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Overwatch |OT5| 15 Million Strong, None Are On The Payload

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the holder of the trombone
I feel like this is only really true at the highest levels of play.

Take it from me, there are tons of less skilled players in the lower ranks that like Soldier and Pharah, because it's easier to output damage. You need to be a better aim to get the most out of a MCcree.

I honestly wonder how much the problems being spoken of here are minor to Blizzard when they look at the full scope of character usage across all levels of play. Will they tune specifically for the higher level and hope for a trickle-down effect, or are they content with character usage being very different and predictable at the highest levels?

Oh yeah, obviously we're only talking about pro meta here. Anything under has too many variances to really be a gauge for anything.

Like right now I'm still not comfortable with speed boosting as lucio because I don't actually know if my teammates know how to take advantage of it at my pleb level. Sometimes it works, sometimes I'm all by myself to eat cheese at the objective.


And I would agree with this. Except they have characters like Junkrat and Mei to already do this, and they aren't good enough. Defense is still better off just running a Lucio/Zen powerhouse team too and just run themselves into the fight first.
Yeah. Mei is weird because just purely buffing her would just make playing against her feel even more like torture.

Actually that's kinda true for most of the defensive heroes.
Can we just remove Widowmaker from the console version entirely instead of pretending she's ever useful? Or at the very least just lock her out of KotH? I've literally never had a good Widow on my team even once, and I've only seen good ones on the enemy team maybe 2 or 3 times, an that was only before she got nerfed. Like, she is seriously just completely useless as things are now.


Yeah. Mei is weird because just purely buffing her would just make playing against her feel even more like torture.

Actually that's kinda true for most of the defensive heroes.

Yup. That's why I'm not on the train of thought of "just buff defense heroes." That sounds okay in theory, but how do you buff them to compete with something as strong as team wide 110% movement speed?

However you're going to accomplish that will probably just create a whole new set of problems while also destroying lower level play more than likely.

I'll admit I mostly focus on high level play, but I am aware of what kind of changes impact low/mid level. I try to suggest stuff that isn't going to fuck with lower level players as much.


And I would agree with this. Except they have characters like Junkrat and Mei to already do this, and they aren't good enough. Defense is still better off just running a Lucio/Zen powerhouse team too and just run themselves into the fight first.

Anne, you wrote a pretty comprehensive write up about why the Defense heroes aren't working, but it felt to me that it was contingent on Speedboost+Discord making rushes too overpowering for defense heroes to meaningfully stop.

I took it to mean that defense heroes ARE good, just undermined by the Zencio combo. Do you think that if that was properly brought in line, the Defense heroes would be more viable?
Some games explicitly say "hey, we balance for the professional/competitive scene and we understand that means things are going to be seemingly unbalanced or unfair at lower skill levels", fighting games are a prominent example. Others say, "we're not as worried about this being professionally competitive but want to make sure that the game is fun and balanced for the average player".

Where does Overwatch fall? Honestly I'm not sure what Blizzard's intention is (and the fact that hero stacking took so long to address suggests they weren't sure either). My guess is they lean more towards the Hearthstone philosophy of things feeling cool and impactful and not caring as much about whether it's ideally balanced at the top end for players with amazing FPS accuracy. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it makes it easier to make and defend decisions once you know which end of the spectrum you want to shoot for.


Anne, you wrote a pretty comprehensive write up about why the Defense heroes aren't working, but it felt to me that it was contingent on Speedboost+Discord making rushes too overpowering for defense heroes to meaningfully stop.

I took it to mean that defense heroes ARE good, just undermined by the Zencio combo. Do you think that if that was properly brought in line, the Defense heroes would be more viable?

To a degree. I feel like that combo is so good it isn't even giving them a chance to be good when they do have positives.

That being said nobody really knows what a universe without Lucio + some dumb support looks like. I know Mei and Junkrat would be better. At the same time, Pharah might reenter the meta which makes both of them worse. Would Pharah be enough to stop them from being run, or can McCree + them be nough? I dunno.

