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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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I just had the craziest game on Eichenwald, I take back anything bad I said about it. It went to Overtime both rounds and I was playing Mercy, but the enemy team pushed the payload only just shy of the final destination. In our overtime, the enemy Rein ulted me and just as he was about to get his second swing in and finish me off, our own Rein came in out of fucking nowhere and charged his ass against a wall. I got off a quick rez and our Ana boosted our Rein for the win.

God damn. Almost back to 2600.


4th placement match was the biggest rollercoaster ever.

It's on Liijang Tower and we get absolutely steam rolled the first 2 rounds. We're just getting dominated and I'm just playing really shit anyway. Missed a lot of headshots... with Reaper lol.

Anyway, it's obvious that we are losing because we aren't coordinating our attacks. Everyone would constantly split up which is annoying as I should be the only one veering away from the group. Anyway, I spam group up before the 3rd round begins and as expected, we go on to actually stand a chance and manage to win the next 3 rounds consecutively with all of them being extremely close. Man it was rough but we somehow pulled through.

Even though we won, I can tell today I'm missing easy shots so I'm coming off after 1 match instead of continuing knowing I'm not at my best.


I just had the craziest game on Eichenwald, I take back anything bad I said about it. It went to Overtime both rounds and I was playing Mercy, but the enemy team pushed the payload only just shy of the final destination. In our overtime, the enemy Rein ulted me and just as he was about to get his second swing in and finish me off, our own Rein came in out of fucking nowhere and charged his ass against a wall. I got off a quick rez and our Ana boosted our Rein for the win.

God damn. Almost back to 2600.

It's moments like this where the game truly shines. God damn, that sounded like a hell of a comeback.
running offense and there's a hanzo AND a widowmaker and two anas



I had some awful games today some people were straight up TOXIC and some were straight up sabotaging us. I almost wanted to uninstall the game after being called the F word.

I called it Eichendraw. :p

The majority of my games on that map have still been draws, with neither team even really coming close to capping A.

I've gotten like 5 on hanamura


4th placement match was the biggest rollercoaster ever.

It's on Liijang Tower and we get absolutely steam rolled the first 2 rounds. We're just getting dominated and I'm just playing really shit anyway. Missed a lot of headshots... with Reaper lol.

Anyway, it's obvious that we are losing because we aren't coordinating our attacks. Everyone would constantly split up which is annoying as I should be the only one veering away from the group. Anyway, I spam group up before the 3rd round begins and as expected, we go on to actually stand a chance and manage to win the next 3 rounds consecutively with all of them being extremely close. Man it was rough but we somehow pulled through.

Even though we won, I can tell today I'm missing easy shots so I'm coming off after 1 match instead of continuing knowing I'm not at my best.

How have the others gone?


Sick of bastions in enemy teams, see him always at least 7-8 out of 10 games.

Can't do shit if i'm forced to pick a healer.

Heard bastion is a noob killer (i'm a noob).


I've been playing Hanzo exclusively on the free weekend on the PS4 and it's been going great. I've owned the game since release on the PC but wanted to see what it was like on consoles out of curiosity. I might lower my graphics settings on the PC just for readability because it seems like I can just see so much more on the console because of the lower graphics settings. It's so refreshing to see a variety of characters running around instead of the same dumb cookie cutter comps. Also everyone is so quiet. Only people who talked was a small child playing reaper and some guy eating something very fleshy and squishy over the mic.

It's so much more relaxing when no one is talking and despite how awkward the controls feel for me I'm completely relaxed playing Hanzo which hasn't been the case since release since there are so many salty booty players in the PC who cry about seeing him even in quick play. The PS4 version has inspired me to hard commit slam picking him in comp for the PC for this season in solo q while pre-muting everybody and disabling the chat. I'm more convinced than ever this is the way to go.

Nice! I was thinking of downloading it and giving it a try. I wanna be the cancer sniper pick for once in my life.



I just had the craziest game on Eichenwald, I take back anything bad I said about it. It went to Overtime both rounds and I was playing Mercy, but the enemy team pushed the payload only just shy of the final destination. In our overtime, the enemy Rein ulted me and just as he was about to get his second swing in and finish me off, our own Rein came in out of fucking nowhere and charged his ass against a wall. I got off a quick rez and our Ana boosted our Rein for the win.

God damn. Almost back to 2600.

are you done with PS4? only PC now?
I called it Eichendraw. :p

The majority of my games on that map have still been draws, with neither team even really coming close to capping A.

