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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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I'm sorry but you guys need some thicker skin or something. Why would you automatically assume that an emote is a negative thing?

You realize you have 5 other teammates that could be talking to each other, right? Like, if I'm a pharah, and I've got a pocket Mercy on me, and we both die, but after we took out 2 or 3 players, I'm going to thank my Mercy, because she helped me. I'm not thanking her sarcastically to shit on her or the rest of my team. And I'm not "thanking" the rest of my team for not killing the other 3 or 4 players.

There are countless reasons to thank some one, and a very large majority of them involve being sincere. Don't let the very small minority bother you so much.
I tend to assume most people are assholes XD
jk, jk


I don't know why, but people who spam Thanks! and the like are really starting to grind my gears. It does nothing but bring the morale down, and usually the person spamming starts playing like a complete moron.

Reinhardt's spamming I need healing, but instead of shielding up and letting me heal them, they charge immediately after spamming, then spam Thanks after they die, fuck off man.

is it being used in a sarcastic way? I only thank peeps if they heal/shield/help me down a mofo.

I hate it when people spam that their ultimate is charging -_-

i usually use it when I'm like 95% there to signal peeps to be ready for a push.
Yeah I do that too.

But when they spam it 4 times in a row when they're at 0% and you literally just watched them use it...you know they're trolling lol.

I've literally never seen that.

is it being used in a sarcastic way? I only thank peeps if they heal/shield/help me down a mofo.

I only use it to thank someone for helping me or sometimes after we win a match.

Or I only spam it sarcastically after a loss if I'm in a full group and everyone else is in on the joke.


i also say 'hi!' to my teammates a lot. IDK if that pisses them off, because I usually don't get a reply. T__T

I'm sorry but you guys need some thicker skin or something. Why would you automatically assume that an emote is a negative thing?

You realize you have 5 other teammates that could be talking to each other, right? Like, if I'm a pharah, and I've got a pocket Mercy on me, and we both die, but after we took out 2 or 3 players, I'm going to thank my Mercy, because she helped me. I'm not thanking her sarcastically to shit on her or the rest of my team. And I'm not "thanking" the rest of my team for not killing the other 3 or 4 players.

There are countless reasons to thank some one, and a very large majority of them involve being sincere. Don't let the very small minority bother you so much.

rotfl, I had no idea I could hear other teammates' emotes if it's not directed at me, for some reason. xD


A Reaper on an enemy team lost it because I won a direct fight against him as Torb, most of the time after that he would either cheese hop when encountering me, and flee if he was losing or rely on Mercy damage boosts and flee in those too. My team was trash though so they eventually won the match due to him. Funny thing is that even in the PotG where he wiped my team at the end I came out from the corner and he fled from me. Lol.
I spam my ult when in im close to ultimate or when im planning to use it.
Also when we have a Zarya they know when its good to pop ult.

Went back to QP for a bit. Was a lot of fun being able to play without stress could play Hanzo again without feeling bad.

At this point im stuck on Zenyatta for comp.

.Discord is still a great asset
.i can deal high amounts of damage.
Tanks are really unsuspecting of Zenyatta honestly its surprising how many tanks just turn their back on me. Well easy discord kill for me
.super useful ult.

Though it does get kinda boring again and again picking Zen. Atleast overbuff shows im #525 for Zen in comp


Yeah I do that too.

But when they spam it 4 times in a row when they're at 0% and you literally just watched them use it...you know they're trolling lol.
I've literally never seen that.

lmao, I've seen that. I've also seen it done a bunch after Ana, Rein, Mei or Zarya announce theirs is ready, but I always assumed it was they player's way of telling them to hold off using their ult until their ult is ready and they can stack.

i know Lucio's use it to get teammates to group up instead of the group up emote, too.


I'm sorry but you guys need some thicker skin or something. Why would you automatically assume that an emote is a negative thing?

You realize you have 5 other teammates that could be talking to each other, right? Like, if I'm a pharah, and I've got a pocket Mercy on me, and we both die, but after we took out 2 or 3 players, I'm going to thank my Mercy, because she helped me. I'm not thanking her sarcastically to shit on her or the rest of my team. And I'm not "thanking" the rest of my team for not killing the other 3 or 4 players.

There are countless reasons to thank some one, and a very large majority of them involve being sincere. Don't let the very small minority bother you so much.

Really? lol

It's obvious when someone is doing it to be an ass, and it does nothing to help when the majority of the game is single que randoms.

To me it's the equivalent of someone seeing a top 500 icon and immediately folding in the pre game lobby. Once someone starts that shit, the game is over.
Yeah i think everyone understands context.

