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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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The Zen carry is real after having a bad losing streak. Heal and Discord is amazing and you are legit DPS as long as you can hit your shots.

Consistently have had about 10,000+ healing and 10000+ damage over the last couple games. Zen can cover up so many bad things about a team comp.


Yeah I tend to just dabble in a lot of heroes but never really go out of my way to master one. But I need to actually get good with a tank as I can't depend on solo queue anymore.

At least you cover extremely solid picks for all 3 main classes. Versatile enough for me.

Btw, how would you recommend I play Zarya? I feel like I do extremely well at holding points but when the payload is moving, I'm dieing far too quickly.
Just did numbani with zarya which is a payload going 65/12. Played pretty aggressive. Just went forward with a genji while they trickled in and kept killing them.

What I usually do is play further back than the DPS, then bubble one under fire. Charge forward and bubble to take fire and retreat. Wait for the cool down before engaging. Any non mobile hero primary fire them. Alternate between alt and primary for mobile so you can affect their momentum. Take out support or force them to ult then use your ult. Dvas meka and Reinhardt shield is also high priority.

Focus on anyone out of position too. If you have your bubble and charge at least 30-40 you should win as they will have to damage your shield getting you to 80-90 and you'll shred them.

Managing your bubble is key. Many other heroes rely on baiting your bubbles such as roadhog mccree or tracer but you can bait their hook, flash bang or pulse bomb if you play smart.

If you got any other questions lemme know.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Hahaha... no. I'm 1613. Had 3 teammate DCs, a troll Mei in spawn, and 2 all-but-me DPS/ Junkrat teams in Solo Placement. Went 1-7-2. 1680 ranking. Lost first two matches and went back to QP, where I don't have to watch a real-time meter of how badly I'm doing.

And for the record, I'm not a shit player. Average at best, but I'm a good teammate. I talk, I take the Tank/ Healer hole my team always seems to leave, and I always encourage and thank. The problem with my SR is that I don't take chances. I stay with my team, I stay alive, and I concentrate on healing/ defending the point. I don't go for kills with Rein, I block damage and chase off snipers/ shallow flankers as D'Va, and stay central to my team and the payload as Lucio. I have a close to 60% (QP) win-rate with those 3.

Or I suck and I won't admit it. Also a possibility. https://www.overbuff.com/players/psn/thethinwhiteduke
if you have advice for me, or just want to pile on. I can take either.
I placed lower than I thought I would, at 2300, but I'm around 2700 now consistently climbing about 100 pts every time I decide to get a ranked session in. The biggest issue in low ranks is the inability to kill/finish people off. My mid-rank carry was DVA, since she could protect dummies, shift to go finish people who are weak, her ult murders people who are bad, and plenty of armor to be able to survive tough situations. She can carry while not having to be overly reliant on the rest of the team, unlike Zarya/Reinhardt.

Try her out, play with the team, eat enemy ults, etc.
Yeah I tend to just dabble in a lot of heroes but never really go out of my way to master one. But I need to actually get good with a tank as I can't depend on solo queue anymore.

At least you cover extremely solid picks for all 3 main classes. Versatile enough for me.

Btw, how would you recommend I play Zarya? I feel like I do extremely well at holding points but when the payload is moving, I'm dieing far too quickly.

With Zarya you synergize best with people who dive the enemy team: Winston, Reaper, Genji, D.Va. Bubbling those people is important on offense otherwise you won't have any charge at all when the enemy team actually gets an engage on you. You typically want to stick back and fire bombs at them until you have charge. If they have a Rein, try to double bubble his firestrike and you'll have full charge from that. Once you have charge, go to the front lines and bomb groups while using the primary fire on anyone who is separated from the group or their tanks.

I do want to point out that she's actually interesting in that the better your offense heroes are, the more worthless you are in some cases. She relies on the enemy team staying alive long enough to put out a decent amount of damage to charge her up. If your team is stomping, you honestly aren't going to do much for half of the payload offense. That doesn't mean you aren't doing your job though. If you don't have charge, just keep bubbling the dive heroes and stick far enough back to stay alive, then try to combo graviton.
Okay, do we have a name for this phenomenon?

Push payload just about the entire way. Stall like fuck. Whole team waits till just about Overtime. Suddenly, everyone actually plays the objective.

Usually ends in failure, but not necessarily.

College football calls it Clemonsing.


so beautiful. The Pharah on my team was ulting and the Rein had his shield up protecting his entire team... the Ana on my team puts him to sleep! xD

simply beautiful.

The Zen carry is real after having a bad losing streak. Heal and Discord is amazing and you are legit DPS as long as you can hit your shots.

Consistently have had about 10,000+ healing and 10000+ damage over the last couple games. Zen can cover up so many bad things about a team comp.

yeah, went Zenny earlier today to force a draw. It was pretty cool :D
Okay, do we have a name for this phenomenon?

Push payload just about the entire way. Stall like fuck. Whole team waits till just about Overtime. Suddenly, everyone actually plays the objective.

Usually ends in failure, but not necessarily.

College football calls it Clemonsing.