Really? I haven't played it that much so far, but in every game I've done, A has been capped every time, by both teams.

Now, Anubis on the other hand, has been a draw every god damn time this season.


How have the others gone?

Currently 3 wins and a loss (in overtime). So not too bad. But a long way to go still. Might do another one tonight if I can get a couple of good games in QP.

I was going to ask you to group up initially but I know you're at Diamond so you're facing way harder opponents than I will just in solo queue. Think it's just better to solo queue for placements and wait for the group up next season lol.

How close are you to master now?
i just got my first currency drop

should i buy some of the common skins that I've been eyeing or save up?

I bought my favourite spray, voice line, highlight intro, victory pose and non-legendary skins for all my mains, rather than saved up. I know most people will save up, but imo the legendary skins are way too expensive, I'd rather get a bunch of cool stuff and hope that lady luck gives me the sweet legendaries (which she has, some of the time).


As Zarya I use my ult to suck in 3 foes. Hanzo Ults on them as they are stuck and kills them. Who gets the PotG?

Not Zarya

My team makes their last push to try and cap point during overtime and I pop my ult as lucio saving them all from a tire. Who gets the PotG?

Not Lucio.
Haha, tis a trick! It was I, Lucio!! With a 2 person environmental elim. Haha!



Currently 3 wins and a loss (in overtime). So not too bad. But a long way to go still. Might do another one tonight if I can get a couple of good games in QP.

I was going to ask you to group up initially but I know you're at Diamond so you're facing way harder opponents than I will just in solo queue. Think it's just better to solo queue for placements and wait for the group up next season lol.

How close are you to master now?

Placements looking good so far then. Not sure how playing with you in placements would work to be honest.
I'm at 3367 right now. Went up from 3223 to 3335 yesterday when I got invited by a guy on my friends list to play with his friend so hoping I can play with them again on Monday to get to Masters but they all got 6 man teams so might just try and climb myself.


Ah, leaver in the first round of KotH. Goodbye rank points

There's a specific spot to aim for and once you know it you can get them very easily.
Very bottom of the net from the ball that spawns on the table on the opposite side of the room

We can try! But I may have to leave if my ping is too bad. My PSN is TomABrook

I tired it twice in a custom game.
I am now one game away from 2100.

I hate people.

Down here it's two and three stacks that focus on each other and ignore everyone, or legitimately awful people who have no game sense.

I was so optimistic this morning, one game away from 2300.


I think I figured this game out:

Have a Zarya, a Lucio and a Zenyatta always on your team.

Genjis, Hanzos, Ana, Widows, Torbs, Symmetra and Bastions, should switch to another character.




i had a potg when i revived one person and healed a bit. Not my finest, but i control life and death and it's about time potg's respected this.


Man, I'm so torn right now.

My girlfriend recently got the game and is very excited to play it with me. But I swear, it is impossible to win a single game with her on my team.

At first I didn't mind, we were having a good time, but after 10+ consecutive defeats (with me getting multiple gold medals) I think I'm starting to lose my will to live.

I know I should be happy (and I am! I promise!) about us playing together but god damn it, losing is not fun.


Man, I'm so torn right now.

My girlfriend recently got the game and is very excited to play it with me. But I swear, it is impossible to win a single game with her on my team.

At first I didn't mind, we were having a good time, but after 10+ consecutive defeats (with me getting multiple gold medals) I think I'm starting to lose my will to live.

I know I should be happy (and I am! I promise!) about us playing together but god damn it, losing is not fun.
Discard female, acquire skill rating points.
Man, I'm so torn right now.

My girlfriend recently got the game and is very excited to play it with me. But I swear, it is impossible to win a single game with her on my team.

At first I didn't mind, we were having a good time, but after 10+ consecutive defeats (with me getting multiple gold medals) I think I'm starting to lose my will to live.

I know I should be happy (and I am! I promise!) about us playing together but god damn it, losing is not fun.
Quick play?

I have a friend who only plays Reaper (help) and he's not even a particularly good Reaper. Averages 7 kills to 5 deaths. But I play with him anyway because I enjoy spending time with him, and I'm not playing Comp so it doesn't really matter. :p

Which characters is she picking? You could maybe subtly suggest she uses a character with either more survivability or more group utility, even if played mediocre-ly.
Man, I'm so torn right now.

