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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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instead of nerfing Zarya (which is probably coming... >_>) Blizz should just put huge numbers over her head indicating her charge level. IMO, a big reason why peeps just let Zarya go unchecked a lot of the time is because they don't know what charge level she's at (regardless of how bright she's glowing) and brush her off... I think if peeps could see how high her charge is at any given moment it would be very difficult for her to survive long in a match... <_<


instead of nerfing Zarya (which is probably coming... >_>) Blizz should just put huge numbers over her head indicating her charge level. IMO, a big reason why peeps just let Zarya go unchecked a lot of the time is because they don't know what charge level she's at (regardless of how bright she's glowing) and brush her off... I think if peeps could see how high her charge is at any given moment it would be very difficult for her to survive long in a match... <_<

If people can't tell the difference between this, that's their fault, not the game's

instead of nerfing Zarya (which is probably coming... >_>) Blizz should just put huge numbers over her head indicating her charge level. IMO, a big reason why peeps just let Zarya go unchecked a lot of the time is because they don't know what charge level she's at and brush her off... I think if peeps could see how high her charge is at any given moment it would be very difficult for her to survive long in a match... <_<

You can tell from how much she's glowing. High energy is clearly visible. If she's glowing somewhat she's at the medium range. Not glowing means she's dead meat solo
Please don't nerf Zarya, she's so much fun :( nothing in OW gets me more hyped then jumping from one melted hero to the next. Once you get that ebb and flow going you feel unstoppable.


If people can't tell the difference between this, that's their fault, not the game's


You can tell from how much she's glowing. High energy is clearly visible. If she's glowing somewhat she's at the medium range. Not glowing means she's dead meat solo

when you are in a firefight (esp on koth) and there are explosions everywhere it's hard to notice if one character is supercharged or not, not to mention there are a lot of intricacies about this game/characters in general peeps just DO NOT know offhand. Like for instance many peeps (still) don't know Zarya's shields absorb fire and charge her in the first place. LOL


when you are in a firefight (esp on koth) and there are explosions everywhere it's hard to notice if one character is supercharged or not, not to mention there are a lot of intricacies about this game/characters in general peeps just DO NOT know offhand. Like for instance many peeps (still) don't know Zarya's shields absorb fire and charge her in the first place. LOL

People should stop worrying about charging her because she'll be charged no matter what. Even if you never fire on her, you will hit her teammates inadvertedly who are bubbled. Once she's maxed out, that's a good time to really try and focus fire on her since she's maxed anyway. Pop her bubbles and take her out.


when you are in a firefight (esp on koth) and there are explosions everywhere it's hard to notice if one character is supercharged or not, not to mention there are a lot of intricacies about this game/characters in general peeps just DO NOT know offhand. Like for instance many peeps (still) don't know Zarya's shields absorb fire and charge her in the first place. LOL
I like that the game has a fairly steep learning curve. I like that it took dozens of hours for me to realize what Zarya even does in the first place, let alone the hundreds it took before I tried her out for myself.

I like that I've played this game for hundreds of hours and I'm still learning new things, that's why I laugh when someone like Angry Joe plays the game for a week and then tries to say it lacks depth and content.

Maybe you're right, maybe someone at Blizzard will agree with you and a change like that will happen down the line, but I don't think it's necessary.
I like that the game has a fairly steep learning curve. I like that it took dozens of hours for me to realize what Zarya even does in the first place, let alone the hundreds it took before I tried her out for myself.

I like that I've played this game for hundreds of hours and I'm still learning new things, that's why I laugh when someone like Angry Joe plays the game for a week and then tries to say it lacks depth and content.

Maybe you're right, maybe someone at Blizzard will agree with you and a change like that will happen down the line, but I don't think it's necessary.

lmao did he actually? holy shit


Old Mei Ult

Freeze! Don't Move (Watch as everyone gets out of the Ult unless they are already backed into a corner.

New Mei Ult

Freeze! Don't Move (Watch as the person you actually throw the Ult on gets frozen, and anyone else who is just super unobservant.

Realize the following characters can get out of Mei's Ult with relative ease:


Hell, a Lucio can get his entire team out of a Mei Ult with a non-cooldown abilitiy.