When i see the kill feed showing pharah just got killed and the chat suddenly has 5 thanks from her im pretty sure i know what the intent is.


I don't care about emotes. Spam all you want, atleast it's just noise.

No, what infuriates me is deliberate character trolling like Mei fucking up the team with Walls or a Symmetra that puts the Teleport in an intentionally bad location. That's where I just wish the game had a friendly fire option so I could nail the jackasses to the wall.
I don't care about emotes. Spam all you want, atleast it's just noise.

No, what infuriates me is deliberate character trolling like Mei fucking up the team with Walls or a Symmetra that puts the Teleport in an intentionally bad location. That's where I just wish the game had a friendly fire option so I could nail the jackasses to the wall.

Time to start playing Mei.


The spam emotes are nothing short of annoying. But you play long enough, you develop superstitions about those damn emotes. Spamming "Thanks!" brings 7 years bad luck. Saying "Hello!" at the beginning of a match means you'll lose. Hitting "Group up" is guaranteed to split people up.

Also, I experienced a really laggy match earlier today, but it made me bust a gut, so I ended up recording it and felt the need to upload it. Like, this is the first real big spike I've experienced while playing Overwatch.

Wacky Waving Inflatable Hook Flailing Tube Hog

Mind you, during all of this I had 0 control over my movement input.
The spam emotes are nothing short of annoying. But you play long enough, you develop superstitions about those damn emotes. Spamming "Thanks!" brings 7 years bad luck. Saying "Hello!" at the beginning of a match means you'll lose. Hitting "Group up" is guaranteed to split people up.

Also, I experienced a really laggy match earlier today, but it made me bust a gut, so I ended up recording it and felt the need to upload it. Like, this is the first real big spike I've experienced while playing Overwatch.

Wacky Waving Inflatable Hook Flailing Tube Hog

Mind you, during all of this I had 0 control over my movement input.

thts actually hilarious omg
I usually announce it, but I don't spam it.

39th Ana on Xbox! I'm shocked there's even 39 total people ranked in that category, lol.

I'm 33rd Ana on PS4, why don't you use her there??

For the emoting stuff, it's obvious when someone is being a dick or someone is being grateful. I've healed some Reinhardts when they are doing some stupid stuff (rushing into an enemy with no backup), and they come back with the "Thanks!". I said this in a previous post, but only 1 negative message was sent to me, but IDGAF!!

Another Comp match where 2 people left during the deciding round and we lost because the mode doesn't give us any compensation, only punishing us because of someone's idiocy.

Fucking love it.


I'm 33rd Ana on PS4, why don't you use her there??

For the emoting stuff, it's obvious when someone is being a dick or someone is being grateful. I've healed some Reinhardts when they are doing some stupid stuff (rushing into an enemy with no backup), and they come back with the "Thanks!". I said this in a previous post, but only 1 negative message was sent to me, but IDGAF!!

I try and play more serious on PS4. Not to say I don't try on Xbox, I'm just a little more relaxed in who I pick. Been doing nothing but Ana on attack and Mei on defense.

Completely anecdotal, but the average player on Xbox is so much worse than my PS4 experience.
Mei's on both teams are exponentially increasing my salt levels. Been kill cockblocked/cut off from the team by Ice Walls one too many times.

Also annoys me to no end when I'm healing and someone starts spamming they need heals. 90% of the time I started the match as Zarya or Reinhardt and had to go healer because some dick decided we needed a 3rd or 4th Offense character instead. Theres no quicker way to make me stop caring about the outcome of a match in those cases


What the hell is the secret to capping A on Eichenwald, jesus.
It's a fun map when it gets going, but holy shit, almost every game is a draw.

Also, I dislike draws about as much as I did coinflips. There has GOT TO BE a better way to do it.
What the hell is the secret to capping A on Eichenwald, jesus.
It's a fun map when it gets going, but holy shit, almost every game is a draw.

Also, I dislike draws about as much as I did coinflips. There has GOT TO BE a better way to do it.

I hate Eichenwald in Comp with a passion. I have yet to win on that map Offensively. Seems like everytime the team hits the wide open area they all spread out and get picked off instead of just rushing as a group

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I took like a 2 week break from the game. I see that people will still only play Ana as the sole support if you don't pick support


Yeah ended now sadly but was up to like 8 or 9 in a row
Nice. Sucks that it ended though.
What the hell is the secret to capping A on Eichenwald, jesus.
It's a fun map when it gets going, but holy shit, almost every game is a draw.

Also, I dislike draws about as much as I did coinflips. There has GOT TO BE a better way to do it.

