Has there been any sales for the game? I heard they had -40% sale at some point, shame I missed that myself.
Can't bring myself to pay that high price for Mp only but I enjoyed my time in Beta so thinking joining the fray at some point.
Game's never been on sale. Blizzard usually doesn't put their games on sale until the next expansion is out or coming out. And I doubt this'll have expansions and I doubt it'll go below $40
Everyone who doesn't play Genji much disagrees, a good player could kill the entire team with his ult pre nerf.
why do people get so salty about hanzo arrows killing them but not junkrat spam killing them?
Because Junkrat can't instantly kill you with a blind headshot from across the map although the arrow missed you by about 5 meters.
Because Junkrat can't instantly kill you with a blind headshot from across the map although the arrow missed you by about 5 meters.
why do people get so salty about hanzo arrows killing them but not junkrat spam killing them?
Because Junkrat can't instantly kill you with a blind headshot from across the map although the arrow missed you by about 5 meters.
why do people get so salty about hanzo arrows killing them but not junkrat spam killing them?
He can and does. Regularly. I've seen post-death replays that've made me want to throw my controller out of my bedroom window.
I'm wondering how do you fix Hanzo so that he feels fair to the opponents but is actually good enough to be picked over McCree in certain situations.
Oh, I do. I fuckong hate hate Junkrat the past few weeks. Same lucky shot issue as Hanzo. Just aim upwards and pray.
He can and does. Regularly. I've seen post-death replays that've made me want to throw my controller out of my bedroom window.
Fix McCree. He's in a weird limbo state right now where they don't know how balance FTH and his left click while also keeping him viable.
Yep, every time a Genji pops an ult I think "well, there goes my team (and me too) for the next 8 seconds". Even if half the team immediately turns to fight him he still manages to take out the vast majority of people. I've always hated how he can be a 1-man death machine even though many other ults aren't that "solo-able".
I'm wondering how do you fix Hanzo so that he feels fair to the opponents but is actually good enough to be picked over McCree in certain situations.
Eh to be fair I've died plenty of time from junkrat randomly spamming on the point.
And believe you me I get fucking salty about junkrat.
Wut? They are both in a very balanced state. He's one of the most balanced characters right now.Fix McCree. He's in a weird limbo state right now where they don't know how balance FTH and his left click while also keeping him viable.
These are terrible too.I don't really care about Zarya since i don't play her much but i really really want Tracer's HOTS skin.
So badass.
Seagull was always good with Hanzo
Good good.
Junkrat can't 1v1 people reliably though. He just spams and if anybody gets in a range that he can't answer he just automatically dies.
You jump on Hanzo and either feel you get hit by bullshit to scattershot happens. That's not actually a problem balance wise, but even pro players say "right now you just pick Hanzo and pray that you bullshit people." PTR Hanzo is less luck based and more skill based in PTR right now, but people won't let that shit go.
Why so serious?
QP is fine. Just have fun. You don't have to play Lucio and shit just to be a 'good teammate' play whoever the fuck you want.
Problem is qp is not fun nor does it help you get better in the game because 9 out of 10 matches are cheese team comps with multiple torbs or whatever or the same "it's just qp bro" mentality where nobody plays the objective.
I had a game last night with 3 Meis on my team who kept ice walling us into the spawn or off the point on purpose.Fam...
Why so serious?
QP is fine. Just have fun. You don't have to play Lucio and shit just to be a 'good teammate' play whoever the fuck you want.
Why so serious?
QP is fine. Just have fun. You don't have to play Lucio and shit just to be a 'good teammate' play whoever the fuck you want.
I had a game last night with 3 Meis on my team who kept ice walling us into the spawn or off the point on purpose.
QP sucks.
Too many of them.Antitype has brothers, eh??
Yeah that's true, but I honestly feel like QP has changed since Comp was released, or at least the mentality people have towards it has.All we had before S1 was QP and we didn't all start competitive at the same skill.
Stating the obvious here, but you can certainly practice and get better in QP.
Antitype has brothers, eh??
Honestly? If Junkrat is consistently winning 1v1s then he's playing against somebody that is way lower skill level than him. He's not going to BS a better player out a of a 1v1. Hanzo is going to sometimes BS a better player out of a 1v1 even at the pro level.
Junkrat can sometimes BS Tracer out of a 1v1 cause Trac'ers range + mine, but even then there's a skill check where Tracer can just win for free.
So is Antitype like a meme or something now?
we're all memes, now