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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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What is going on with matchmaking today? 5 games, 4 of them all Koreans except me and they have been the most lopsided games I have ever played.
I've been matched up with Asians all day as well lol one I think was Chinese by his gamer tag _cn

Lag has been horrendous as well I dropped nearly 1,000 sr.... Im done for today
The Mercy's I keep on playing with need to stop using rez as soon as they see the little notification on the screen, if you can live for a few more seconds, position yourself so you can get more of your team, basically threw a match because they only got the 1 Zarya and none of the other 4 dead.
Any balance talk should always start with Symmetra. Either Blizzard up her DPS somehow and move her to the defense class, or they give her healing or better shielding abilities that builds her teleporter. She is not fine as she is, especially on console.
Let her weapon and turrets lock on to multiple targets like Winston, that's sure to make her a force to be reckoned with.
And make her stupidly broken
My personal biggest change is making it so Bastion and Junkrat don't promote really dumb play. The fact you can effectively stand behind a wall and lob grenades across the map or that the only way you'll ever get anything done as Bastion is camping makes fighting those two an utter pain. They're not OP by any means but they just suck the fun out of every game because the only way to play them effectively is by being "that guy"

Also Symmetra needs all the love in the world. Poor gal has a really fun playstyle but the only way you'll ever get to pull it off is stage 1 Numbani or stage 1 Anubis

I'm with you on the "forever range" and bounciness of those Junkrat shots. Very frustrating.

I've watched some of Kor of Memory's streams this week though, and he's turned me around on an attack Bastion. If you're careful with him you can do very well between both modes.


A friend at work gave me his old scuf controller (the paddles were broken but w/e, I bought those for $13). What's your current mappings? I have mine bound X (left) - Square (right), I'm not sure that is optimal but he didn't give me the electromagnetic key thing to remap them (yet). I'm liking X on the left, not sure what to do on the right paddle.

just default X on left and O on right. mine doesn't have electromagnetic key since i bought the base one with no changes. the sucky thing about that is i cannot play Genji with fromt he way i had it originally binded with DS4. the paddles are int he way for it. i do enjoy playing all other heroes with it.


is there some kind of bug where the game/lady stops announcing how much time you have left and b4 you know it 'MATCH COMPLETE' and it's like waaaaaaaaaat? T__T
I'll probably stop playing Overwatch briefly to play ROI, but once the raid gets to farm status for me I'll do it three times a week and then probably mostly play OW. Drop in for IB and stuff. Destiny PvP always pissed me off for me to get too hooked.
When did you last play? I'm level 306 or so and have no idea how the game has changed since TTK. I'd love someone to walk me through it, or to just go through and get geared up to be ready for ROI with someone.
I currently have X on the right and circle on the left. Mostly because I'm much more dextrous in my right hand and jumping is normally done with the right thumb anyway. I don't use the left paddle for much else other than teabagging

Hmm might have to try X on the right, I'm struggling with left paddle/L1/L2 when trying to hit the button I want reliably, I'm getting overwhelmed with Zarya especially, I just press the wrong button 7/10 times. For some reason my mind can't process Left paddle, then L1 or L2, I figure it's muscle memory and I just have to build the habit, but if right paddle (X) works more reliably I'll go with that.


When did you last play? I'm level 306 or so and have no idea how the game has changed since TTK. I'd love someone to walk me through it, or to just go through and get geared up to be ready for ROI with someone.

February. I think my highest character is something like 318 with his highest gear. I haven't done any of the April update stuff yet either. I'd be happy to play with you Sunday evening if you're free

Hmm might have to try X on the right, I'm struggling with left paddle/L1/L2 when trying to hit the button I want reliably, I'm getting overwhelmed with Zarya especially, I just press the wrong button 7/10 times. For some reason my mind can't process Left paddle, then L1 or L2, I figure it's muscle memory and I just have to build the habit, but if right paddle (X) works more reliably I'll go with that.

I'd highly recommend it. I had X on the left paddle and couldn't wrap my mind around it, even though I mapped jump to L1 for a few characters. Once I had X on the right things clicked within minutes. It helps that there are very few characters I feel I need both R1 and R2 attended to simultaneously, whereas with Genji (for example), I need immediate access to both L1 and L2.


With some dynamic positioning and occasional assistance from Rein or DVA, Bastion can really hold down B on Anubis. Most attack teams (at least the ones at my crappy level) aren't coordinated enough to take him down.

it was crazy! We held point A, didn't have a Rein, the enemy team had an INSANE Tracer + Pharah, and they kept us from taking point B earlier. It was an awesome 'faith restored!' moment. :'D
February. I think my highest character is something like 318 with his highest gear. I haven't done any of the April update stuff yet either. I'd be happy to play with you Sunday evening if you're free.
Depending on your time zone evening might be when my beloved Buccaneers are playing but after the game, definitely. I'm also free tonight and all of tomorrow, though I'm sure you wouldn't have mentioned Sunday if you were free at those times :p
Just allow Symmetra to heal in some manner and she'll see a lot more use.

