Have the matches from the Chinese tourney been archived?
You mean APAC? You can find the VoDs here, at least from the first day.
Have the matches from the Chinese tourney been archived?
You mean APAC? You can find the VoDs here, at least from the first day.
They really were, I didn't think that we could actually win those games after the first round, but that just made the victories even better
You did really great as Zarya on Volskaya, and after the first round the team finally started to stick together. We captured the 2 points in 3 minutes which is very good, definitely wasn't expecting that. You also had a lot of kills on Route 66, I was very surprised by that level ~30 player on our team that got POTG, he was actually very useful as McCree/Tracer.
Here`s the link for anyone else who is unaware of the stream.
They invited Mendo, ryb and Wolff to replace Grego, Reaver and deBett.
Kinda sad seeing Grego leaving, but I`m not complaining.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweats about how broken 50% Discord Orb was.
Yeah.I remember straight up melting Roadhog and Winston.
An shit, you didn't have to do that.....Hey optimus, I added transparancy to your avatar if you want to get rid of the white.
She's currently been getting use in the C9/Liquid game. Pharmercy got kinda resurrected. Although it's 75% Talespin for that lol.Does Mercy fit anywhere in the current pro meta?
Does Mercy fit anywhere in the current pro meta?
I don't know why people use the Imp skin
Mercy's Imp skin? I mean... I know of at least one reason.
*looks at tire*I know it's console, but why do people just not shoot Junkrat's tire?
*looks at tire*
"Eh, someone else will shoot it"
*dies to tire two seconds later*
Yeah, that's not a console exclusive thing.*looks at tire*
"Eh, someone else will shoot it"
*dies to tire two seconds later*
I know it's console, but why do people just not shoot Junkrat's tire?
I watched his stream once and it blew my mind. Wished he streamed more often because he was just 100% spot on and it was just a pleasure to watch.Also, Harbleu is a damn God with Roadhog.
I haven't played in 2 weeks but after loading it up today I have 11 loot boxes. What?! Was there a reward thing or something I missed?
Congratulations, you either play in the Asia servers or is very lucky.
Those 11 loot boxes were given as an apology to the Asian players for the many DDoS attacks that region has been receiving.
However, some lucky players from other regions have also received them.
You can open them, there's not gonna be any negative repercussion for doing so.
Climbed about 200 points this evening, almost back to 2400 again. I keep on filling the missing slots support/tank wise, but hey, I'm fine with that.
Also, to you DVA players out there. If there is a Zarya on the opposite team, please switch to another character.
BUt then no one would ever play DVa because Zarya is a constant pick nowadays.
A careful DVa can still be useful imo
All of my rage.
I just stay off-healer and watch as one of our 3 DPS's spams for me to switch. Nope, fuck you I'm not solohealing, I'll gladly eat the loss.And it happens every time. Which means I have to switch to Lucio. Fuck.
Oh nice. I'm in Australia so I guess we're on the Asian servers.
Lol you can easily win games with a solo healer.I just stay off-healer and watch as one of our 3 DPS's spams for me to switch. Nope, fuck you I'm not solohealing, I'll gladly eat the loss.
I think it's just the big streamers aren't present for right now, Moon isn't streaming this week and Seagull is usually scrimming instead. Summit also has been on H1Z1 when he usually brought a big userbase.
Usually I'm the only one shooting at the tier while everyone is running away... I mostly play Mercy. Used to try signaling that my ult is ready so everyone stay trying to shot the tier while I back off getting ready to revive them if they fail, except everyone would also run away and Mercy is always the most tempting target. Fuck that shit, I just hold my ground and try to shoot it now.I know it's console, but why do people just not shoot Junkrat's tire?
Chinese ripoff Mei > Real Mei
She was defiantly at near 100% the few days after the patch, I play D-Va a lot so I was excited for the patch, but I could barely try her the first week or so because there was always one if not two D-Vas on my team.This has never been the case, at any point in the game lol.
And she is no where near 80 now especially. I rarely see her.
Well that's because people were trying her out then. Everyone is going to try out all the heroes that got changed. That timeframe is an exception, but after a few days, she was nowhere near 80 or 100%.She was defiantly at near 100% the few days after the patch, I play D-Va a lot so I was excited for the patch, but I could barely try her the first week or so because there was always one if not two D-Vas on my team.
May be jumping on PSN in a bit. Anyone interested in getting a 3stack going? 3125SR
I've played too much of the game. I've had too many awful experiences solohealing that I just refuse anymore. I'll gladly play Lucio if someone else wants to play off-healer, but I'm just fucking done trying to put the entire team on my back like that. Not in this tank heavy meta.Lol you can easily win games with a solo healer.
Hell I won a game of comp once on Route 66 with ZERO healers on defense and they barely pushed the cart.i didn't switch because I thought all hope was lost anyways but I was obviously wrong. I was also Zarya, so it's kind of a hard choice....
As somebody who plays a lot of Zarya, it took me a little while to learn that I shouldn't just stand there with my shield up with a smug grin, and that I should actually try to shoot the thing down too. Because most competent Junkrats will either circle around for two seconds and kill you anyway, or just find an easier target and take a teammate or two out of the equation instead. Always, always shoot the tire.
I wish D.Va could get buffed to the point where I could use her and not feel like a detriment to my team
Don't worry, you will always be a detriment to your team.
i'm sorry buttchin
Fatal why