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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


I dunno man, people on ps4 are totally lobotomized. It's really not that hard a game to play but it seems like brain surgery for some.

I'm at 1750 now.

I was in 1900s in Season 2 at one point and got to Diamond playing 85% Solo Q.

This season Ive been hovering Diamond/Master range playing about the same percentage of Solo Q.

Im also on PS4 and unfortunately stuck playing in EU region where no one seems to use a mic. When I was playing in US region everyone used a mic and it was a better experience.

It can be done you just need to know when to cut your losses. If you lost three games ina row, take a break and then go back in a few hours or the next day. If youre on a winning streak, try not to stop playing until you actually lose etc.

I've met a lot of diamond players who fell 1000SR or so.

One of them was explicitly throwing, but most of them seemed sincere, and if I'm being honest played in a way that explains their fall.

I think the SR inflation system after people finished their placements lead to that in a way.

I finished with 2600-2700 SR last season and I was Diamond.

I've been stuck on average 60 off Diamond for a week now, this weekend I'm determined to break through.

We had a good run with Biscuit and ND the other day, lets group up this weekend and get you to Diamond and hopefully biscuit to Master. :)
We had a good run with Biscuit and ND the other day, lets group up this weekend and get you to Diamond and hopefully biscuit to Master. :)

Yeah that was good. I'm in for this weekend, it can be a bit hard to make time because of christmas but if I see you guys on I'll join :)

I've been polishing my Torb skills on Winter Mistery because I keep getting him on attack Hanamura. I think I'm ready for comp.


So, I was in a game and the enemy team had a bastion main. He wasn't too bad, at least he wasn't sitting in the sentry mode all the time but he wasn't doing his team any favours. So they lost because we countered him hard and it was 6vs5 essentially.

I queue up for the next game and lo and behold I got that bastion main on my team... the enemy team counters the guy, he's toxic, everybody's a noob according to him. Eventually he switches to a McCree but too little too late.

The game giveth and the game taketh away.


I've had my game crash a couple times tonight. Like the renderer just broke or something and the game freezes.

I'm going to update my drivers but is there anything else I should check?


What the hell? I respawned as D.Va and was unable to shoot or use my thrusters. I could only use Defense Matrix until my Meka was destroyed.

Has this happened for anyone else? Came atva vital time in the match so it was doubly frustrating.


Gaf please explain to me how winning 6/10 placement matches puts someone in silver league?

I just don't understand,this is the lowest I have ever placed yet the most placement matches I have ever won in all 3 seasons. It is really discouraging now because silver league is full of players that just don't want to play as a team, quit matches, pick the wrong characters for the job and refuse to switch making progress extremely difficult. I am pretty discouraged at the moment and am feeling like I should just stay in QP till season 4. However I don't understand the wins in placements so this will be the same in season 4?


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Enemy team has a sombra and attack sym.

I almost feel sorry for them.

I swear to god we had a Ranked game where is was an Attacking Symm
Well OK...
Then I hear the Shield Generator noise and call go off

I'm on Pharah, eye in the sky
Time to hunt it
Just as I look down at the payload, the Symm placed it near the payload, but not on it, cause it moved, and the damn generator just stayed there
3 rockets later bye bye +75 shield


Came across a junkrat only player on my team in comp. 300hours+ on him. Winrate in s1:49%, s2:47% and now s3:40%. Seemed shocked one of the team had an issue. What can you do when he only plays junkrat though. You'd think he'd have changed by now.
Shield Generator is actually devastating.
I mean that extra 75hp gives enough time for players to stall and people to run back from defence spawn. Thats how we held A for a draw on eichenwald.the enemy team was so sure of their win they started GGing

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Shield Generator is actually devastating.
I mean that extra 75hp gives enough time for players to stall and people to run back from defence spawn. Thats how we held A for a draw on eichenwald.the enemy team was so sure of their win they started GGing

Eichenwalde is completely broken now thanks to Symmetra and passive Torb

I said it before but I'll just drop on attack for Eichenwalde QP. It's not worth it.


