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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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the random Junkrat on your team is always bad and the enemy Junkrat is always insanely good/unkillable, pretty much. That's why peeps hate so much - PTSD. ;P I have a friend that's a Junkrat main and he's ridiculously good - he can't hardly play anyone else, but he's a fucking ninja w/ Junkrat. You are constantly wondering where he is throughout the match and assume he's dead but by the end he's got a card w/ either gold elims or damage. xD

i'm OK w/ Junkrat, myself. I can take a Pharah out of the sky pretty easily w/ him, these days. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Wow, kinda surprised to see D. Va so low. Squeezed out by Zarya saturation, I guess.

she'll be back tho, once D.Va can fire while DMing and ha DM can eat particle beams D.Va will be the new meta. ;)

it is sad seeing her only trotted out to stall towards the end of matches, tho. :'(

Nerf lucio? didn't he just got nerfed.

Zarya will likely get nerfed before Blizz touches Lucio again, mostly because his use doesn't directly affect the use of other characters like Zarya does & Zen did (and still does...).
Had an eichenwilde game where I couldn't die as mei.

Love those kind of games.

Nah man, a pharah that can hit direct hits is one of the best dpses in the game.
I know direct hits are useful and Pharah is a great damage outputter but there is no denying that Pharah firing into a group is more effective that Pharah firing into a single target. Obviously you prioritise healers first, same goes for most characters, but a Pharah firing into a crowd will always be more useful than a Soldier firing into a crowd. Just like junkrat is more useful firing into a crowd than mcCree.
I say they shouldn't nerf Lucio. His abilities aren't gamebreaking, they're just universally useful. He's on every team because he makes every team better. What he lacks is a reasonable counter, or alternate picks that lend themselves better to specific team comps. I've got hopes for Sombra on the first one, but on the second, it's more about buffing or further specializing the rest of the supports than anything else.

I'd also say that there's a general disincentive to switch heroes throughout the match due to the way ult advantage works. I think you'd see more switching, and fewer <10% heroes, if they could be pulled out at a moment's notice.


something I'm noticing is how bad Symmetra Ultimate. I hate having one teleport charge left and not being able to build up more until the last one is used.
Hey guys,

Sick of playing with terrible random players on PS4!

Is there a gaf overwatch group? Or can I add anyone who plays well, looking to get out of silver competitive.
something I'm noticing is how bad Symmetra Ultimate. I hate having one teleport charge left and not being able to build up more until the last one is used.

Symm's ult has a ton of problems, tbh. It's the longest charging in the game, if you're counting the time when it's up. It doesn't help at ALL in a team fight. And just to add insult to injury, it's so hugely visible that it's liable to get taken out immediately.

I'm fond of the idea of giving people spawned through the teleporter a buff, like a shield bar, and making the portal itself waaaaay less visible. Maybe even stealthed, so you can drop it behind enemy lines.


Symm's ult has a ton of problems, tbh. It's the longest charging in the game, if you're counting the time when it's up. It doesn't help at ALL in a team fight. And just to add insult to injury, it's so hugely visible that it's liable to get taken out immediately.

I'm fond of the idea of giving people spawned through the teleporter a buff, like a shield bar, and making the portal itself waaaaay less visible. Maybe even stealthed, so you can drop it behind enemy lines.
I wouldn't say it's the longest, you can get it up in a minute if you're playing aggressively with both your turrets and her right click.


Symm's ult has a ton of problems, tbh. It's the longest charging in the game, if you're counting the time when it's up. It doesn't help at ALL in a team fight. And just to add insult to injury, it's so hugely visible that it's liable to get taken out immediately.

I'm fond of the idea of giving people spawned through the teleporter a buff, like a shield bar, and making the portal itself waaaaay less visible. Maybe even stealthed, so you can drop it behind enemy lines.

What if, she had to charge for her ult initially like normal. Then a separate ult charge bar goes up once it's down that's progression equates to the amount of shielding applied to whoever comes out of the gate (Edit - and perhaps even applied to the teleporter itself). Giving an even bigger emphasis on both putting it somewhere safe / clever, and taking it out as quickly as possible. Also, means maybe formed groups could be more tactical as to who uses it and when.


something I'm noticing is how bad Symmetra Ultimate.

As someone that has mostly played Sym I concur. She needs either a new ult or a secondary ult to use instead of the teleporter.