I think the heroes I see getting frozen the most by Mei ults right now are the tanks and any supports that happen to be bunched up with them not paying attention. Multiple times in the last few days I have seen either our team's or the opposing team's Rein/Roadhog/Zarya getting frozen with an Anna/Zen/Mercy somewhere close by that may or may not have the presence of mind to get out of the pink circle.

That being said, it is big enough that low mobility heroes can't get out of it as easily as they once could. If they aren't paying close attention they are going to end up as an iceblock.


Okay I made it in to platinum! I was expecting a straight nose dive into silver but I went pro Zenyatta and helped my team hold the first point in Echenwalde. They have to do something about the map though on the last point. It is ridiculously difficult to get it over the line. We did a 6 man wipe but Mercy (first killed) made her way back in time to do a 3 person res.
I had a real WTF moment yesterday, I was chasing a McCree and somehow he died, turns out Pharah stealth saved me.. GIF is short I popped my ult right at the very end of the GIF, one of those find out what happens next on NEOGAF.com

It was a quintuple kill for the win, as the payload marker was right there

You have no right to tell people to switch if you're DPS, you switch if you think your team needs a Tank or a healer.

ehhhh, I kind of agree but also if you're the first spot and you get a DPS and then the 5 other people proceed to pick DPS I think you have a right to bitch.


lmao did he actually? holy shit

His review was pretty ridiculous all around. He even complained about getting stomped by premade teams, unless you're in your own premade team, which really doesn't happen very often. The matchmaking is usually very good about equalizing the grouped up players on either team.
His review was pretty ridiculous all around. He even complained about getting stomped by premade teams, unless you're in your own premade team, which really doesn't happen very often. The matchmaking is usually very good about equalizing the grouped up players on either team.
I laughed when people said his scores vary a lot and he doesn't use the traditional video game review scale only to look up all of his reviews and see the lowest rating was a 5. Lol.

But yeah I'm now rank 21 and I hardly get stomped by premades.
A fun little thing that happened yesterday in QP, made me feel good:

Had an absolutely awful match on Volskaya that I joined right after my team capped Point A on Attack (how they did that I just do not know) and I was playing an Attack Widowmaker and I did incredibly well, and even got a quad at one point and yet my team just wouldn't go on the point. Of course we ended up losing despite having nearly 5-6 minutes to get Point B.

At the end though,the enemy team made fun of our team with the exception of me who they all complimented, saying I did an awesome job as Widowmaker and that they were terrified of having me snipe them. Felt really good and I'm glad I seem to be getting better with her. Widow on Attack is fun as hell when you know to constantly be moving your location with her grapple.


His review was pretty ridiculous all around. He even complained about getting stomped by premade teams, unless you're in your own premade team, which really doesn't happen very often. The matchmaking is usually very good about equalizing the grouped up players on either team.

eh, i see groups vs singles all the time in matchmaking. the question is whether the groups are actually good, communicative, and synergistic which often isn't the case.
Is there a way to mute certain individuals on PS4? Or to set up a separate voice chat?

Basically I'll be playing with two other people later and we'll be shooting the shit. I'm sure others don't want to listen to us and we probably don't want to talk with randos either.


Is there a way to mute certain individuals on PS4? Or to set up a separate voice chat?

Basically I'll be playing with two other people later and we'll be shooting the shit. I'm sure others don't want to listen to us and we probably don't want to talk with randos either.

Make a party. Overwatch defaults to group chat over team chat, anyway, so you don't even really need to do that.


Is there a way to mute certain individuals on PS4? Or to set up a separate voice chat?

Basically I'll be playing with two other people later and we'll be shooting the shit. I'm sure others don't want to listen to us and we probably don't want to talk with randos either.

do party chat.

or just turn off team chat and put group chat into auto-join in the sound options.
Make a party. Overwatch defaults to group chat over team chat, anyway, so you don't even really need to do that.

OK cool we'll try that. This is all very new to me since most of my online multiplayer has been on Nintendo systems.

And Killzone 2 and Chu Chu Rocket, way back when.