Widowmaker, make it her grappling hook can latch on anything and she can choose to hang on it. Allow her to snipe from anywhere making it difficult to track her. Let her hang from on top of buildings or other obscure angles. Right now part of the problem is that there's only so many places a WM can use.

Torb, change his turret a bit. If he has scrap he can build the turret on walls or ceilings.

Bastion. Change up his manual repair thing. Make it like Dva's defense matrix. He can heal himself anywhere anytime but it's gauge goes down. Make it a slower repair too to balance it.
We sure the 3x3 is gonna take off? Haven't tried it myself but I thought people where saying it ain't that great if they have good mid range DPS on the enemy team.

3x3 was inevitable in many ways because of the power creep of the support characters versus the whittling down of damage dealers when they get a toe out of line. It's the result of multiple factors. First, the 1 hero limit while stopping a lot of cheese also prevented the stopping of other cheese. You can't have more than one reaper to stop tank spam which can be done with multiple types of tanks as opposed to the same tank. Second, there's no effective way to stop ult charge. Unlike TF2, you can't make someone "drop their uber" all you do is delay the inevitable a bit. The third issue, and related to the second, is that this everyone gets a trophy design when it comes to ults creates an extremely counter intuitive effect where if you do "good mid range DPS" without being able to complete the kill that you've set yourself further back than if you done no damage at all. I wrote about this last problem in an embarrassingly huge essay I wrote on reddit 2 months ago and more people have clued in on it. The term that gets bandied around now is "trash" damage or "garbage" damage. Basically, in a game with heavy sustain if all you do is whittle at people you feed ult charge to the supports.

This is a huge reason why soldier 76 went straight back into the dumpster and why despite the fact people rarely rag on a soldier pick he's actually hard to play well. Even before they fiddled with his rifle out of fear of scripters soldier struggled to complete kills unless you were reallly good with tracking and landing his helix rocket. Soldiers tend to build up high damage and eliminations form tagging everybody but have lower final blows than other dps characters. Bad soldiers are major offenders in feeding enemy support ults for this reason. This is also why I go hard in the paint defending Hanzo as a good hero because even a bad Hanzo who just spams until he gets a lucky headshot is actually MORE helpful because of how absolute his burst is. By missing he actually prevents feeding enemy supports because he's not doing damage and when DOES do damage it's in a huge chunk which directly leads to an elimination. Chip damage in overwatch is a liability and Hanzo's whole toolkit circumvents that problem.

It's one of the ironies of Overwatch's balance. The game was designed to be straight forward and simple but it's simplicity in many ways created unintentional complexities. In this case it's wrong to shoot at people in an FPS game unless you have certainty you can kill them otherwise it sets you back.


When did you last play? I'm level 306 or so and have no idea how the game has changed since TTK. I'd love someone to walk me through it, or to just go through and get geared up to be ready for ROI with someone.

Why bother with gearing up now? The expansion will catch you up quickly I'm sure if past expansions are anything to go by.


I just lost 32 skill rating because the game crashed while maximizing... before the game started. And to add insult to injury I'm suspended for ten minutes.
Here's the other thing. Let's say you're playing 2x2x2. If you're one of the DPS, you damn well better have golds and silvers. It's literally your job to get the kills. So having golds doesn't mean that you're maximizing your effectiveness or making enough of a difference in the game. It just means you're not being embarrassingly bad.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Damage without elims is just feeding ult charge to enemy support. Typically, bad junkrats just point to gold damage as the reason why they aren't switching when it means almost nothing at all.

Junkrats are not an attack player, they are a defense one, who is not meant to get kills. It is also not up to him to get kills, and if he is sending out that much damage it means the DPS characters are not pulling their own weight and killing what little health is left after Junkrat has damaged them.
Damage without elims is just feeding ult charge to enemy support. Typically, bad junkrats just point to gold damage as the reason why they aren't switching when it means almost nothing at all.

Okay that makes sense. I was thinking medal hog = getting medals across all stats, which to me means you're definitely accomplishing something. But yeah, if you don't have a gold or silver medal in damage as Junkrat you're doing something wrong, and if you only have a gold medal in damage with Junkrat you're definitely doing something wrong.