I call it the "Playload of the game"

Since the reason it seems to work is because people stop flanking and are all huddled around the payload. Which means the Payload is healing your entire team almost as good as a Lucio. And because everyone is piled on top of each other, enemies come into field of view to your entire team all at the same time, which means they get taretted/focus fired at the same time.
So to confirm:

Rarely does this game drop in price because blizzard

ps4 version is going strong? I noticed some long matchmaking times but I assume that was because they were searching for good opponents?
So to confirm:

Rarely does this game drop in price because blizzard

ps4 version is going strong? I noticed some long matchmaking times but I assume that was because they were searching for good opponents?


Comp queue times can average 1-3 minutes, but the games are fucking quality games. I've literally never had a game lag where it wasn't my own fault (Downloading something huge on my PC while playing at the same time).

Quckplay queue times average 20-90 seconds.


mmkay, so a friend of mine that reached diamond on PS4 said they did it by using Pharah, mostly... looks like it's time for me to get better @ the Sky Jackal! >_>


mmkay, so a friend of mine that reached diamond on PS4 said they did it by using Pharah, mostly... looks like it's time for me to get better @ the Sky Jackal! >_>

Pharah on console is really good because of controller aiming. On PC she gets picked out of the sky like duck in Duck Hunter.


Thanks for the advice guys!


About longevity: do we have an idea of how many more maps and modes and characters are planned? I worry about this lasting on ps4, as it seems like a pc game.

Orange box didnt do so well last gen, but that may just be irrelevant

About longevity: do we have an idea of how many more maps and modes and characters are planned? I worry about this lasting on ps4, as it seems like a pc game.

Orange box didnt do so well last gen, but that may just be irrelevant

Very irrelevant. On console we get major patches within a week of PC. Sometimes it's the same day.

Sometimes smaller balances patches skip up and lump into bigger patches.

It's hard to tell about content right now since the game is so young. But blizzard has said at any given time there are always four maps and four new characters being worked on. Usually 2 near complete maps and 2 alpha maps. Characters are harder to tell.


Just lost 40 SR points because 3 people left my team after defence round. Thanks Blizzard. That makes a lot of sense. I get 4 gold medals and left in a team of 3 but it's completely fair to dock me 40 points.

zarya's best at weaving in and out of fights depending on her cooldowns. stay in the middle of the pack, shield people when enemies dive them, spam right click at range, and always communicate ult status.

Just did numbani with zarya which is a payload going 65/12. Played pretty aggressive. Just went forward with a genji while they trickled in and kept killing them.

What I usually do is play further back than the DPS, then bubble one under fire. Charge forward and bubble to take fire and retreat. Wait for the cool down before engaging. Any non mobile hero primary fire them. Alternate between alt and primary for mobile so you can affect their momentum. Take out support or force them to ult then use your ult. Dvas meka and Reinhardt shield is also high priority.

Focus on anyone out of position too. If you have your bubble and charge at least 30-40 you should win as they will have to damage your shield getting you to 80-90 and you'll shred them.

Managing your bubble is key. Many other heroes rely on baiting your bubbles such as roadhog mccree or tracer but you can bait their hook, flash bang or pulse bomb if you play smart.

If you got any other questions lemme know.

thanks for the tips! I'll keep them in mind as I practice with her.
Zarya's one of those heroes that really depends on you understanding the other heroes and how people will play them. Knowing when a Roadhog is likely to hook or whom a Tracer will tunnel vision onto, knowing how when your friendly Reaper will be vulnerable again after vaping, it all helps.

More than with almost any other hero, you need to be able to read what will happen next. Easily more than half of my Zarya deaths are because I had a dumb read on something and wasted a bubble at a key moment.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
fucking random plays comp to "practice".

I fucking hate this game.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Not sure why Blizzard is putting me with multiple star/high levels, but I don't like it and wish they'd stop.


Chie is the worst waifu
Just lost 40 SR points because 3 people left my team after defence round. Thanks Blizzard. That makes a lot of sense. I get 4 gold medals and left in a team of 3 but it's completely fair to dock me 40 points.


They really need to fix this.

Why should I get penalized because some douchebag ragequits on my team?


Just visited the Battle.net forums to see what they are saying about OW.

My god... they call console players peasants lol!

Didn't know that was still a thing, I can only imagine what the reddit is like.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Levels isn't a great indicator of skill. They may have more map familiarity than you, but Blizzard is pretty good about matching skill levels.

Nah, dude. Playing with people that have put in 20+ hours a week as someone that puts in 15-30 mins a week isn't fun. Don't care if Blizzard is trying to MMR level, but I don't like it all the same.
Hey, just wanted to see if anyone was up for some games. If you are, send a friend request to h3xantistyle#1975
I've got one more with me just wanted to see if we could get a good group.


Is there a known bug for Spectating/Joining games on PS4 with players on your friend list?

I've had people join my game (Hello Undignify, should have a working mic tomorrow!) but whenever I try to do it, the option's not there in the 'Social' menu option.
Guy starts out as Hanzo, picks Widowmaker, then picks Hanzo again. Thank god that was against an easy team. I didn't even get mad, I just chuckled.


Is there a known bug for Spectating/Joining games on PS4 with players on your friend list?