My girlfriend recently got the game and is very excited to play it with me. But I swear, it is impossible to win a single game with her on my team.

At first I didn't mind, we were having a good time, but after 10+ consecutive defeats (with me getting multiple gold medals) I think I'm starting to lose my will to live.

I know I should be happy (and I am! I promise!) about us playing together but god damn it, losing is not fun.

There comes a time in every man's life where he has to decide between the love of his life...and his girlfriend.

Choose wisely, cut the cord!


Man, I'm so torn right now.

My girlfriend recently got the game and is very excited to play it with me. But I swear, it is impossible to win a single game with her on my team.

At first I didn't mind, we were having a good time, but after 10+ consecutive defeats (with me getting multiple gold medals) I think I'm starting to lose my will to live.

I know I should be happy (and I am! I promise!) about us playing together but god damn it, losing is not fun.

who does she play? And is this game really more important than your gf? LOL

tho, I have someone on my friends list that let his GF sit in for him once in a comp match while he went to smoke a cigaret... it did not go well. -__-!


What do you guys think of having 2 healers, 2 tanks and 2 dmg/support at all times? Should it be mandatory or are there games that are possible without?
I have been losing like 10+ games in a row and every time people just didnt care about this at all.
I wanted 2 healers and 2 tanks but had to choose between having one less tank or one less healer.


Man, I'm so torn right now.

My girlfriend recently got the game and is very excited to play it with me. But I swear, it is impossible to win a single game with her on my team.

At first I didn't mind, we were having a good time, but after 10+ consecutive defeats (with me getting multiple gold medals) I think I'm starting to lose my will to live.

I know I should be happy (and I am! I promise!) about us playing together but god damn it, losing is not fun.

I had this problem too, except the girl was the one that played a lot and I was the new player. The issue I had was that they would place me with players of her level and I was just getting to learn the game.

I had to tell her I need to play alone to learn the characters because me the level 3 vs a level 90 isn't going to be fair as they are way more comfortable with the game. So I played solo for a week and then returned and things got better. Give it time, soon she will be flying around the map getting 50 kills calling you a scrub for having to get carried.


What do you guys think of having 2 healers, 2 tanks and 2 dmg/support at all times? Should it be mandatory or are there games that are possible without?
I have been losing like 10+ games in a row and every time people just didnt care about this at all.
I wanted 2 healers and 2 tanks but had to choose between having one less tank or one less healer.

I adapt, depending on the map and gametype. In one such case, we had 4 Tanks, one Lucio and Symmetra, and we had the control points under lock-down.


It's totally possible to not do the 2/2/2 breakdown but the team has to play a bit cleaner or around that fact. You get a little less leeway with it. On the other hand, not doing it can give you distinct advantages depending on situation because you're loading up a little heavier in certain aspects.


What do you guys think of having 2 healers, 2 tanks and 2 dmg/support at all times? Should it be mandatory or are there games that are possible without?
I have been losing like 10+ games in a row and every time people just didnt care about this at all.
I wanted 2 healers and 2 tanks but had to choose between having one less tank or one less healer.
Definitely not mandatory. Single healer can be enough a lot times in amateur games and even in the pro scene 2/2/2 is not set in stone, you see things like triple dos, 3 tank/3 support, etc. It would take a lot of creative strategy opportunities away I think
What do you guys think of having 2 healers, 2 tanks and 2 dmg/support at all times? Should it be mandatory or are there games that are possible without?
I have been losing like 10+ games in a row and every time people just didnt care about this at all.
I wanted 2 healers and 2 tanks but had to choose between having one less tank or one less healer.

best combo imo.


I adapt, depending on the map and gametype. In one such case, we had 4 Tanks, one Lucio and Symmetra, and we had the control points under lock-down.

Were you a premade though? I'd presume if you were communicating a lot that it would be a lot easier with that setup.
I've just had people playing Hanzo on attack or Widow Maker on attack which can be viable in some situations but if they do not succeed they do not seem to switch heroes.
I don't know what to do anymore but maybe I'm just worrying too much and not having fun.
What do you guys think of having 2 healers, 2 tanks and 2 dmg/support at all times? Should it be mandatory or are there games that are possible without?
I have been losing like 10+ games in a row and every time people just didnt care about this at all.
I wanted 2 healers and 2 tanks but had to choose between having one less tank or one less healer.
I also think subbing a Mei for a tank can be incredibly effective on defense. Mei is a monster.
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