These days I only play Sym on attack in assault maps (in a groupless lobby), since defenders aren't used to hunting teleporters. In all other situations her ult is pretty useless, no matter how much it makes me sad to say it.
Blizz response to a Zarya thread

Zarya has always been extremely powerful and usually sees very low play time. Internally at Blizzard, we all felt like she was one of the most powerful characters in the lineup in the early Alpha and Beta. We were always shocked that she was played so infrequently. We've made very few changes to how she works over the months but we're always keeping an eye on the balance of all of our heroes.

Zarya is definitely powerful but requires a high skill player to get the most out of her. I don't think she is a problem right now but we'll keep watching how she does, especially now that she is finally gaining in popularity.

The low pick rate thing is surprising. I think it's fascinating how many different levels of the game their are. And how you never really see the other side. What are you gold players doing?? Get good with Zarya!


Symm's ult has a ton of problems, tbh. It's the longest charging in the game, if you're counting the time when it's up. It doesn't help at ALL in a team fight. And just to add insult to injury, it's so hugely visible that it's liable to get taken out immediately.

I'm fond of the idea of giving people spawned through the teleporter a buff, like a shield bar, and making the portal itself waaaaay less visible. Maybe even stealthed, so you can drop it behind enemy lines.

Also if you have headphones you can actually hear where it was dropped...

As someone that has mostly played Sym I concur. She needs either a new ult or a secondary ult to use instead of the teleporter.

These days I only play Sym on attack in assault maps (in a groupless lobby), since defenders aren't used to hunting teleporters. In all other situations her ult is pretty useless, no matter how much it makes me sad to say it.
I've yet to use her on assault but I've seen her do some damage on attack on hamaura. Also whats your rank current rank with her? I'm sitting at 94% according to overbuff


Blizz response to a Zarya thread

The low pick rate thing is surprising. I think it's fascinating how many different levels of the game their are. And how you never really see the other side. What are you gold players doing?? Get good with Zarya!

I still remember when no one really played her during the first month of release and we even complained that we didn't understand her. Now she's all powerful.


Dude, come back to Overwatch. I need some of our group up magic. My rank has plummeted to 3150.

lol, I'll be back as soon as I get the raid done. hopefully tonight or this week. i bet my rank has dropped to 3000 from not playing for 7 days. i was 3005 so i lost 5 points. no biggie.


I've yet to use her on assault but I've seen her do some damage on attack on hamaura. Also whats your rank current rank with her? I'm sitting at 94% according to overbuff

Top 200 (#182) on PC according to overbuff. Mei walls on the Hanamura choke are great for charging the beam and then walking in to surprise melt two or three.


Blizz response to a Zarya thread

The low pick rate thing is surprising. I think it's fascinating how many different levels of the game their are. And how you never really see the other side. What are you gold players doing?? Get good with Zarya!
Her design is probably turning off a lot of people, and that's what ultimately determines the general pickrate.

24/7 blinking kill me
Blizz response to a Zarya thread

The low pick rate thing is surprising. I think it's fascinating how many different levels of the game their are. And how you never really see the other side. What are you gold players doing?? Get good with Zarya!

As a player that is stuck in Gold hell, I will say that a good 50-60% of the losses I've been a part of were due to my team not knowing how to deal with a decent Zarya. Not even a good or great one, just decent. She can completely shutdown an unorganized team if played right.
As a person in Gold, what IS the way to deal with Zarya? Is the answer literally just "Don't hit her shield"? I've never really figured out if there's any character that really counters her.


I just got out of a match against 5 Zaryas and a Lucio, which means everyone's speed boosted and has a shield all the time. Everything's a mistake there.
We won but still, the overtime lasted more than the match.

I played defense on Numbani a few days ago against 6 Zaryas. I had gold elims with 1 and despite our Ameizing/Zarya/Ana defense, they were slaughtering us (but not capturing). I thought it was over when one of our Zaryas ulted them all off the point so the overtime meter blinked away. Surprisingly neither team had thought of using Graviton Surge to pull the other team off the point.


They said they're looking into Symmetra and I hope that arrives sooner than later. Torbjorn needs some love too !

Kinda surprised Zenyatta fell like that, he is still super powerful.


As a person in Gold, what IS the way to deal with Zarya? Is the answer literally just "Don't hit her shield"? I've never really figured out if there's any character that really counters her.
Bait her shield and then deal with her or, if you know you can/your team's with you, burn through her shield (it's only 200hp) and kill her. Good counters are long range characters since she can't easily hit them, but, again, if you can bait or burn her shield she's vulnerable for 10 seconds. So, basically, shoot her shield only if you know you're gonna get the kill.
Bait her shield and then deal with her or, if you know you can/your team's with you, burn through her shield (it's only 200hp) and kill her. Good counters are long range characters since she can't easily hit them, but, again, if you can bait or burn her shield she's vulnerable for 10 seconds. So, basically, shoot her shield only if you know you're gonna get the kill.