Hanzo/widow are just ass for other reasons. Like, they are just hopelessly garbage as is. There will always be a better hitscan option than Widow as she is now. Hanzo /might/ have some wiggle room as an offense hero at some point maybe? He's just so unreliable outside of certain map specific scattershots and other nonsense.

Torb and Bastion Idk about. Those are the two I really have no clue how they would work in a conventional team unless something new pops up. I do know Torb benefits a lot from having Lucio/Zen being toned down. Like he literally cannot do his job at all while they exist. I just dunno know enough about what Torb looks like. Bastion will probably always be really niche/bad. He's designed more or less to be that way so he can appeal to newer players that need the DPS. He'd be a really meta-dependent hero.

All the defense heroes are designed to be more meta-dependent tbh, just the current meta blows them all out of the water and they all fail at countering what they are supposed to counter.


really dumb ideas for defensive hero reworks. i am not using the shift key so you can tell how not confident i am in these ideas

1.) maybe change torbjorn so that he doesn't have to purely rely on the aftermath of battles to gather scrap? maybe he can pull scrap from something else? maybe the "scrap" resource is just a meter that starts out full and slowly recharges (and persists through death??) At least that way you don't neuter that aspect by rushing a point as fast as possible. but running around a battle collecting scrap is a pretty fun experience.

2.) maybe rework mei so that her ice gun actually hurts but no longer freezes yet still lowers movement speed, and instead of acting like the weird "beam" or" flamethrower" as it does now, it instead persists in an area a little while like a gas? and running forward with it shortens it's reach and running backwards "extends it", so that it's discouraged to use her as the secret 7th offensive hero and encouraged to use her in a way to make the enemy's offensive stop running towards your direction. make her Ice wall allow all allies to walk through somehow. I dunno, it's magic now?

3.) just change bastion. i dunno how you do it. just do it. everybody can counter him now, pubs can easily counter him now. when you're in a team that can't it feels like undergoing cancer. everybody hates him. significantly lower his damage but maybe his bullets cause you to slow down or very lightly knock you back? maybe while under fire you get a "suppression" debuff that lowers your accuracy? how you change his downsides so that he can still be used I dunno. i'm shooting wild here.


It is interesting that the support heroes seem so hard to balance.

Other than defense heroes being generally trash and mccree deleting pharah and soldier out of existence-

I guess tanks are generally good! Except for zen deleting roadhog too-

I was absolutely victimizing a Rein in the last game I played. He drops his shield, it's game over.


Blizzard wanted my team beat, I lagged out and I'm assuming my teammate did


I have to know what I missed.

We both managed to solo queue onto opposite ranked teams

Lijiang Tower
They crush 1st point
We put all of our heart and energy into winning the next 2 rounds pretty easily
4th game I and another one of my teammates lag out
5th game we show back up and make a comeback victory


Finally i hit the Rank 60. Solo ranking can be a huge pain in the ass and some matches were intense as hell but when the season ends i will be able to get that Golden Bow of Hanzo so i think it'll be worth it.


If it makes you feel any better, I didn't get any exp because the game bugs I guess when you leave and come back. Just says "placement match status" and showed my placement match record


Hanzo/widow are just ass for other reasons. Like, they are just hopelessly garbage as is. There will always be a better hitscan option than Widow as she is now. Hanzo /might/ have some wiggle room as an offense hero at some point maybe? He's just so unreliable outside of certain map specific scattershots and other nonsense.

Well, I don't think Widow is meant to be the highest DPS. She's meant to be the highest DPS that you can't immediately respond to because she's half the map away from you. The problem with Widow, as I see it anyway, is that she is completely and utterly helpless as soon as someone decides to go after her ass. She has no way to respond to the vast majority of the heroes just being medium range, let alone close range. If a sniper is picking off heroes from a distance, she doesn't really need to be the highest DPS hitter, the same way Tracer doesn't need to be killing enemies when her thing is to be an annoying twat that keeps the enemy distracted. She needs a better ult, more mobility, and maybe the ability to lay down more than one poison mine at a time, and she might actually be able to survive long enough to make a difference. So she needs a buff to her kit.

