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Overwatch |OT6.99999997311%| Game of the Year


They haven't fixed sym shield generator to not stack have they?

Based on individual performance, not whether you win or lose. At least what the going consensus seems to be

Well that's uplifting then. Consistently being paired against mostly diamonds and some plats (I was plat last season) is making me feel okayish.


Biggest misconceptions in ow gaf right now:

Winston needs a buff.

Sombra is bad.

Symmetra is op.

I can't climb because I have a bad team every game.

Its like groundhog day in here. Btw Cappa who plays Reaper at 3500? Never see it tbh.

The fourth point is an absolute misconception. My friend, who was a gm on ps4, started playing this season on pc on his brother's account. This account was placed at 1600 in gold. Now, he's currently at a season high of 3930. Definitely possible to climb out of elo hell. Keep in mind this is someone who is just playing his first PC FPS as well for about a month.


So what were people suggesting for the reticle options earlier in this thread? No bloom and dot? Please explain like I'm 5 why this is better.

I don't think it really matters, go with whatever you feel better with. Maybe you shouldn't take my advice but I don't like bloom because I find it distracting and the spread info from the reticle is not that crucial. It's better to get a feel for it than actually looking at the reticle.

A dot is just simple and to the point: put the dot on enemy head so they die when you shoot. I can't really think of a case where knowing the spread of your shot is all that useful except maybe for Roadhog hooks since it has a huge hitbox? I dunno, it's still a minor detail.

This is excluding stuff like Hanzo's distance markers for non-hitscan weapons that have an arc though.


Why aren't they fixing Eco map hack. WTF!

Btw: I'm rank 1964. Can someone play with me to help me becoming plat? ;-) (EU PC)


Skyline almost full held Anubis playing Zarya with zero energy and threw graviton when his whole team was dead. This is GM level lol.


So what were people suggesting for the reticle options earlier in this thread? No bloom and dot? Please explain like I'm 5 why this is better.
This is what I use for Soldier:

It looks like this:

A dot that blooms into a circle. Works pretty well for me.


Out of nowhere, just like I always do. Here are my daily thoughts on Symmetra. I present to you Symmetra rework 2.0:

Photon Projector
- Beam no longer locks onto friendly Mei walls
- Orbs travel at different speeds based on charge (40 m/s uncharged - 10 m/s fully charged)

Photon Barrier
- Larger surface area
- Moves slightly slower

Sentry Turrets
- Faster placement of turrets, formation speed increased
- No movement speed penalty when placing turrets
- Location/activation shows on teammates hud
- Slow effect increased (?)

- Pressing Q twice after placement allows her to destroy her ultimate
- Location/attack status shown on teammates hud
- No longer synergizes with Torbjorn armor packs (Shield Generator)

Honestly I would be open to them combining the ultimates into one and doing the following:

1. Lower HP/Shields to 300 total
2. Teammate shield amount reduced to 50
3. Infinite teleporter charges (This isn't as OP as it sounds, in fact this should have been with the old teleporter with how quick it was destroyed).

I dunno, I hope they continue to make adjustments to her like they would a new character. I still feel as if her kit is pretty underwhelming and is only the super situational kit is was before, just better at that niche. And the only reason this irks me is because they (Blizzard) didn't like the fact that she was so situational.

The turret buffs I suggest could make it so she isn't so much a static defense character too.


Out of nowhere, just like I always do. Here are my daily thoughts on Symmetra. I present to you Symmetra rework 2.0:

Photon Projector
- Beam no longer locks onto friendly Mei walls
- Orbs travel at different speeds based on charge (40 m/s uncharged - 10 m/s fully charged)

Photon Barrier
- Larger surface area
- Moves slightly slower

Sentry Turrets
- Faster placement of turrets, formation speed increased
- No movement speed penalty when placing turrets
- Location/activation shows on teammates hud
- Slow effect increased (?)

- Pressing Q twice after placement allows her to destroy her ultimate
- Location/attack status shown on teammates hud
- No longer synergizes with Torbjorn armor packs (Shield Generator)

Honestly I would be open to them combining the ultimates into one and doing the following:

1. Lower HP/Shields to 300 total
2. Teammate shield amount reduced to 50
3. Infinite teleporter charges (This isn't as OP as it sounds, in fact this should have been with the old teleporter with how quick it was destroyed).

I dunno, I hope they continue to make adjustments to her like they would a new character. I still feel as if her kit is pretty underwhelming and is only the super situational kit is was before, just better at that niche. And the only reason this irks me is because they (Blizzard) didn't like the fact that she was so situational.

