What's this I'm hearing about Sombra getting that Boop voice clip in the game? Is that update live on PS4 already?
I wonder if the previous meta game was actually healthier. I can't see how you stop those three tanks unless you just play mirror. There seems to be only one spot for "variation" on a team. That spot is either Zarya or Soldier. I really hope there are good ways to counter triple tank...
What's this I'm hearing about Sombra getting that Boop voice clip in the game? Is that update live on PS4 already?
Personal opinions about Mercy: I wouldn't mind seeing them get rid of Zarya's dispel-lite on her bubbles and give Mercy a full-on dispel. Res could also use some kind of invulnerability phase so she can continue to support her team without getting picked off extremely easy. They could lower healing across the board, Ana healing is definitely too much and Mercy's could be too.
The Rein/DVA/Roadhog triple tank meta is upon us. This is what we get for wanting everything to be nerfed.
No ^
Do you have windows 10 maybe? There is a thing where it will be using your internet to share updates with other users
curious of what your pc spec is? (if you think the network is not the problem) but it does sounds like one. perhap take a cellphone video of whats happening on the screen for us?
Thanks for the replies!
I hadn't even considered that it may be local graphical delays. It's not a super fast PC - i7 2.5 GHz w/ 24GB RAM. Windows 8.
Free weekend is over so sadly I can't turn down my settings to test. I may just end up buying it during the Black Friday sale and trying to play with the settings. I really do want to get comfortable with WASD setup.
Okay even though I've been playing off and on since launch I'm still relatively inexperienced. Just got out of a match where we were unable to cap the first point on Anubis because on the ledge right inside the first set of archways the enemy set up a Bastion/Torb/Rein combo and we were basically completely unable to fire back enough to wear down the Rein shield without getting shredded by dual fire from the other two. Any ideas what we should have tried to get through?
Mercy needs a fucking E ability already. Your dispel idea sounds great.
Okay even though I've been playing off and on since launch I'm still relatively inexperienced. Just got out of a match where we were unable to cap the first point on Anubis because on the ledge right inside the first set of archways the enemy set up a Bastion/Torb/Rein combo and we were basically completely unable to fire back enough to wear down the Rein shield without getting shredded by dual fire from the other two. Any ideas what we should have tried to get through?
I get the feeling Blizzard don't want her to have a new ability. I mean, her damage boost is good for what it is but it's not enough to keep her competitive with other healers. And even with her regen buff, she is still too much of a liability.
Mercy definitely doesn't need a healing buff.
Y'all too harsh on granny. She is fine as she is and imo one of the best designed OW heroes.
The problem is with Mercy. A dedicated healer that can't protect her self, or contribute much to the fight besides rez, just sucks in this type of fast pace game.
"Gen 2" characters like Ana make the old relics like Mercy look terrible.
what graphic card?
where can I watch this?![]()
have peeps really dropped Zarya? This would explain why there are so many 'but Zarya wasn't really nerfed!!!' videos out there.
*insert Junkrat joke here for new tank Meta*
A new E ability for Mercy would be welcome. Not sure what it could be though.
There are things out there.
I think the meta right now is in a weird transition stage where they are making large changes in a better direction, but they didn't fully commit and left us with Ana. There are also other weird things they refuse to look at because they were relatively balanced a bit ago, but aren't under new systems.
Then there's D.Va. I have no explanation for that fuck up other than "oops"
Tank meta is honestly so boring.😧😧😧
Nanoboost doesn't need another nerf. I'd be down with nerfing her hps though or increasing her cooldowns.This so much. Some tanks are a bit overtuned, but the thing really making shit work is Ana. They need to just drop the nuke on her and figure out what to do with her later at this point. I don't get why they refuse to touch her HPS or further nerf nanoboost. She burst heals with more HPS then Zenyatta's ult and that is just magically okay.
It came with the laptop - "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M".
They already said they have messed with giving her an E ability, but they didn't have anything they felt comfortable with at the time. This was around the start of S2 iirc.
A lot of high level streamers have been discussing it. With the extra nerf to Zarya in the PTR (which will most likely make it to live) she's not going to see as much action as she once was. Triple tank will become a thing very shortly. Miro dropping Winston and exclusivily practicing DVA is a huge sign. You're going to see a lot of Soldier/Ana/Lucio plus three tanks. Soldier's biotic field means he doesn't need healers as much and he'll be positioning himself in the high ground taking shots at the tanks while they're fighting on the front lines with the healers.
dreams do come true
Lucio is complete ass as a healer now, Mercy just isn't viable, Zen isn't a main healer, unless we want to take emphasis off major healing (which I'm not opposed too) then the game kind of needs Ana. Rework Mercy, live in a 75 shield 75 armor new meta, make healing less important by changing nade healing from 200% to 150%, or just leave it as is, I don't think it's the epidemic it's made out to be.
*insert Junkrat for new tank Meta joke here*
A new E ability for Mercy would be welcome. Not sure what it could be though.
A single-target Dispel proposed earlier could:
- Reverse Ana anti-heal and wake them out of sleep
- Break someone out of a Mei freeze
- Reverse a Sombra Hack
- Break someone out of a Junkrat Trap
- Cure Widowmaker's Venom Mine DoT
Also they should buff mercy's hps.
A single-target Dispel proposed earlier could:
- Reverse Ana anti-heal and wake them out of sleep
- Break someone out of a Mei freeze
- Reverse a Sombra Hack
- Break someone out of a Junkrat Trap
- Cure Widowmaker's Venom Mine DoT
"We have this problem going on right now where health pools are too large and our burst healer is too broken and nobody is dying"
*throw an ultimate on the PTR that gives the entire team an extra 75 health*
Fuck Mercy!!!
What I said will make more sense when you are hundreds of hours inIt's funny you say that. I have been playing since Sunday and have a few hours. Lucio is the one character I am able to play sucessfully.
I chose support cause Im not that good at FPS. I chose Lucio because his healing ability is situacional. I dont need to aim on a teammate to heal him. I just have to move fast and be near my teammates.
If Im playing with people who actually team up and/or are decent with tanks, I do really really well. Like at the end it say I had more than 50% of team damage healed.
In fact, since most of the time no one wants to be the healer I end up using Lucio 80% of the time. Im starting to learn to use speed well. Need to learn to wall ride better though.
tfw you're hoping for good skins, but all you gun get is red recolours and santa hats... >__>
if its really a gtx 980m then it shouldnt be your laptop's problem. you mention using hardwire (ethernet), but did you try using the same port as the one you would use for ps4?(is your ps4 hardwired?)
could be a bad ethernet port on the router?
It's funny you say that. I have been playing since Sunday and have a few hours. Lucio is the one character I am able to play sucessfully.
I chose support cause Im not that good at FPS. I chose Lucio because his healing ability is situacional. I dont need to aim on a teammate to heal him. I just have to move fast and be near my teammates.
If Im playing with people who actually team up and/or are decent with tanks, I do really really well. Like at the end it say I had more than 50% of team damage healed.
In fact, since most of the time no one wants to be the healer I end up using Lucio 80% of the time. Im starting to learn to use speed well. Need to learn to wall ride better though.