Triple tank usually consists of rein/d.va/roadhog. It can work.Junkrat is pretty bad against Zarya though.
Triple tank usually consists of rein/d.va/roadhog. It can work.Junkrat is pretty bad against Zarya though.
Ended at 5-5. Placed at 3299, seems fair.
Is it a lake of gasoline?
Triple tank usually consists of rein/d.va/roadhog. It can work.
Junkrat is pretty bad against Zarya though.
Triple tank usually consists of rein/d.va/roadhog. It can work.
First round went well, won the match!It's great. Like riding a bus. You get to meet all kinds of interesting people.
That player could be a masters lvl player with other heros. You don't really know. Your point may not be entirely wrong but I would hold off on saying that someone doesn't belong there based off one hero.
She's pretty much a resbot atm.
Help, Sombra is my favorite hero now, but I don't dare play her in comp.![]()
Like, obviously Ana has more utility, and I'm not gonna argue that she isn't better on paper than Mercy is. But their survivability is on par, and in practice Mercy's healing is better, with Overbuff showing 99th percentile Mercy players doing about 25% more healing than 99th percentile Anas even on PC.
Help, Sombra is my favorite hero now, but I don't dare play her in comp.![]()
That 1% covers a wide range though, the top ones aren't that far off with each other when it comes to healing done.
Help, Sombra is my favorite hero now, but I don't dare play her in comp.![]()
Like, obviously Ana has more utility, and I'm not gonna argue that she isn't better on paper than Mercy is. But their survivability is on par, and in practice Mercy's healing is better, with Overbuff showing 99th percentile Mercy players doing about 25% more healing than 99th percentile Anas even on PC.
Anyone know when we are getting the group feature? Its so rare that I get a good group these days that when I do I want to keep them forever.
Probably next week when they patch in the Christmas event.
Just met a platinum Reinhardt with quite possibly the worst game sense I've ever seen. O_O
It's you.I don't really know what to do, need some advice. Ever since the arcade mode dropped, I have been losing TONS of games. I consistently do well when I play, usually play average to best on team. I always have at least two gold medals and I always make sure to strive for most objective time as one of them.
But I just don't get it. I have played 40 ish games with my cousin over the past 7 days. We have only won 4. Can't win competitive games, can't win arcade games, even no limits. Play seriously, lose. Play for fun in something like all brawls, lose.
I am just at a lost for words, and I just don't understand how I am consistently getting paired up with incompetent teammates. In no limits, offense kings row. 5 people pick ana. Like why? Defense, Watch point, 5 Sombras.
The games my cousin and I won ironically are the ones where I did practically nothing to contribute. I would get so sick of losing 4+ in a row, I would just be a shit Hanzo and try to be some pro. We will still win while I was goofing off.
Anyone have advice or something? I am thinking a long break is the best option. I personally don't think it's me, but maybe it is, I don't know. My W/L ratio is 40%. I want to win sometimes and it just never seems to happen.
Yep! We were defending eichenwalde right at the end and he stepped outside of the castle (the doors were already shut) to ult and get kills instead of staying with the team.Charging straight in every time?
Ana's burst healing is second to none. You toss the grenade, spam darts into them, and Voila. Mercy can't even heal that quick and most of the meta - especially with Soldier in it - demands burst healing to counter burst damage. Aside from that, Ana's grenade is the most powerful ability in the game. 100 healing instantly along with doubling Lucio healing is insane. Throw in the fact that it deals 60 to enemies and you have something crazy.
But the last part of the effect, the heal blocking, is a big part of what kills Mercy in Diamond to GM ranks. For 5 seconds you can make Mercy almost useless - or at least less useful than any Support not named Symmetra.
I mean, an enemy Ana's healing would also be blocked in a situation like you're describing where you've hit the enemy team with a grenade. Both of them are equally useless healers in that situation, leaving Ana with better crowd control and Mercy with better DPS and mobility tools. Having the heal block to apply to the enemy team obviously adds a bunch of utility, but the opportunity cost is that you have to give up both Ana's self-heal and her clutch burst healing for 10 seconds to take advantage of it, leaving Mercy the better healer by far until it comes off of cooldown.
Again, I'm not arguing that Mercy is better than Ana, just that she's pretty decent on Defense.
Can't swing your hammer at people if you don't charge in.Charging straight in every time?
Mhmm. Played a match today on Hanamura where I was Ana, and my team was clumped behind our Rein's shield. After it broke, the enemy Ana tossed a nade at my team, hitting pretty much everyone, and they just melted because I couldn't heal them. The other team then proceeded to easily capture the point.Straight up, anti-heal >>>> damage buff.
That's how it worked always. You still lost that match.
Their Rein still had his shield :/The only way to counter that is to throw in your own grenade so the other team can't heal either. Then it just turns into who has the advantage/better death matching skills.
There's really no other counter except for zarya's cleanse. Or hope that Dva eats it.
Am I crazy? I was sure you didn't lose points if you quit after another player quit, even if it counted against your W/L record.
Still can't win a single fucking game in arcade mode to save my life. I just don't get it.
Comp can be super stressful but at least I don't feel like I'm constantly getting put in terrible teams.
By the way, I main Mei/Junkrat, and if someone's passive-aggressively spamming Thanks after dying, it's probably me.
Fell free to hate my guts