Hanzo is the same way, though more midrange. You need to be good at him, but his arrows can be an unholy mess if you can get consistent headshots or even hits with it. But I play at a mid-skill range, so maybe I'm talking out of my ass. I just have been effective as Hanzo and had an effective Hanzo against me, and we might see a resurregence in a post Zencio world.

That said, Pharah re-entering the meta is a concern. Her counters SHOULD be Hanzo and Widow, but aiming is hard, moreso on console.


Well, I don't think Widow is meant to be the highest DPS. She's meant to be the highest DPS that you can't immediately respond to because she's half the map away from you. The problem with Widow, as I see it anyway, is that she is completely and utterly helpless as soon as someone decides to go after her ass. She has no way to respond to the vast majority of the heroes just being medium range, let alone close range. If a sniper is picking off heroes from a distance, she doesn't really need to be the highest DPS hitter, the same way Tracer doesn't need to be killing enemies when her thing is to be an annoying twat that keeps the enemy distracted. She needs a better ult, more mobility, and maybe the ability to lay down more than one poison mine at a time, and she might actually be able to survive long enough to make a difference. So she needs a buff to her kit.

Hanzo is the same way, though more midrange. You need to be good at him, but his arrows can be an unholy mess if you can get consistent headshots or even hits with it. But I play at a mid-skill range, so maybe I'm talking out of my ass. I just have been effective as Hanzo and had an effective Hanzo against me, and we might see a resurregence in a post Zencio world.

That said, Pharah re-entering the meta is a concern. Her counters SHOULD be Hanzo and Widow, but aiming is hard, moreso on console.

I mean, really what does Widow do besides deal damage? She is a DPS that gets her damage from farther away. The farther away part doesn't matter though cause McCree/Soldier just outright deal higher and more consistent damage. Her ult is cool but it's not worth losing the damage over. I guess I shouldn't call Widow ass, she's just not good enough to be meta the way she is now in comparison to other DPS heroes. If things slow down she'll be a bit better but even then, why not McCree?

Hanzo is similar except he actually can output more damage. The problem is his damage is really inconsistent, so why would you pick it? Unless tournament players become psychics with amazing aim (I won't rule that out), they'll just pick McCree. Even in psychic aimbot pro player land McCree probably deals more damage on average.


maybe make widow's spider mine cause you to trip the fuck out? increases your survival rate against those getting trying to get your ass while adding something unique.

maybe shorten her grapple hook cooldown so that in the right hands she can kite fools?


I wouldn't be opposed to her mine having a small % slow. I know CC isn't the most fun thing and a game shouldn't be littered in it, but that seems in character and like a useful thing.


maybe getting hit with the spider mine causes Widow to disappear from your vision

I mean, we're getting a stealth hero anyways


I really hope that if we get any more nerfs/buffs to Tobjorn, McCree, Widowmaker, Hanzo, or Symmetra, Blizzard finally balances them separately on PC and Consoles as they mentioned earlier. On PC, I see widowmakers and McCrees sniping opponents from half the map away, but on PS4 I haven't seen a widowmaker get any notable amount of kills, much less a play of the game showing off headshots. On PC, Tobjorns get wrecked constantly, but on PS4 randoms always struggle against those turrets (even sometimes in competitive, where there is only once turret). It just makes sense IMO.


I mean, really what does Widow do besides deal damage? She is a DPS that gets her damage from farther away. The farther away part doesn't matter though cause McCree/Soldier just outright deal higher and more consistent damage. Her ult is cool but it's not worth losing the damage over. I guess I shouldn't call Widow ass, she's just not good enough to be meta the way she is now in comparison to other DPS heroes. If things slow down she'll be a bit better but even then, why not McCree?

Hanzo is similar except he actually can output more damage. The problem is his damage is really inconsistent, so why would you pick it? Unless tournament players become psychics with amazing aim (I won't rule that out), they'll just pick McCree. Even in psychic aimbot pro player land McCree probably deals more damage on average.

Well, like you said, you speak from a place of high-skill level. I'm not ever going to be on that level, and I'm fine if Widow and Hanzo are never used by the best of the best.