I hit that point and lost 150 SR ;_; I know I could get it back and probably go for GM on lower queues, but I'm too frustrated with the current state to give it a shot atm :T

Watched your stream for a game and saw you were trioing. Honestly I find solo q easier right now, game is more about co ordination than ever before atm.


Watched your stream for a game and saw you were trioing. Honestly I find solo q easier right now, game is more about co ordination than ever before atm.

I think solo/duo is a lot easier right now. Right now I feel coordination is less important than whoever has the team that:

A) Just makes less fuck ups and plays safer
B) has the better Roadhog

Yeah, I Can't go off as much on DPS and make something happen in spite of my team, but the level of coordination I feel is rewarded is kinda minimal.


Season 3 soloing seems better. I think more people know what they're doing now. But that's just from what I saw in my Placement matches. Loved steamrolling the other teams.


I just want a Tracer elf skin before the event is over =/

That's my first and for now last Legendary skin from the event. And i don't even like it that much lol.

Only got Tracer, Pharah and Lucio but i am going back to Raptorion and Striker soon anyway.


I think solo/duo is a lot easier right now. Right now I feel coordination is less important than whoever has the team that:

A) Just makes less fuck ups and plays safer
B) has the better Roadhog

Yeah, I Can't go off as much on DPS and make something happen in spite of my team, but the level of coordination I feel is rewarded is kinda minimal.

Well by 'coordination' I kinda meant exploiting another teams fuck ups. So yeah, guess I agree.

I definitely more passive than usual for sure. Been playing a lot of Ana and staying alive with her is so important, if I die the whole push/defence is all over


Only 2 winter legendary skins so far. Both are elf tracer.

I have almost 3750 cp though so at least nutyatta and Rudolph are locked down.


As bad as deathballs got with ults in S1, I do miss the very fast ways players had to demonstrate their team fighting mechanics and decision making. I feel like that's the worst thing about the tank meta for me. Team fighting is less about that type deal and more about just standing in the right spot and not dying.


As bad as deathballs got with ults in S1, I do miss the very fast ways players had to demonstrate their team fighting mechanics and decision making. I feel like that's the worst thing about the tank meta for me. Team fighting is less about that type deal and more about just standing in the right spot and not dying.

So annoying. I absolutely love playing McCree, but the fact even a bad DVA can shut you down is just so shitty. Can rarely justify it to my team unless they have tracer, genji or mercy etc.


the holder of the trombone
I don't want to go back to the deathballs of season 1 though.

Got real boring too after awhile.

Like there needs to be a balance between the "hard to kill because of ana" meta and the "die way too fast because of zen" meta.


Slower Ult charges have been great for me. Probably one of the best decisions recently. I don't like using Ults unless I'm forced to.


I don't want to go back to the deathballs of season 1 though.

Got real boring too after awhile.

Like there needs to be a balance between the "hard to kill because of ana" meta and the "die way too fast because of zen" meta.

Nerf lucio to the point where Ana and Zen are the meta healers?


Every once in a while you get one of those games.

I was in a 3-man group last - I stayed with some guys from a game we'd played prior. We're on Ilios. They both pick DPS (McCree and Pharah). The other guys on our team pick Junkrat, Roadhog, and Zenyatta. I had already picked Zarya earlier, but noting that we lacked in hard tanks maybe even more than healer, I elected to stay with him. I note in team chat several times that we need a second healer. Nobody switches. Fearing the worst, I head to the point. We win. We win 3 rounds straight. The enemy team was running a fairly standard 2-2-2 (Lucio/Ana/Tracer/Reaper/Zarya/Roadhog I think? Not sure. They switched a few times and I think they eventually went triple tank?).

I've won a comp game with solo Zen healer before (I was the Zen that time) on Gibraltar where we held at the second point (early in the point too), but I'm still surprised we pulled this shit off at 2700 SR.


I mean S1 was broke because lol 1 shot McCree, 110% speedboost, etc. I don't want that back. I do miss what ultless plays were like in that period though, and I don't think that really exists at all since you just get punished for trying it.


the holder of the trombone
Hmm, I can deal with that. Maybe.

