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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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Sorry I'm so late to the party but I heard from my cousin that the new map is terrible because the last room only has one entrance or something. He tends to get salty very easily so I'm not sure I should take his word for it.


This game has maybe most toxic and disrespectful community out of any MP game I have played. This shit must be worse than MOBA scene. You have your normal dipshits who are just toxic in chat, abusive towards others as much as they can. Then you have these fuckers who intentionally throw games by running to their death constantly or just idling in spawn until round is over.

"Ranked has more competitive minded players" my ass, same dipship trolls as in QP.
This definitely hasn't been my experience. I played a ton of competitive games in season 1, and it was way better than MOBA toxic rage. It's maybe on the same level of CSGO but probably less rage since I see people asking other players be reported less.

I think it helps that games are only 20-30 minutes fairly often. 30+ minutes is a nightmare of rage in any game.


Yeah, like, everyone ripped Genji apart and he got over nerfed. The only thing I heard people complain about here was his ult and nothing else. He's still good, but over nerfed(although the trap nerf was needed, as that was kind of unfair).

At this rate, the same thing will happen to Zarya.

Genji is still perfectly powerful. sitting in C-tier with Tracer, Reaper, and Mercy.

His nerf was perfectly reasonable. They removed the ridiculous double jump reset which allowed him to have prohibitive evasiveness, an unintended animation cancelling combo (OW is not an animation cancelling game), bullshit dashing through CC, and took away 2 seconds form his ult. His ult still wrecks face, combo'd or not, and good Genjis are still good, he's just not the headache he used to be unchecked.
Sorry I'm so late to the party but I heard from my cousin that the new map is terrible because the last room only has one entrance or something. He tends to get salty very easily so I'm not sure I should take his word for it.
You shouldn't.

That last point is very similar to Kings Row. At least it feels similar. And that map is one of the most liked here, so...


I love that people are fighting over Zarya and I'm literally just figuring out how to play her right, haha. LTTP in this thread too, even though I think I've come to the conclusion that this is my GOTY due to how much I've played it.

I need to finish my placement matches. I think I'll do that today. Maybe stream later that way I can get some advice from GAF on my play? Would anyone watch and give me advice?

Also, while we're on the subject of nerfs/buffs, what do you guys think Torbjorn needs? He's my most played character by far, and while I don't think he's BAD, I do think there could be some minor things done to him that would really help, like maybe being able to shoot his turret to fix it or maybe even just having it explode and do a small amount of AOE damage when it's destroyed.
Sorry I'm so late to the party but I heard from my cousin that the new map is terrible because the last room only has one entrance or something. He tends to get salty very easily so I'm not sure I should take his word for it.
I fucking LOVE the new map.
Unless he's talking about the actual castle itself (Which has two entrances) the final room has 2 long flanking routes that pretty much take you right next to the enemy spawn.

The hardest part of Eichenwalde (IMO) is the second checkpoint after you first capture the payload. It's the part I've failed most at.
Sorry I'm so late to the party but I heard from my cousin that the new map is terrible because the last room only has one entrance or something. He tends to get salty very easily so I'm not sure I should take his word for it.

There's a giant chokepoint at the final corner, yeah. But it is one of the least vertical chokepoints I can think of--anyone in the air pretty much has free reign. NinjaEdit: Clearly I need to play this map more... I didn't realise there were side entrances.

If you mean the door itself, same deal, except there's multiple side entrances.


the holder of the trombone
That's because top play mainly uses him for his ult. Even Seagull said that. So the triple jump and combo nerfs didn't affect them really that much.

I'm talking about everyone else here.

They very rarely balance at our level though, so I don't think it's as relevant.

Also I still see him as the flanker of choice in vertically oriented maps like hollywood, dorado and numbani. After the nerf I still see top tier players like shadowburn, Tviq and nanohana doing insane plays with him even without his ult.

He can't fly across the map anymore but he still gets to places where few other characters can with ease.
I love that people are fighting over Zarya and I'm literally just figuring out how to play her right, haha. LTTP in this thread too, even though I think I've come to the conclusion that this is my GOTY due to how much I've played it.

