I can't believe our team worked with a Bastion on offense. Wow.
Although it was weird that this guy on our team insisted we have a Mei. And I listened. And I wrecked shop.
I thank whoever that was lol
Bastion OP confirmed.
I found it funny that the other team didn't change characters to counter Bastion. So dumb.
Great game you did as Mei!
Ilios three times in a row lmao
When the guy quit on the beginning of the 2nd game I said to myself "thank god". Then it appeared again... I just accepted my fate lol.
God, why can people be so bad at this game. Insta locking DPS to end up doing nothing the entire time. Ran into a duo queue who insta locked McCree and Reaper. At one point we didn't have a single tank.
Pretty much every loss today was because randoms don't know how to shoot a Teacer or a Pharah. I'm really starting to hate comp.
GGs Nuno, those games were headache inducing.
Frustrating really, especially on KOTH. We were losing to a team with a Mercy and a Ana ffs. I was about to stop playing Lucio since no one did anything to stop the Tracers for killing me over and over again, but that would be even worse.
Only stopped playing now, lost around ~100SR, with an impressive string of losses.
On the other hand my team won the most crazy games, Eichenwalde with 5vs6 since basically the beginning of the 2nd round, and King's Row with a team without any support characters (the other team bailed out on the 2nd round lol).
The games I had were really low level unfortunately. Reinhardt/Mercy on KOTH, no healers, Symmetrias on attack and defending the 2nd point, the Genjis/Pharahs completely ignore the enemy teleporter, no one stays together, tons of quitters... it's too much.