Also, silver DVA grouping with his/her friends (not that there's anything wrong with it) who just sits in a corner shooting, never moving,



Tbh you could get take away all of Lucio's healing and still have a good hero. That's how good speed boost is.

Nah lucio would be useless at that point. His cool down on speed boost is already really long. That and the fact his gun does no damage at all. Speed boost is a really good ability when used correctly, but most people don't really know the proper times to use it. His ability to heal can be used to heal the squishier characters while the second healer focuses on healing the tanks more often.


I could be more blunt and just say fuck everything the D.Va buff represents about the game right now :v

I don't like throwing around feelings like that, but I'm really hoping to see less of that design philosophy moving forward on a personal level. That type of thing is actually just a huge fun killer to me.
You know, it's funny. I'm grinding to level 25 on my dps only smurf account, and I realized something last night: my positioning is getting a lot better. I am typically a tank/support main, and I know generally where to position, but once a fight started I just kind of went for it. But playing these squishy heroes where you have to position well to win 1v1's or you will be punished for it in an instant has really helped me there.

I think what made me realize it was that there was one game where we needed a tank, and while I have told myself 'dps only' for this account (because I give in too easily and just switch to tank/support when I want to when or the comp is shit, which is always) I picked roadhog. I could feel a massive difference from when I started on DPS a few days ago as far as positioning goes, and I didn't even think about it. I was getting doubles and triples pretty easily and I think I died once in that whole comp match. It's crazy how much I have gained passively with positioning and such just by playing dps.

I could be more blunt and just say fuck everything the D.Va buff represents about the game right now :v

I don't like throwing around feelings like that, but I'm really hoping to see less of that design philosophy moving forward on a personal level. That type of thing is actually just a huge fun killer to me.

I was playing a game as McCree yesterday, and you legit cannot get away from her if she goes after you. I know we complain a lot about her, but legitimately: she has no real weaknesses. She has high damage, mobility, health, and protection in addition to one of the better ults in the game. Before she was fine, but I think the mobility buff + DM has done terrible things when implemented as it has been.


I was playing a game as McCree yesterday, and you legit cannot get away from her if she goes after you. I know we complain a lot about her, but legitimately: she has no real weaknesses. She has high damage, mobility, health, and protection in addition to one of the better ults in the game. Before she was fine, but I think the mobility buff + DM has done terrible things when implemented as it has been.

Idc about her strength/weaknesses that much tbh. Just the herp a derp design of "I can do whatever I want thanks to stats" instead of her having like, engaging mechanics to play around.


I was in 1900s in Season 2 at one point and got to Diamond playing 85% Solo Q.

This season Ive been hovering Diamond/Master range playing about the same percentage of Solo Q.

Im also on PS4 and unfortunately stuck playing in EU region where no one seems to use a mic. When I was playing in US region everyone used a mic and it was a better experience.

It can be done you just need to know when to cut your losses. If you lost three games ina row, take a break and then go back in a few hours or the next day. If youre on a winning streak, try not to stop playing until you actually lose etc.

The mic issue seems to be a thing that's exclusive to EU. It's imperative to use a mic in games like this and Siege that involve teamwork to make the most of the game.


What makes me concerned about Dva reverting back to her old build is that Zarya made her irrelevant. It was basically impossible to run Dva as long as Zarya was on the field. And I don't think her movement bump would be enough alone to give her a fighting chance against the Russian instabeam of death.

I'd be more interested in seeing how Dva fares in a world without Ana instahealing her. On consoles, you get a lot less Ana, and she goes down much more often there.


What makes me concerned about Dva reverting back to her old build is that Zarya made her irrelevant. It was basically impossible to run Dva as long as Zarya was on the field. And I don't think her movement bump would be enough alone to give her a fighting chance against the Russian instabeam of death.

I'd be more interested in seeing how Dva fares in a world without Ana instahealing her. On consoles, you get a lot less Ana, and she goes down much more often there.

Zarya has been hella nerfed though, so even with a Dva health/shield nerf she still shouldn't be dominated ine 1v1 like before.
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