I need to finish my placement matches. I think I'll do that today. Maybe stream later that way I can get some advice from GAF on my play? Would anyone watch and give me advice?

Also, while we're on the subject of nerfs/buffs, what do you guys think Torbjorn needs? He's my most played character by far, and while I don't think he's BAD, I do think there could be some minor things done to him that would really help, like maybe being able to shoot his turret to fix it or maybe even just having it explode and do a small amount of AOE damage when it's destroyed.

I fucking LOVE the new map.

Hammer speed has to be fixed for one. Making lv 1 turret better would help too


Also, while we're on the subject of nerfs/buffs, what do you guys think Torbjorn needs? He's my most played character by far, and while I don't think he's BAD, I do think there could be some minor things done to him that would really help, like maybe being able to shoot his turret to fix it or maybe even just having it explode and do a small amount of AOE damage when it's destroyed.

I was thinking about it the other day. I think it's maybe about time they reverted the damage nerf on his turrets (same with Symmetra). I think the player base got better now for it not to be a problem anymore.
Genji is still perfectly powerful. sitting in C-tier with Tracer, Reaper, and Mercy.

His nerf was perfectly reasonable. They removed the ridiculous double jump reset which allowed him to have prohibitive evasiveness, an unintended animation cancelling combo (OW is not an animation cancelling game), bullshit dashing through CC, and took away 2 seconds form his ult. His ult still wrecks face, combo'd or not, and good Genjis are still good, he's just not the headache he used to be unchecked.
The thing about the triple jump nerf is that literally every Genji did it. It became second nature for most, including me. I never even though it was something special until I saw those patch notes because I just thought it was something that you don't think about much.
They very rarely balance at our level though, so I don't think it's as relevant.

Also I still see him as the flanker of choice in vertically oriented maps like hollywood, dorado and numbani. After the nerf I still see top tier players like shadowburn, Tviq and nanohana doing insane plays with him even without his ult.
I mean, these are some of the of the best Genjis in the world, of course they're gonna wreck everything. No nerf will affect them.

The triple jump nerf was uncalled for.


coming from dota it's funny to hear people talk about the trench

this is the first game to really make me believe it's real

i haven't won a game in over a week and literally every single match has had nonstop salt, flames, and premature ggs


The triple jump nerf was uncalled for.
I disagree with this, because at average / platinum levels, Genji is still a nightmare to pin down unless he burns his dash and ends up next to a Winston, or unless a McCree hits him with a flashbang while the reflect is down. He and Tracer are the most irritating champions to hit, and I'd rather the game didn't go in that direction.
Right, because if my avatar is Zarya, I definitely have a vested interest. I play a lot more D.Va than Zarya, as it turns out, and didn't turn up to bitch about the D.Va nerf because it was reasonable and her DM was slightly OP.

Just like D.Va, Zarya will get a minor adjustment if anything. And even if they nerf her into the ground, I'll just go play a different tank. It's not hard.

It's the situational irony that makes avatar quotes classic, not any actuality.

You seem to align fairly closely with how I feel about Zarya, in that she's counterable but very well-situated in the meta.

Doesn't change the fact that an avatar quote at that moment was well-timed. You should've seen that coming!
Can someone tell me how I as Ana get 3 golds on Hanamura attack. Elims, Healing, Obj Kills. When my team had a Zen, Winston, McCree, 76, Genji. Bronze damage at the end of it all too.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I was thinking about it the other day. I think it's maybe about time they reverted the damage nerf on his turrets (same with Symmetra). I think the player base got better now for it not to be a problem anymore.

The console symmetra nerf is the dumbest shit ever. At the time she was one of my most played but I never touch her now.

And yeah, torb didn't need to be hit now. The problem was always when the team had stacks which don't matter now.
The console symmetra nerf is the dumbest shit ever. At the time she was one of my most played but I never touch her now.

And yeah, torb didn't need to be hit now. The problem was always when the team had stacks which don't matter now.
I think Symm is still amazing at her best situations, turret nerf or not.

