'm sorry but that's shit. For us to have gotten a 3rd point on the scoreboard we would have had to accomplish a harder objective.

No, I think you misunderstand what is happening. it's not about actual points, it's about distance. As it is, you both have 2 points, but they pushed further than you did.

Imagine this in reverse. They pushed the payload to where they did, and let's say you held them off there and they got no further. But when you push, you couldn't get it to that point. So you lose.


I don't understand what you're complaining about? The victory condition is based on distance. They don't have an easier 3rd point. Their victory condition is just that they have to push further than you did. You didn't need to push to the 3rd point either. You just needed to stop them from pushing further than you did to win.

You should have to win the map as it is normally the checkpoints shouldn't move. I think its fucking stupid that they do.


Except... we didn't get a point on the scoreboard for getting it that far they did. I'm sorry but that's shit. For us to have gotten a 3rd point on the scoreboard we would have had to accomplish a harder objective.
You failed to push it to the 3rd point and ran out of time.

They succeeded in pushing it further than you within less time. Why should the game need to continue after that?
Except... we didn't get a point on the scoreboard for getting it that far they did. I'm sorry but that's shit. For us to have gotten a 3rd point on the scoreboard we would have had to accomplish a harder objective.
It's because that's how far you moved. How is it fair that they have to go all the way when your team didn't? You made it halfway to the third point, so they just have to get a little further, meaning they did better than you. Don't see what the big deal is.
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