Damn. I played against a really good Mercy- and she was only level 27. She was flitting everywhere, alternating between heal and boost perfectly, and rezzing at just the most inopportune time (for us). I (D.Va) started hunting her down, passing up easy kills just to get to her. Wiped her repeatedly in one Attack/ Defense game on Volskaya. We won both rounds.
Then we go to the next match and SHE'S ON MY TEAM! I was so happy. We were emoting in chat, and she followed me to start out. At which point I had pretty much the worst two games in a row I can remember. Like, under 1.0 K/D, with every 50/50 decision I made turning out poorly. I was mortified. We lost both games badly.
I was planning on Friend Requesting her on PSN, but, after the debacle, was just too ashamed.
So, it you're reading this, MRT-RULES, you are an amazing Mercy. Sorry I shit the bed.