Junkrats are not an attack player, they are a defense one, who is not meant to get kills. It is also not up to him to get kills, and if he is sending out that much damage it means the DPS characters are not pulling their own weight and killing what little health is left after Junkrat has damaged them.

The problem is some people see/play Junkrat as a DPS character. But the fact is, if I'm putting out colossal damage as Junkrat but I'm not getting elims, I have to question what exactly I'm doing wrong by letting people take significant chunks of damage but letting them get away to heal.


Any balance talk should always start with Symmetra. Either Blizzard up her DPS somehow and move her to the defense class, or they give her healing or better shielding abilities that builds her teleporter. She is not fine as she is, especially on console.

I understand if you want a character to be a niche pick, but Symmetra is too niche. First point Dorado, first point Eichenwalde, first point Anubis but you'd probably want a Junkrat, first point Hanamura but you'd probably want a Mei. And that's only on defense, and she's classified as a support. Why would you want a Symmetra over Zen or Ana as a secondary support anyway? Zen and Ana are infinitely more helpful to the team.

Blizzard thinks she's perfectly fine on attack though (they've said it). What can Symmetra really do on attack? Her primary range is only 5m, not to mention to deal decent damage you must latch onto to someone for 3 seconds. Her weapon is good for getting rid of squishies and supports, but how would she successfully do this on attack? Her weapon is more or less designed for enemies to come to her, or to spam down chokes. Her turrets require initial setup, basically only effective if the enemies are coming to you. I can't see a way where your turrets are going to do much on attack. Her shields are all around worthless, nothing to really talk about there. Her teleporter all around has the same issues, and it's really only useful on attack after a failed capture, that is if Tracer hasn't already found it, destroyed it, and killed you.


We've gone over why junkrat is largely useless a dozen times and it always goes back to "but I feel like I'm doing something! I have x gold medals and" which misses the point.
Tl;dr version- his damage is fairly useless in comparison to other characters, it's easy to heal through, and the cases where you get a kill you could have done it with someone else. He will constantly feed ult, a term that people misuse a lot, but he truly does.


I just had the weirdest match in ranked, both teams capped really quickly on Volskaya, and a group rage quitted after the 2nd round.

Right after they left, instead of announcing who will attack next, the game randomly decides to throw us into King's Row, as if the match just began for the first time. Everyone and 2 randoms that joined were there.

I had this happen to me last night, weirdly enough it was also on Volskaya. We were just about to complete round 1 on Defense having held point B and the server just crashed and loaded us into Nepal where we got stomped.

Maximizing your healing potential above all else is not "doing it right".

Playing Lucio correctly means using your speed boost more liberally than the average QPer. It can also mean knowing when to engage enemies by knowing when your involvement with your gun and melee can help focus down certain targets in a team fight. Trying to just put yourself in the middle of your team to make your healing numbers go up higher might give you some personal satisfaction but it won't necessarily help you win.

I've personally witnessed this on KotH several times. Lucio can have enormous healing numbers, big elims and big obj time and the team still lose. Sure the stats look great but if speedboost is there for a reason and needs to be used effectively to get the most out of Lucio.

That's what killed my SR. Lock your best player as early as possible (if in solo, obviously), or find a group of 2 or 3 to team up with. Best chances to win. Filling holes for ingrates is just an L waiting to happen.

Yep. I learned this towards the end of S1. I stopped picking necessary picks and just went with who I was best with for a given map or segment and I got more wins and increased rank. It isn't foolproof because there are 5 other people on the team who can cause the game to go down in flames but in solo que it is certainly a better strategy.

Sure, here it is. Video starts at the time iddqd encounters the Bastion main.


Dude, that was freakin histerical. I laughed along with them.


i get plenty of Elims as Junkrat. I don't play him defensively at all and it always fucks up the enemy teams. It's fun.


Managed to climb from the pit of 1776 or whatever I was at after the first game was a loss, up to 1910. I can almost see the light now. Enough for today.


The 'nerf Zarya' talk is overwrought imo. She's a tank. She's supposed to be tough to kill but by no means too tough. She has low health for a tank, and her shields have decent cooldowns for the protection they provide. Once she's used it, she's vulnerable for a long time. Zarya's also weaker to hitscan heroes - most of the offense heroes - as it should be imo. Good Zaryas are reactive, and you can't react to hitscan, only predict.

I also very much like that her bubble ignores *everything* but that it also doesn't last super long. She has a get out of jail free card of crap like Mei's ult, but on the flip side she's now lost her most valuable, general tool for several seconds and in some situations won't have billed much charge for it. More to the point, I like universal overrides in games with lots of crazy abilities, provided they're carefully balanced to expose the user to danger once they've been used, which the bubble very much is.