I've had people join my game (Hello Undignify, should have a working mic tomorrow!) but whenever I try to do it, the option's not there in the 'Social' menu option.
Hey. They might not be in a game for you to join if the option isn't there.
Is there a known bug for Spectating/Joining games on PS4 with players on your friend list?

I've had people join my game (Hello Undignify, should have a working mic tomorrow!) but whenever I try to do it, the option's not there in the 'Social' menu option.

You can't spectate competitive games. That's probably what is happening.
I placed lower than I thought I would, at 2300, but I'm around 2700 now consistently climbing about 100 pts every time I decide to get a ranked session in. The biggest issue in low ranks is the inability to kill/finish people off. My mid-rank carry was DVA, since she could protect dummies, shift to go finish people who are weak, her ult murders people who are bad, and plenty of armor to be able to survive tough situations. She can carry while not having to be overly reliant on the rest of the team, unlike Zarya/Reinhardt.

Try her out, play with the team, eat enemy ults, etc.

Excellent, thank you! D.Va's my main by a large margin, but I always seem to have to fill the Healer role. Is it okay to be selfish in Comp and pick her first and let the chips fall as they may? Healing doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere.

I'm too scared to play anymore right now lol. See if I can get that illusive Diamond rank tomorrow. Come oooon Blizzard!
im fucked aren't I?


the holder of the trombone
Reaper, bastion, widow, mccree, pharah, roadhog kinda.

Basically as long as you can deal big damage to her outside of M1 range (other than reaper, but reaper beats almost everything close range)
Okay, do we have a name for this phenomenon?

Push payload just about the entire way. Stall like fuck. Whole team waits till just about Overtime. Suddenly, everyone actually plays the objective.

Usually ends in failure, but not necessarily.

College football calls it Clemonsing.

As a Gamecock fan I appreciate the reference.

Just lost 40 SR points because 3 people left my team after defence round. Thanks Blizzard. That makes a lot of sense. I get 4 gold medals and left in a team of 3 but it's completely fair to dock me 40 points.

Based on the timing of this you might have been in my game. It was Numbani and we had one dude leave after making it until only 15 seconds left on defense. It is getting so frustrating that I might stoop so low that I start sending messages to these idiots.
Anyone in here order the Overwatch Olly Moss prints from July have them show up yet? He said they were shipping out two weeks ago on twitter but I've yet to receive a notification.


They really need to fix this.

Why should I get penalized because some douchebag ragequits on my team?

An obvious solution is to not take away SR for anyone not in the group of a leaver. That's all you have to do to prevent it being abused. It's fucking embarrassing that Blizzard can't sort this out in the second season of the game. But we'll get told "you can always earn the SR you deserve". No you fucking can't with Blizzard actively working against players.

Based on the timing of this you might have been in my game. It was Numbani and we had one dude leave after making it until only 15 seconds left on defense. It is getting so frustrating that I might stoop so low that I start sending messages to these idiots.

Nah it was on Temple of Anubis. The annoying part is, we held the last point until the final minute so it's not even like the time was bad. After a minute, the opposing team realised there was only 3 of us in attack and forced us to stay in spawn for the remaining 3 minutes.
Still hoping to get some guys to join in on me. The hope is to build a regular group that would be playing at around this time, so far I've got one other person interested.

bnet h3xantistyle#1975


the holder of the trombone
An obvious solution is to not take away SR for anyone not in the group of a leaver. That's all you have to do to prevent it being abused. It's fucking embarrassing that Blizzard can't sort this out in the second season of the game. But we'll get told "you can always earn the SR you deserve". No you fucking can't with Blizzard actively working against players.

I'm even iffy on not taking it away for people outside the group. It's going to lead to a lot of blameshifting, "oh you've been fucking sucking the whole fucking game leave so you don't ruin it for the rest of us asshole", just all round toxic behaviour. Randos can be very good at rallying around to bully people they see as the problem.

You already see that when people directly insult people playing characters not deemed "meta", and while I'm not a fan of some people who main certain characters, FUCK that sort of behaviour. I don't want anything encouraging it more.


I am but a humble console peasant, languishing just under 2500 - and the other night I had the weirdest bloodycomp match ever.

Once upon a time, there was a lone healer, doing her very best with a team that just refused to group up with the tank on Lijiang.


It was going awful. Like, super, super awful. I was our lone healer (started as Lucio, wasn't working, switched to Mercy, was equally terrible - and Mercy is my 'main'). We had a single tank - a Rein - and the other team was your classic 2-2-2 (Mercy, Lucio, Soldier, Tracer, Rein, D.Va). I've seen comps like ours work before - but we were getting stomped.

They were absolutely owning us. At the end of round 2, I ran to the point at 99% to try to trigger overtime as the healer, immediately was killed, and my team starts emoting 'thanks'! at each other.

The tank switches to Reaper.

I figure "well, fuck it - might as well have some fun" and switch to Tracer.

And then, this happens.


Now this is not my best Tracer work by a long shot - this is - but oh my God I have never seen a match swing like this, and never seen such an insane comp work (we were Tracer, Soldier, Junkrat, Reaper, Bastion + Genji).
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