Can we name our next OT this
I helped make a thing.
QP is such a soul crushing thing. We have one Ana in our team. And offcourse the person was AFK the whole time. He finally comes back the next round. What does he do? Switching to freaking Hanzo.....
They give you warm fuzzy feelings.Do the Votes on the Cards at the end of a Game have any effect like bonus xp? Or are they just there for the Voice lines at 5/10 votes?
kinda want to start playing some more with gaffers Have my name in the gaf user id list (fenrirw0lf#1642) how do you guys usually end up playing with each other? Should I just start adding everyone I see on the gaf user id list I signed up for discord should I go through that instead and just start inviting people when I play?
Played against a honzo in platinum comp the other night that just wrecked our whole team defending. I think he might have been a diamond, but his aim was just insane, two shotting tanks, and he always seemed to have a way to survive.
Even when I tried to dive on him with winston I would only win about half the time he was so good at reacting and running away
Hope Blizzard gives everyone a lootbox or two for Christmas.
Hope Blizzard gives everyone a lootbox or two for Christmas.
I understand your pain.
I've gotten that dumbass tracer holiday skin 3 times
I logged to OW on console and got 5 boxes. wut?
They just gave 5. Just got it.![]()
I got 5 just now from them!
I logged to OW on console and got 5 boxes. wut?
You can thank me later guys.
All blue/white and duplicates...
Thanks Blizz i guess...
I had the exact same results. It feels like they lowered the rates for these boxes somehow. xD
That RNG salt.
How many coins do they give you for a dupe special legendary?
I think I got all legendary skins without spending credits
I'm strongly considering just becoming a support main considering I always do quite well with both Lucio and Mercy.
And I hate having to put in effort.
Winston was the only legendary christmas skin I got. Every legendary has been regular ones so far.