Tfw you have a hanzo and junkrat main who cant hit for shit.
Next match we have a torb main but atleast he was good.
Next match we have a torb main but atleast he was good.
Yea sorry about Route 66 match it was a massacre. I totally screwed up and jumped down off the gas station..
Conditioned by years of playing Call of Duty probably.Why do people insist in trying 1vs3-6?
My friend and I did our 10 placement matches together last night.
I ended at the high end of gold. He got the high end of bronze.
It seems so odd to me that. If your basing people's score on how they've performed previously then why even bother with placement matches to begin with?
I didn't even play Competitive today, just practiced with Ana in QP, but not once in my 3 hour play session did I meet a team who was willing to play cohesively. The wins were all flukes, imo. Why the fuck does everyone want to play the Attack or Defence characters? I kept requesting for an extra Tank and Support, but no one switched even once.
I still do gravitate towards Mei a lot >_>
Also, this happened tonight:
You're the devil! Mei and Genji are the two characters I find hardest to deal with, no matter what I play. It's almost become an unhealthy obsession with me to debuff those two if I'm playing Zenyatta or try to kill them first, the few times I do play Soldier or Junkrat.
Yeah, nobody wants to play anything but DPS all the time. I actually didn't want to be a DPS player when the game first came out. I wanted to focus on utility heroes like Mei and pick up some tanks and occasionally DPS. Then I found out my mechanics were much better than my friends and I could carry like crazy on Soldier. I played with groups like that for so long I just became a DPS main :v although I still do gravitate towards Mei a lot >_>
Bad luck blues, we keep getting so close but then stumble at the last step.![]()
Also, this happened tonight:
Whew. Curcic usually plays tank. I wonder how he ended up on Soldier.
I'm surprised you only placed at 2980, I always thought you were a 4k+ player. Maybe there's hope I can reach masters this season.Bumbletron and I got masters tonight on both his account and my group account. Yay. Don't let him tell you I carried him
Took 33 games. 23-10. Placed at 2980~
My friend and I did our 10 placement matches together last night.
I ended at the high end of gold. He got the high end of bronze.
It seems so odd to me that. If your basing people's score on how they've performed previously then why even bother with placement matches to begin with?
Even if you think that you got placed too low in placements, the ranking up in the beginning is so easy because of the amount of points they give you that you should rank up pretty easy if you don't belong in that tier.
They were running trip tank at the start of the map, but I was actually straight winning 2v1s as Soldier against them and they couldn't get pushes going. I wanna say he was Roadhog and my team just frontlined while I got to take whatever fight I want. He eventually switched to Soldier and supported a dive on me, then ran it the rest of the map.
If Roadhog doesn't have the space to deal with Soldier life is rough and I get to just flex from advantage. Switching to Soldier gives the helix + ranged damage and that pressure was the correct decision at the time.
So I got the "rendering device has been lost" crash in the middle of two matches twice in a row and lost a combined total of 100 SR/40 minute ban for "quitting". I've pretty much lost the will to keep playing after this, as much as I love Overwatch. That or taking a break for a while.
According to masteroverwatch Masters is the top 11%, not top 3% like last season:
And for a moment I thought I was really good![]()
According to masteroverwatch Masters is the top 11%, not top 3% like last season:
And for a moment I thought I was really good![]()
Finally hit level 25 last night so I can go through placement now. I've only played solo and am wondering if I should just roll with it or try to find some people on here to play with? I honestly have no idea how good I am. Is it weird for me to share my stats from something like Overbuff here? I guess they don't mean anything if you don't actually watch someone play.
Finally hit level 25 last night so I can go through placement now. I've only played solo and am wondering if I should just roll with it or try to find some people on here to play with? I honestly have no idea how good I am. Is it weird for me to share my stats from something like Overbuff here? I guess they don't mean anything if you don't actually watch someone play.
Edit: Here's my profile on Overbuff.
Got my first real shot at playing Zen last night and rather enjoyed it. His alt fire is amazing, so you're almost a DPS but with support abilities. The only downside is that you're not really mobile so you're kind of boned if you're caught in a bad spot. So I stuck the main team for the most part and only moved up when I thought it was safe.
Feels great to predict when a Reinhart will drop his shield and throw a charged cluster of balls into his face, though. Too bad I can't seem to throw healing/debuff orbs while charging the alt fire.
Damn, IDDQD is so salty on stream isn't he?
Seems like you're pretty decent with, who is great nowadays after the recent patch. You should do well in comp
I would try and get good with a couple others though, in case someone auto-locks D.Va before you
Yep he's really unpleasant to watch. The way he talks to dude on his team he always blames for losing gets tiring as hell too. There's a reason Seagull is so popular. He's both great at the game and super nice and charismatic.
Damn, IDDQD is so salty on stream isn't he?
I don't understand the point of being a troll. What sort of pathetic life has someone led that annoying others is how they have fun?