I was hoping that wouldn't be the case haha. I guess that means you don't need to worry so much about picking a specific character at least.

As a person with a moderate understanding of Japanese, I naturally gravitate towards Genji and Hanzo (even if I'm not so secretly bad at them) since I can understand their battle quotes. But Genji has one in particular that he says when respawning, that I really appreciate, &#12300;&#12418;&#12358;&#19968;&#21315;&#39000;&#12358;&#12301;, "One thousand more wishes". I love this because it refers to the Japanese idea of folding 1000 paper cranes to be granted a wish, and by saying one thousand *more*, you understand that he's referring to his previous rebirth as a badass cyborg ninja, and now once more... in the considerably more mundane respawn room. It's something that a lot of people probably don't get to realize, but in a way helps build his character for how appreciative he is of being given his second chance.

To the other bilingual Overwatch players, are there any other lines that you appreciate, that maybe the others can't?


Symm's ult has a ton of problems, tbh. It's the longest charging in the game, if you're counting the time when it's up. It doesn't help at ALL in a team fight. And just to add insult to injury, it's so hugely visible that it's liable to get taken out immediately.

I'm fond of the idea of giving people spawned through the teleporter a buff, like a shield bar, and making the portal itself waaaaay less visible. Maybe even stealthed, so you can drop it behind enemy lines.

Playing Sym on Numbani attack the other day, and my teleporter saved that game for us. Unfortunately, in a game where people had some common sense, the tele would have been destroyed very quickly as it was just right off the final point in the side room. The teleporter in that situation was extremely powerful, Blizzard just needs to make the teleporter perform this way all the time.

The enemy team kept reinforcing the point on defense, and the teleporter evened up playing field and we endured.
Tempted to test out this ana,reaper,Reinhardt and Zarya comp tonight, sounds like it's quite effective!

You need that Lucio around for the speedboost, too. The fluctuating character is the last one, either another DPS, Tank or Mei. It looks like it will be pretty fun to play, actually. Everyone has a specific role and nobody really encroaches anyone else in it.

I soloed some this weekend. Dropped below 3000, but clawed my way back. I hit 3001 and called it for solo. Weekends seem to only be GREAT / SHIT, no between.

In one of the games, I had a bunch of people on mics. KOTH. First game, we destroy it. Then, we falter in the second game and this kid gets on the microphone. An actual kid, maybe 12. Maybe.
He starts telling everyone what he thinks we should all change to... and people actually listen.
It's based on absolutely nothing. "We could use a Reinhardt!" Whole team is either flanker or support... we don't need a Reinhardt.
"If anyone wants to switch to healer, I can play McCree." Someone actually switches.
I stayed with Zarya the whole time because it was the only way I could make sure their wild swapping had a solid backbone.

No offense to 12 year olds or children... but I don't give a shit about your view of the meta, or your weird attempt at adherence to the 2/2/2 meta. I'm not really sold on the 2/2/2 on console, period.


I played defense on Numbani a few days ago against 6 Zaryas. I had gold elims with 1 and despite our Ameizing/Zarya/Ana defense, they were slaughtering us (but not capturing). I thought it was over when one of our Zaryas ulted them all off the point so the overtime meter blinked away. Surprisingly neither team had thought of using Graviton Surge to pull the other team off the point.
I'm not sure that would have worked since everyone was all over the place and speedboosted. I ended up picking Pharah because our Meis kept giving them charge so they were always 80+, and that worked out alright since her ult was up every 20 seconds.
As a person in Gold, what IS the way to deal with Zarya? Is the answer literally just "Don't hit her shield"? I've never really figured out if there's any character that really counters her.

I kill tons of Zaryas with Roadhog, bring her near to you and she's dead. Some will try to bubble after the first shot, you can choose between reloading your weapon in those 2 seconds or destroy her bubble giving her 50 charge depending of the situation, and finish her off after that.
You need that Lucio around for the speedboost, too. The fluctuating character is the last one, either another DPS, Tank or Mei. It looks like it will be pretty fun to play, actually. Everyone has a specific role and nobody really encroaches anyone else in it.

Yeah I forgot to mention him as I kind of take him as a given in most matches, especially if you have an Ana as secondary healer. Shame it's another one of those ones that you'd need a 5-6 stack to pull off especially on console, I haven't had much luck getting that many people together unless it's a weekend night.
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