I agree it was a dumb nerf, but I think she is still just as good.

But yeah, bring Torb back. Everyone should have figured out how to counter him by now.
Can someone tell me how I as Ana get 3 golds on Hanamura attack. Elims, Healing, Obj Kills. When my team had a Zen, Winston, McCree, 76, Genji. Bronze damage at the end of it all too.

Simple, Winston dived in alone/without back up so he got burned down.

The others? Easy they couldn't hit the broadside of a barn. It's painfully obvious when you have a McCree that can't aim.

Which kind of leads to me to another question... Why are so many players, so dead set on only/mostly playing a DPS Hero when they're mechanic skills (well aiming honestly) are questionable at best.

Also I never understood the obsession with the same DPS Heroes always wanting to flank instead of pushing up with the team. It's like fighting with the team is such a bizarre idea to them.


3 groups of 2 against a 6 man premade on Ilios and we managed to win lol. I would be really salty because of this matchmaking otherwise.


Idk if eichenwalde first choke point by the mini bridge is either a worst version of temple of anubis or if people are to stupid realize the can jump over it.

Little of column A and a little of column B me thinks
Simple, Winston dived in alone/without back up so he got burned down.

The others? Easy they couldn't hit the broadside of a barn. It's painfully obvious when you have a McCree that can't aim.

Which kind of leads to me to another question... Why are so many players, so dead set on only/mostly playing a DPS Hero when they're mechanic skills (well aiming honestly) are questionable at best.

Also I never understood the obsession with the same DPS Heroes always wanting to flank instead of pushing up with the team. It's like fighting with the team is such a bizarre idea to them.

And you hit everything spot on.

Winston kept flanking on the left side on virtual suicide missions.
76 activated his ult from one of the platforms then quickly jumped down into the trench area...where no one was at.
Zen was trying to help the genji at times but was quite unsuccessful.
McCree kept getting shot down by their PharMercy combo.

Their Zarya kept shielding their Pharah.
Pharah had a pocket Mercy
Their McCree was good
The Dva kept denying the genji
Their Zen had orb on either Mercy or Zarya.

I'm sitting back hoping for a regroup that never came, so I just keep trying to snipe into the point and heal people from at range cause I really wouldn't suicide into the point.


People in this game are insufferable sometimes.

Like, good for you Hanzo player. You have a bunch of gold medals in a ranked nepal game.

Meanwhile, your team lost every round. And then you proceeded to call us faggots and tell us to suck your dick on mic because the rest of the team asked you to switch.

Shit like this makes me not want to play OW at all.
And you hit everything spot on.

Haha. Playing mostly support really opens your eyes to how disjointed and maligned alot of players are.

I'm not saying I'm some god tier player, I'm not, I know my faults, I painfully know them.
But there are matches you know you'll lose instantly only after a minute or 2 of just observing your team.



Haha. Playing mostly support really opens your eyes to how disjointed and maligned alot of players are.

I'm not saying I'm some god tier player, I'm not, I know my faults, I painfully know them.
But there are matches you know you'll lose instantly only after a minute or 2 of just observing your team.

Then there are times when magically they all spawn in a way that allows the team to actually coordinate sorta and you actually manage to win. Hah.


It's the situational irony that makes avatar quotes classic, not any actuality.

You seem to align fairly closely with how I feel about Zarya, in that she's counterable but very well-situated in the meta.

Doesn't change the fact that an avatar quote at that moment was well-timed. You should've seen that coming!

I'll admit I was kind of waiting for it to happen :)

Home now, anyone wanna dick around on PC?
Had a Rein on Hanamura offense who kept running into the first point and dying. I immediately thought "well, this is a loss." Well, he got his shit together and we rolled through the second point and won the match.

These people exist, the people who change things. They feel rare, but they're there and I love them.


the holder of the trombone
People in this game are insufferable sometimes.

Like, good for you Hanzo player. You have a bunch of gold medals in a ranked nepal game.

Meanwhile, your team lost every round. And then you proceeded to call us faggots and tell us to suck your dick on mic because the rest of the team asked you to switch.