Edit: And I'll check LiK's recommendation too. I forgot how I did this shit in Destiny.
Is there a way to mute certain individuals on PS4? Or to set up a separate voice chat?

Basically I'll be playing with two other people later and we'll be shooting the shit. I'm sure others don't want to listen to us and we probably don't want to talk with randos either.

Scroll down to user you want to mute
Hit X
Hit "Mute"

does that lower accuracy ratings in the stats screen? i never do it because I don't wanna mess up my accuracy stat lol

No, anything that happens before the actual time starts doesn't count towards anything.


I think I need to practice with Tracer more, she is a bit more useful on higher end play.

I used to practice with Widow, but she is weak now :/

ehhhh, I kind of agree but also if you're the first spot and you get a DPS and then the 5 other people proceed to pick DPS I think you have a right to bitch.

Yeah, but if you want to have a better composition for your team, you should take the initiative yourself unless you play a role that nobody else plays like a healer.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Zarya's beam range is ridiculous.

I don't care what anyway says but that definitely needs to be nerfed.
Always a nice opportunity to kill yourself with Soldier 76's rockets, Pharah, Zarya, or Junkrat (am I missing someone else that can kill themselves in spawn?).

I've thought about this, since the current "Meta" is to set up choke points or whatever and let the attackers come out of spawn as they need to.

What's to stop an attacking team from beating the shit out of themselves, so their healer/supports get their Ults crazy early?


Zarya's beam range is ridiculous.

I don't care what anyway says but that definitely needs to be nerfed.

Absolutely, really the only thing that needs to change. I said it the day after the patch and was basically told I was a fool, lol.

You cannot give that kind of range to someone who can melt every character in the game AND be nigh impossible to kill at times, on top of bailing her teammates out of situations that would have otherwise killed them. She has no weakness right now, her limited beam range kept her in check.

does that lower accuracy ratings in the stats screen? i never do it because I don't wanna mess up my accuracy stat lol

Not to single you out, but I find this to be a silly thing to worry about. I'm constantly laying down fire if I think someone is rounding a corner or choke point, accuracy percentage doesn't mean anything.


Zarya's beam range is ridiculous.

I don't care what anyway says but that definitely needs to be nerfed.

It's approx. 25 feet which is similar to Roadhog hook range (21 feet).

Her range increases as her power increases.

I'm pretty sure this is not the case. Hasn't it always been 25 feet regardless of power?

Edit - Actually its meters, not feet. But yeah, it hasn't gotten longer on the PC and it doesn't get longer the more she charges. Furious Paul's guide says Zarya's beam is only 15 meters so I'm not sure who to believe.


I've thought about this, since the current "Meta" is to set up choke points or whatever and let the attackers come out of spawn as they need to.

What's to stop an attacking team from beating the shit out of themselves, so their healer/supports get their Ults crazy early?
Healers don't charge Ult off self-inflicted damage, even after the game starts.


Also looking at the Furious Paul guide for Zarya he notes that her beam gets wider as her power level increases which increases the beam's hit box making it easier to damage enemies. It does not get longer, however.


Her beam def feels longer than before. Way more noticeable when she's maxed out. That thing is huge. I should take a screencap


Not to single you out, but I find this to be a silly thing to worry about. I'm constantly laying down fire if I think someone is rounding a corner or choke point, accuracy percentage doesn't mean anything.

Yeah, especially when I'm playing Zenyatta. Spamming his attacks head-level at a corner people are likely to be running around works wonders. I'll take the extra elims and damage over a few points on the accuracy stat.


Also looking at the Furious Paul guide for Zarya he notes that her beam gets wider as her power level increases which increases the beam's hit box making it easier to damage enemies. It does not get longer, however.

Zarya can hit Pharah now from a pretty decent height, which was definitely not possible before this latest patch on console.


I'm pretty sure Zarya's beam range has always been ~15 meters. It's just easier to hit with it now.

One thing I noticed about Zen players at my level is that they def use his charged shots. DEATH

It's great to use it against Mei when she freezes herself.
People say Zaryas OP because she gets picked a lot in tourneys and Lucio still has a higher pick rate smh
not saying Lucio is OP by any means.
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