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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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I don't understand. Surely Blizzard devised the 2200-2300 skill rating as some kind of limbo where idiots perpetually reside. It's like every single time I reach it I will be paired with a team of people who don't know how to play their characters, do troll picks, choose both symmetra and torb on defense and neither one changes.


Actually it's more like 0000-3499 is the idiot limbo rating as even higher ranks still gets stupid people.


i play a lot of ana lately and i'm actually looking forward to the change

20% isn't the biggest difference on her ult which is currently just stupid, and making it easier to hit with the nade is big

nade and sleep dart are secretly almost as OP as the ult
Just had a super intense match on King's Row, where we put up a hell of a Defense right near the final point. As Zenyatta I was discording and healing like crazy, and saved my team's ass with timely Transcendences about three or four times (twice I stopped a Reaper ult from destroying our team). It was only marred by the fact that a person on the enemy team quit after we took the first point on Attack, which soured the victory a little. The remaining 5 still put up a hell of a fight, though, and nearly were still able to stop us thanks to a Zarya that nobody on my team would kill.

Seriously, Zaryas are basically my #1 target when I see them now, no matter who I'm playing as. If she gets to high energy she can walk around destroying everyone.

Good Zen play, that feels so good when you can pull it off (stay alive while staying effective) in tight quarters.

If I'm on mic, I encourage everyone to focus down Zarya when her bubble goes down, or if I see our Reaper pumping rounds into it. Got to get her out of there soonest.


For you.
Actually it's more like 0000-3499 is the idiot limbo rating as even higher ranks still gets stupid people.

I wish. But when I'm going up to 2200, I always get great teams, all very cohesive in terms of comp, people communicate.

Reach over 2200 though? Carnival of stupid begins.

I really need to get a proper group, solo queue is frustrating at times.


DId anybody just get 11 lootboxes?

I left the main menu up until it backed out of the server and when I reconnected I had an extra 11 boxes.

Not complaining though.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
4 gold medals and POTM as Reinhardt.

My team all leaves so I get no votes, and someone on the enemy team said "fu".

No one appreciates Reinhardts. :(


Those loot boxes each install a separate virus on your computer.

Hope you didn't open any.

n҉̲̦ọ̸̤̬̻̫̝p̥͎̭͎̖ͅe̸͇̦̲̟̱̮ ͎̦͇̝e̖̬̙v̻͕̬̜̳̗e̲̬r̛̖͍͕̖͔y̵̻͚̪̪͚̘t̞̠h̥i̫̮̣n͉g'͇͈͓̯͇̀s̼̯͉̠ ͉̣͉͈̰͍͍r̬̗̭̲̥͜u͓̦̠͉n͉n̕i̗͈͕̝̦͉n̬̦̜͍̟̞͘g̠̦̟͎̙̞͉ ̠̯̮̟̮f̲ḭn̬̼̮e̫̹̳̦͓ ͔̙̙h̪͕̹̳͇e̗̩͔͇r͏̱̬ę̗̦͇ ̘o̳̳̙̺̩̮̕h҉̖̞̬̙ ͚͇̙g̶̖̬o̳̫̰̮̭̟ḓ̛̬̠͇


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Oh wow, the score decay in comp is pretty serious. Just saw I'm at 3082 from 3220 just from not playing it for a week.
n҉̲̦ọ̸̤̬̻̫̝p̥͎̭͎̖ͅe̸͇̦̲̟̱̮ ͎̦͇̝e̖̬̙v̻͕̬̜̳̗e̲̬r̛̖͍͕̖͔y̵̻͚̪̪͚̘t̞̠h̥i̫̮̣n͉g'͇͈͓̯͇̀s̼̯͉̠ ͉̣͉͈̰͍͍r̬̗̭̲̥͜u͓̦̠͉n͉n̕i̗͈͕̝̦͉n̬̦̜͍̟̞͘g̠̦̟͎̙̞͉ ̠̯̮̟̮f̲ḭn̬̼̮e̫̹̳̦͓ ͔̙̙h̪͕̹̳͇e̗̩͔͇r͏̱̬ę̗̦͇ ̘o̳̳̙̺̩̮̕h҉̖̞̬̙ ͚͇̙g̶̖̬o̳̫̰̮̭̟ḓ̛̬̠͇
Lmao. This is quality comedy right here.


That feeling when you haven't played competitive OW in over a week but your score doesn't decay cause you're bad


I don't get how you can be level 40+ and have no idea on the basic rules of the game. I get people being bad at killing or staying alive (don't even get me started on this one) but contesting a point? Defending the payload? Staying the near the objective?

The worst is when teammates go off in random parts of the map to kill. Reaper I understand but Hanzo? Seriously, I should be saltier at this stuff but all I do is laugh. Splatoon broke me I think
Fuck this game today. This has to be the shitiest matchmaking I've seen.

3 games in a row grouping me up with 4 guys below level 40 against 2/3 star players on the other side. What the hell is this? We got steamrolled every single time obviously, what a fucking surprise (I leave to your imagination the teams composition...).

I don't really mind losing if the game is at least enjoyable, but this shit is QP level right now.


Just got this game and idk why the fuck Blizzard is matching me with level 40-50 people when I'm a level 7? They just dominate everyone and it's unfair. What the fuck.

Also D. Va is the WORST. Goddamnit. So much rage.
Holy fuck. Months later and I still can't get a handle on playing McCree. It's driving me nuts.

What part of him are you having trouble with? I can handle any 1v1 hallway battle with him, but I feel lost in a general scrum around the payload. Should I be flanking? Sniping from on high? In the mix, shooting from behind a Rein shield? He's tough.
Just got this game and idk why the fuck Blizzard is matching me with level 40-50 people when I'm a level 7? They just dominate everyone and it's unfair. What the fuck.

Also D. Va is the WORST. Goddamnit. So much rage.

Okay, son, let's just back waaay the fuck off with the D.Va salt. She may be "too much car" for you, but that's no excuse to talk shit about my beautiful little girl.

But seriously, if you're getting matched against higher level players, it means your rating is as good as theirs. You're as good as them, in other words, time-played notwithstanding. You can take them, believe that and you'll be good. And put in some hours as D.Va against AI- you'll see she can put in some work, unless you're against Zarya or Reaper in close. Then you're fucked. Good hunting!


I'm getting really good teammates in qp, and monkeys with controllers in their hand in comp. Seems kinda backwards to me.

That is how my night has gone. And of course, the usual team bickering at the very start of the round. Took 2 losses in comp and just had some fun in Brawl instead which ironically kept giving my team 2-2-2. Guess what happens when you get a good balanced team? You win! Blizzard might as well add random Brawl mode to competitive.
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