Yeah I know. Sucks too that mic use is so rare in SEA (ps4)Theyre just playing casual too
Yeah I know. Sucks too that mic use is so rare in SEA (ps4)Theyre just playing casual too
Also I find it very odd to complain about Ana and Soldier before Symmetra right now. At least in low level games, she's quite strong.
Also I find it very odd to complain about Ana and Soldier before Symmetra right now. At least in low level games, she's quite strong.
Also I find it very odd to complain about Ana and Soldier before Symmetra right now. At least in low level games, she's quite strong.
sym ain't shit compared to soldier, d.va or ana
For real. All it takes to remove her from play is not being an idiot. D Va and Ana are effin' stupid.
anyway what the hell is going on with the game right now
release a new map without new skins (thought for sure ana or pharah were going to get 2 more...) and the event is still up and oh btw d.va, ana and soldier are still broken
anyway what the hell is going on with the game right now
release a new map without new skins (thought for sure ana or pharah were going to get 2 more...) and the event is still up and oh btw d.va, ana and soldier are still broken
Even a D.va with a harmony orb is near immortal, i'd rather they just boosted her movement speed even more but nerfed her health a bitD.Va is not broken, the combination of her health pool + Ana grenade and healing is broken. On her own, she is fine. Ana is broken. Soldier could use a bit of tweaking because, again, combined with Ana's ult his ultimate is absolutely broken.
D.Va's ult is still mostly a zoning ult and I see virtually no high level players having that hard of a time destroying her, especially considering Zarya still fucking dominates despite her energy nerfs.
D.Va is not broken,
Grandmasters and pros also think Soldier is fine lmaoare you serious? of the tanks she's probably the most broken. I can pull up so many grandmasters and pros saying they shouldn't have given her the health boost AND the speed boost that it should have been one or the other.
She completely nullifies Reaper because of her beefiness and chase abilities now.
Grandmasters and pros also think Soldier is fine lmao
Because he is. The only thing that is a bit too good on him is heal station, and that's not the craziest thign ever,
He's not at most levels of play. I get that at higher levels where people can actually aim he is probably doing similar damage to McCree, tracer etc. But he requires so much less actual skill in tracking and aiming that it is much much easier for him to do far more damage than they can at lower levels, which is where most people are.Because he is. The only thing that is a bit too good on him is heal station, and that's not the craziest thign ever,
anyway what the hell is going on with the game right now
release a new map without new skins (thought for sure ana or pharah were going to get 2 more...) and the event is still up and oh btw d.va, ana and soldier are still broken
Had such a fun Ana KOTH game last night. I'm going to miss that old grandma. I hope they don't destroy her on console.
Its not a lore heavy map so why would they get skins. Jesus christ you people whine about everything.
I'm still scared of what they'll do to ana tbh.
She is pretty much the only thing that keeps solo queue support bearable. They just need to tackle the nade, nothing else. But I'm worried they'll reduce her single shot healing or something.
I mean, I get at lower levels Soldier is doing very well because he gives less mechanically skilled players access to real damage. Still, I'd rather not see him get a damage nerf because once people have reasonable aim a lot of it balances out. The DPS class in general is the most well balanced it has ever been, at least against each other. The only reason Solider is a stand out in pick rates is that most other DPS can't deal with things like D.Va or Ana.
are you serious? of the tanks she's probably the most broken. I can pull up so many grandmasters and pros saying they shouldn't have given her the health boost AND the speed boost that it should have been one or the other.
She completely nullifies Reaper because of her beefiness and chase abilities now.
What if they took off 1 damage per hit? Would that still be too much?I mean, I get at lower levels Soldier is doing very well because he gives less mechanically skilled players access to real damage. Still, I'd rather not see him get a damage nerf because once people have reasonable aim a lot of it balances out. The DPS class in general is the most well balanced it has ever been, at least against each other. The only reason Solider is a stand out in pick rates is that most other DPS can't deal with things like D.Va or Ana.
Yep. I hope they don't touch anything else... her gun is perfect imo.Yea, just nerfing grenade would be plenty.
Reaper is even easier to aim with and I've beaten him in cqc as Soldier.
If they wanna keep his damage at 21 instead of 20 or 19 they should look at reducing the healing rate of biotic field.
What if they took off 1 damage per hit? Would that still be too much?
The five Diablo III-themed skins are also added, FYI.
Something is going on with the ping ATMGetting some 400ms games instead of the usual 9ms. Away I go.
I missed Oasis but not that much.
Mine was only 646mb~the PS4 update is 10 gbs. Is this really only a stage?
just fucking
make the grenade do 50% more healing/50% less healing and apply to a max of like 3 targets, not 100%/0% on everyone you want and it does damage
fuck that thing
I thought it went from 17 to 21 with his recent buff, guess not. But yeah either healing rate or cd needs to goHis damage is at 20, what. I'm more in favor of tweaking the CD on healing field than lowering heal rate on it, but the heal rate is a bit ridic in some situations, It's the only thing about him that stands out (and is a large reason why we pick him in tank meta atm).
If Reaper failed to kill you at close range I'd say that;s more on the Reaper's fault. He just fucked up.
IMO Roadhog is still the best tank in the game alongside Rein who is just too good for team fights. Hogs are devastating, especially one that is good with his ult and can always land hooks. I think his hook needs a nerf though, it's too generous.
Roadhog imo is a must when going 3 tanks, he iw pretty much what makes a comp like that work. He can isolate high priority targets, body block, heal, and do a shit ton of damage.
D'va is really good, but Mei can still fuck her shit up with a little bit of help. Not to say she doesn't need a nerf, but it I wouldn't put her at the top of the list.
did you mean sprays? Don't see any new skins on my end