Try Ana ult on a Reinhardt to break through and everyone follows.


Try Ana ult on a Reinhardt to break through and everyone follows.
I play Mercy, Lucio, Zenyatta, but I guess I could start as Ana just to break into A and then switch to one of my mains to escort the payload...

Fuck people who leave a KotH match after losing the first round when we were both on 99%. 10 minute ban is not long enough, should be an hour.

I've had this happen an unfortunate amount of times, as well. =/


Fuck people who leave a KotH match after losing the first round when we were both on 99%. 10 minute ban is not long enough, should be an hour.
I took like a 2 week break from the game. I see that people will still only play Ana as the sole support if you don't pick support

Yes, and what's wrong with that? She's not a bad healer if the player is decent. I've constantly outhealed someone like Zenyatta who is arguably a worse healer than Ana.


On Sep 6, I decided to solo queue.


Never again will I make that mistake. :|

Status update. Duo queue was enough to save me from my horrible solo queue mistake.


Platinum hype. Everything in the world is right again.
I don't know if it's a trend because i never played comp in season 1 but the amount of toxic players i encountered tonight was very high. Some people get mad for a close loss although you have carried their ass a long time during the game.

Guys want to play pro meta and force you into 2 tanks 2 support and 2 dps but they dont know how to play their part.

And this is in Platinum where skill seems really average.


I don't know if it's a trend because i never played comp in season 1 but the amount of toxic players i encountered tonight was very high. Some people get mad for a close loss although you have carried their ass a long time during the game.

Guys want to play pro meta and force you into 2 tanks 2 support and 2 dps but they dont know how to play their part.

And this is in Platinum where skill seems really average.

You do really need 2 healers. If you do, you better hope the other team is super incompetent


Comfortably holding the team at point A on Hanamura, then with 1 minute to go our bastion and a few other decides it's a good time to over-extend and start spawn camping them. I rack up 3 kills and fall, assuming my team should have this easily after that. But no, they are all dead and we lose the match in overtime. That's enough for today


the holder of the trombone
Man, had such a bummer run last night.

Sigh, I just need to find more people to comp queue with. Problem with the long season break is that the people I would comp queue with seemed to have dropped out of the game. :(

Also for the talk of draws being more rare, I've had like 5 draws so far.
Why is it that every fucking time I get Nepal, my team gets destroyed by a Bastion? Why is it that no one knows how to kill him? I'm sitting here as the only healer watching them just walk into death and do absolutely fucking nothing.


I can honestly say I have met more toxic players in quick play and brawl then in competitive.

In brawl we had a Mei just walk around exploring the map and then when the enemy team had an ult or used it they would ice wall lock people in to get maximum team death. Then would block off chokes and the doors. Each death they had they would just type...THIS IS FUN RIGHT GUYS!...

In competitive they would ask nicely to change a class or would freely admit they are not comfortable with that class and if they can switch to it. Only once did a guy tell me my junk rat play sucks and I had to kindly remind him of my 4 golds and cutting off a choke point with my traps and bombs. When we won, he kindly apologized about it. This season for me at least, has been a way way way better experience.

But now that I said that, its going to be a toxic city for me now lol
I can honestly say I have met more toxic players in quick play and brawl then in competitive.

Maybe it was tonight but when at the first wipe it's 'noob team' ,' retards' etc. And everybody begins to insult everybody in chat, it's disheartening. Happened three times out of 5 tonight.
Huh, been having a lot of games lately where my teammates say "we're getting owned, let's all go tank!", Then continue to get owned by reapers and pharahs
Got Lijiang. We were getting owned. First round had no healer, second round had a Torb. Third round we get our shit together and have a healer and two tanks, and I switch to Reaper and go 58-10 in the end. Felt sooo good.


I have had some piss poor luck the past few days. I disconnected for the first time in a while, and then, tonight, right after we pushed all the way to the end of Numbani, my power goes out.

It's back now, but I'm sure I have a penalty for leaving a match, so I don't even want to log back in.
The slow climb. Still didn't hit the 2600 mark but at least I'm not going down in points. Been going up each day, even if it's not by much.
Got placed in Gold which is eh.

Sometimes I wonder if people read patch notes when they pick shit like Torb or stay on their Genji play which would be mediocre before the nerf, and is straight booty now.

Actually, they must read them because the amount of Hanzos I'm seeing that think they are gonna change the tide by taking potshots on attack, can't be a coincidence.

At least I've been slapping on my offense mains. Lowering my MLG Pro-sensitivity settings to grandma sensitivity has turned me into a MLG pro.
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