And if you're still having trouble, remember Overwatch is a team game. Kill the supports so Zarya can't fight on the front as much. Half her life is blue shields but from personal experience they take a long time to regenerate without supports and stop the instant she's chipped.

Edit: And very important, don't feed Zarya. I mean, this has always just been a suspicion of mine, but I think some people attack Zarya when the shield's up to just get through it, but I always stop attacking a bubbled target unless I know my team's with me in just killing it. I also think allot of people just don't *know* how the character works... or don't care? I can't keep track of how many out-of-mech Dvas I've fought who have seen me bubble and, by themselves, continued firing. Bro, you're not winning this one.
I hate junkrat cause so many times when I'm trying to kill him with a DPS character he just blindly fires his grenades and most of the time they just bounce around until hitting me. Especially in smaller spaces.


Managed to climb from the pit of 1776 or whatever I was at after the first game was a loss, up to 1910. I can almost see the light now. Enough for today.

You've done enough, now rest. :) Plus, this afternoon crowd has been horrible, you want to avoid that right now.


Managed to climb from the pit of 1776 or whatever I was at after the first game was a loss, up to 1910. I can almost see the light now. Enough for today.
Is the next rank 2000?


Depending on your time zone evening might be when my beloved Buccaneers are playing but after the game, definitely. I'm also free tonight and all of tomorrow, though I'm sure you wouldn't have mentioned Sunday if you were free at those times :p

Yeah, today and tomorrow are pretty full for me unfortunately

Destiny lets you buy Rep now ROFL

Mmm, that's not how I understand it. Either way, rep isn't super useful and you can get the same rep boosts through packages you can just earn by playing the game anyway. It'd be like if Overwatch loot boxes had XP boosts inside of them, that you could also buy separately.

Managed to climb from the pit of 1776 or whatever I was at after the first game was a loss, up to 1910. I can almost see the light now. Enough for today.



Let her weapon and turrets lock on to multiple targets like Winston, that's sure to make her a force to be reckoned with.
And make her stupidly broken
Yeah that would be nice. But I want them to change her up in a way where she is not absolutely not needed on the team beyond the first defense point.

Blizzard thinks she's perfectly fine on attack though (they've said it). What can Symmetra really do on attack? Her primary range is only 5m, not to mention to deal decent damage you must latch onto to someone for 3 seconds. Her weapon is good for getting rid of squishies and supports, but how would she successfully do this on attack? Her weapon is more or less designed for enemies to come to her, or to spam down chokes. Her turrets require initial setup, basically only effective if the enemies are coming to you. I can't see a way where your turrets are going to do much on attack. Her shields are all around worthless, nothing to really talk about there. Her teleporter all around has the same issues, and it's really only useful on attack after a failed capture, that is if Tracer hasn't already found it, destroyed it, and killed you.

I would love if people at Blizzcon asked the OW devs how they think Symmetra is fine as she is.

Bastion should be second on the balance talk. I was watching his reveal trailer and thinking maybe giving him his 1000 shield would help him a bit in the meta.


Managed to climb from the pit of 1776 or whatever I was at after the first game was a loss, up to 1910. I can almost see the light now. Enough for today.

go duckroll \o/

i get plenty of Elims as Junkrat. I don't play him defensively at all and it always fucks up the enemy teams. It's fun.

See above. "I do x or y" doesn't really solve why people say hes bad in many situations.

I know reapers trash in many setups, I use him and do well, it sure as hell isn't optimal :p

And very important, don't feed Zarya. I mean, this has always just been a suspicion of mine, but I think some people attack Zarya when the shield's up to just get through it, but I always stop attacking a bubbled target unless I know my team's with me in just killing it. I also think allot of people just don't *know* how the character works... or don't care? I can't keep track of how many out-of-mech Dvas I've fought who have seen me bubble and, by themselves, continued firing. Bro, you're not winning this one.

This. If she has full charge, she isn't OP, your team messed up if anything.
Unless she ate like, a d va ult with someone.
Does anyone have any tips for playing Reinhardt (aside from don't be a wuss and push sometimes)? I feel like I have an issue with earthshatter where I either hold it too long or I don't use it effectively. He's one of the tanks I feel like I should learn to play better.


I missed something. How did you get placed so far below your actual skill?

I wasn't placed there. I placed 2289 or something. I had a few days of pure losing streaks regardless of what groups of friends I played it. A combination of bad luck, 6-stack matchmaking with wide skill ranges within the members, tilting, and some matches were everyone just honestly played like shit. Lol. It wasn't pleasant!
A quick youtube search on ELO Hell gets a bazillion overwatch videos on how to get out. So yeah it's definitely a well known term in overwatch.
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