Shit like this makes me not want to play OW at all.

I mean, definitely don't call people those things or ask people to suck your dick, but I've been wondering about people automatically calling people to switch because it doesn't fit the meta. If what he said is true and he's doing his job by securing picks does he necessarily need to change or is it more on the rest of the team?

Like I'll bitch about people's picks here, but I mostly just let people play what they want at the start and then ask them to change if it doesn't seem to work out. Mostly just a polite "I'm cool with you playing what you want first up but can you please change if it doesn't work".
Haha. Playing mostly support really opens your eyes to how disjointed and maligned alot of players are.

I'm not saying I'm some god tier player, I'm not, I know my faults, I painfully know them.
But there are matches you know you'll lose instantly only after a minute or 2 of just observing your team.


Yup, I pretty much main tanks and support now so I can easily see how bad a lot of DPS's are.

I've long since come to the conclusion that this is why ELO Hell exists.

1: Most people pick DPS
2: Because most people pick DPS the game will skewer stats up since DPS stats are weighted higher.
3: Because of the higher DPS stat weighting they get into higher ranks after placement.
4: Since a lot of the DPS players are absolute garbage the moment they're forced to actually pick a non-DPS or have to coordinate they're lost.
5: Because you also have good players who are not DPS making their way up the ranks, as well as good DPS in said ranks, the bad ones will very easily start losing many games quickly.
6: Since the bad DPS were skewered so high initially, when everything comes into place you're gonna be falling down fast.
7: Good tanks / support are way less in number than DPS. So chances are you will join a group with bad DPS players.
8: Most bad DPS players think they're awesome because they see gold medals when in reality they're not really contributing. Whats the point of getting say 90 elims but you're sitting back while your team gets ripped apart on the point. Blame the team is the first option, but what about actually killing the enemies while standing on the point?

Just cause you hit Diamond doesn't mean you're safe from the bad DPS. There are A LOT of them still making their descent. Some might have some skill and slow the descent but they're still falling.

This is why I really want replays to come out. If a person isn't told what exactly they're doing wrong they will never improve and until people improve we'll be stuck with a million bad DPS players.
This game has maybe most toxic and disrespectful community out of any MP game I have played. This shit must be worse than MOBA scene. You have your normal dipshits who are just toxic in chat, abusive towards others as much as they can. Then you have these fuckers who intentionally throw games by running to their death constantly or just idling in spawn until round is over.

"Ranked has more competitive minded players" my ass, same dipship trolls as in QP.

People in this game are insufferable sometimes.

Like, good for you Hanzo player. You have a bunch of gold medals in a ranked nepal game.

Meanwhile, your team lost every round. And then you proceeded to call us faggots and tell us to suck your dick on mic because the rest of the team asked you to switch.

Shit like this makes me not want to play OW at all.

I really enjoyed the free weekend, but hearing shit like this is a major turnoff, especially since i have zero interest in competitive play, metagames or whatever the fuck. Even in Quick Matches? Why? What happened to fun? Blizzard shouldn't allow their game to cater to people like this.

Maybe I should just stick to Splatoon. This is why when people say "lol no voice chat" or "lol not balanced for true competitive play" I can only think, halle-fuckin-lujah.


the holder of the trombone
I really enjoyed the free weekend, but hearing shit like this is a major turnoff, especially since i have zero interest in competitive play, metagames or whatever the fuck. Even in Quick Matches? Why? What happened to fun? Blizzard shouldn't allow their game to cater to people like this.

Maybe I should just stick to Splatoon. This is why when people say "lol no voice chat" or "lol not balanced for true competitive play" I can only think, halle-fuckin-lujah.

You can disable voice/text chat. Or stick to quick play where people are much looser.


Typo? Did you mean Rez of the Game?

I've done it before. It's certainly possible.

It probably helps that the match lasted less than 5 minutes.

It's possible. I still need to upload my Ana POTG which I treasure highly lol.
Tired of this man. Putting in work getting no love, while mercy since this last patch gets rez of the game every 4 seconds

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