The strength that I see in Hanzo/Widowmaker over McCree is that while on average they have a lower DPS, they have a potentially higher kills per shot. If you have a Widow/Hanzo that can deliver headshots at a decent rate, then that player is just DOWN immediately. There's no chance to respond, no healthpack to grab or healer to save you (besides mercy's ult), no ability to activate, no cover to take. They're just instantly back at the spawn.

The limitation to that is, of course, missing carries a greater punishment than on someone like McCree. And I feel that's a fair balancing move. Higher risk, higher reward. And in Mid-level play, this would work out just fine. People would maybe more consistently pick McCree, but he wouldn't be an instant win against the snipers. Even in high skill level, I would think some would see that and go "Yeah, maybe McCree might kill me 2 times out of 3, but if I can get some good shot in, then the advantage is for my team".

But even if not, I'd be satisfied in just making them viable in most settings, and in that condition, I feel Widowmaker and Hanzo would have a place on teams. They don't need to be completely, 100% optimized, just good enough that they're worth using.


At least you were able to get to 67. I've been stuck between 64-65 for the last few days.

67 seems to be a struggle against full groups. I think I'll just end up playing with groups of 2-3 max. We seem to have better luck that way. So apologies to all Gaffers who want a full group.
67 seems to be a struggle against full groups. I think I'll just end up playing with groups of 2-3 max. We seem to have better luck that way. So apologies to all Gaffers who want a full group.

That seems to be the consensus. It's just that 6-man teams are almost always super coordinated, especially at higher ranks.



Okay I laughed

67 seems to be a struggle against full groups. I think I'll just end up playing with groups of 2-3 max. We seem to have better luck that way. So apologies to all Gaffers who want a full group.

Also hi wait this is the exact thing I did and your response was deleting me on everything, ranting at me, and telling me to screw off and called us a plethora of names from elitist to saying stfu on my post, this is just...really....weird to read. Not trying to actively be mean, but you really went off at me and are doing the same thing just two weeks later.

Bringing it up because you really subtweeted hard and went off at me and went from being cool around me to just downright hating me over it in two days time yet you're doing it too, that's hardly fair to me.


they should unironically rework mei so that she's actually good and not miserable to with and against
What if they made her be able to skate along using her blaster like she does in that one highlight intro she has.

Think Frozone.


6v6 GAF games? That's already happened. Multiple times. It ended in sadness every time.

That sadness should be met with the realization that we have to get better. It's our call to GIT GUD!

It's good practice to play the game it was intended to be. If we lose, we should strive to get better! not take the easy way out!
It's in the refrigerator makes me die, the way he says "the jellos jiggling" is just the best.

I believe you mean to say it makes you die, die, die.

C'mon man, you gotta unleash your inner edgelord. Don't fear it. Embrace it.

That sadness should be met with the realization that we have to get better. It's our call to GIT GUD!

It's good practice to play the game it was intended to be. If we lose, we should strive to get better! not take the easy way out!

I didn't start playing Overwatch to be challenged. I was just here for the dank ass memes and then you all had to go and make it a serious thing.



I believe you mean to say it makes you die, die, die.

C'mon man, you gotta unleash your inner edgelord. Don't fear it. Embrace it.

Any time someone disagrees with me? Die Die Die

But then it'll be like BST where it's an ongoing joke that ends up as the next OT title and then I have to flee in shame ;_;
Any time someone disagrees with me? Die Die Die

But then it'll be like BST where it's an ongoing joke that ends up as the next OT title and then I have to flee in shame ;_;

Hey man, I didn't say you had to resort to murder now. I think that might be against the GAF ToS.


I believe you mean to say it makes you die, die, die.

C'mon man, you gotta unleash your inner edgelord. Don't fear it. Embrace it.

I didn't start playing Overwatch to be challenged. I was just here for the dank ass memes and then you all had to go and make it a serious thing.


Ive always found playing 6v6 gives me a certain edge when using my "Group Up" command and when to use it. I had a masterful use of the group up command in my game against Lik today. Our team was being weird and not sticking together, so I spammed that shit 3 times and we all grouped up. I felt like a true general out there


Ive been really feeling Soldier 76, I think I lost my edginess with Reaper and I played the class too much. Hopefully my 76 skills can put the team on their back

also #bringbacktorbjorn #bringbacksymmetra
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