The turret buffs I suggest could make it so she isn't so much a static defense character too.

can't be serious with some of these changes, shes already stupid at what she does this would make her oppressive. IF anything her main weapon needs to go down in damage like 2-5 per tick and then she'll be fine. Shes gotten her buffs, move on to someone else


Zen's still my favourite/most played by quite a margin, but I'm finding Soldier really appealing.

Being able to assist your fellow offensive players on the front line is a great feeling, and his general play style is comfy as hell.

The one thing I wasn't happy with was the reticle...

This is what I use for Soldier:

It looks like this:

A dot that blooms into a circle. Works pretty well for me.

That looks great. I can imagine it feels very pin-point. Going to try it out later!
Well that's me done for the christmas event! Got a pretty good haul towards the end.
Holiday Skins

Shiver (Reaper)
Meirry (Mei)
Rudolph (Roadhog)
Santaclad (Torbjorn)
Scrooge (McCree)
Yeti (Winston)

Legendary Skins

Safari (Winston)
Comtesse (Widowmaker)
Horus (Ana)

Rare Skins

Brass (Reindhart)
Titanium (Pharah)
Citrine (Ana)
Azurite (Genji)
Midori (Hanzo)

And I didn't have to spend a penny!


U didn't like 3 Tracers, 2 Lucios and a tank of choice on King of the Hill? 😂

I remember how people claimed that was healthy for the game and that hero limit would make the game die an early death. Man those old tourneys with those stupid comps were just so bad


wait so how do pure payload ties work? on gibralter the other team got 2, we got 3, and we stopped them really close to the end in overtime. but they still got 1 minute to push the payload. if they get it to the first checkpoint it's a draw? or would we have to match whatever they get it to past the first checkpoint? because we stopped them before the first point and won anyways


the holder of the trombone
Remember when everyone would go DVA to stall things out?

Also I don't think it's possible to draw a payload in that scenario.


I had the worst game today. Someone on my team was making non-meta hero picks, and all the rest of my teammates started calling him out in match chat for buying an account, then they threw the game.


the holder of the trombone
Had a game where people went torb, junk, sym, bastion, and widow on defense.

I switched to hanzo just to make a point.

We quickly lost the first point, changed to a more sensible team comp, and won the game.


lost two comp games and thought the next one will be different. Had a leaver.

qued up again despite this and got a dude who insisted on playing his 30 minute Hanzo instead of his 10 hour Zarya. Went Zarya for a little bit but switched to Hanzo because some one on the team pointed out he wasnt doing anything. I dont get that mentality


Anyone got some 2017 New Years Resolutions for Overwatch?

Junkrat has pretty much zero hours of playtime from me. I'm thinking about trying to get good with him, use him in more matches. Might decide to watch some pro tracer videos to see if i can get some decent level of mastery with her, since she is my mei main. My main after Mei.
I've thought about getting into this game - is it PC or bust?
PS4 is aaaaaauuuuhhhhhhliveeeeee. Matches are never hard to find and I don't have to deal with chat typing or anything.


can't be serious with some of these changes, shes already stupid at what she does this would make her oppressive. IF anything her main weapon needs to go down in damage like 2-5 per tick and then she'll be fine. Shes gotten her buffs, move on to someone else

I really don't think you understand the character if you think some of these changes would make her much better than she is right now. The character actually has a lot of issues that haven't been touched upon that literally wouldn't affect the balance of the game at all. Locking onto friendly Mei walls for example, shouldn't even be happening at this stage of the game.

Most are literally just QoL changes. The rework was supposed to make the most situational character not as situational, which it basically just made her better at what she did, which means the rework failed in some degree. What parts do you think are "too much"?
I guess people are still talking about Symettra but yeah she is the definition of overpowered. My win % with her is 75%! I played her the whole day today no matter what game (KOTH or Payload) on Comp and I've probably won 4 out of every 5 matches.


I need to play Roadhog more. I apparently have a talent for landing hooks. I'm not great at snap aiming, but I can predict where people will go pretty accurately. It's why I play Zarya.

In other news, another night where every god damn soldier player never looks up. Meanwhile when I'm on Pharah I run into multiple McCree gods despite never having seen one in days.

How is everyone so bad at this game, fuck



Fuck I still haven't opened my loot boxes. If I already have them, I don't have to worry about them reverting to regular loot boxes, right?
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