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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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OK, Ill try out Winston. It's going to be fun taking out Mercy and Zenyattas.

Btw, I discovered the joy that is Junk Rat. He's so fun and cheap as hell lol. I was shocked that he doesnt take damage on his detonator ability, but his grenade launcher is pretty great on defense/small areas.
OK, Ill try out Winston. It's going to be fun taking out Mercy and Zenyattas.

Just remember not to get hit. He does like 150 dps without headshots if your bubble bursts. That's without headshots. Don't let him hit your giant head. For all that is holy.

Seriously, the hurtbox for your noggin is huge.


I've long since arrived at the point where I don't think anything can be done about symmetra.

But to this proposal, she's not supposed to win 1v2s. She's not supposed to win fair 1v1s either. She's all area denial, which is strong at chokepoints, and basically nowhere else in the game. She has no answers to being dived, and that's by design. She's pure support in the truest sense - if you get targeted by any competent DPS, you're supposed to lose.

Symmetra makes her bank by catching out of position players unaware, and giving her team an advantage with shields, orbs and sentries. This can be used to great effect at the lower ranks, but it's not really viable when the enemy can aim well.

I know all this. But she is very often target #1 together with other healers (is she a healer? Lol) and i feel like if you stay alone or your turrets got destroyed you can't do a lot most of the time. I know that part of this game is being killed too, lol but i feel like Symmetra can't do a lot to protect herself when being alone and/or without turrets close to her. I can get 10 or more kill streak with her tbh. but you really need to place her turrets well, wait for the enemy and attack together with the turrets imo. that's the best she can do, that way she is killing so fast. Also jumping around when attacking is helping a little... i guess. Lol


My serious views on Zarya and tanks in general:

Zarya doesn't need any sort of nerf. She can be outplayed if your not running in solo queue with a brain dead team. Any decent overwatch player should know by now that you get rid of supports/tanks first because they cause far too much disruption when ulting. Your Reaper/Pharah/Tracer should have Zarya as your primary objective to destroy because of how pivotal she is mid/late attack. It's easier said than done but DPS should both be focusing on her. Too many people just let her duck back to regain cooldown/shield.

The 3/3 set up is a problem but like others have said, you need to buff the likes of Bastion and other heroes to make them viable enough to be actual counters to the tanks. Bastion with a bit of mobility or some way to negotiate hooks/Rein charge etc could be a legitimate pick to counter those set ups. Currently, my only real suggestion is to go 3 DPS, 1 tank, 2 supports. You need Genji and Tracer to flank and get rid of Ana immediately, Both should hunt her together to ensure she can't escape. Maybe have a Reaper in the front line distracting Reinhardt and Roadhog. It's a very risky line up but it might work at the moment.
Btw. I played Winston for... 9-10 minutes maybe. ��
He is last on my most played list.

a lot of people play him and go "man his damage kinda sucks" and drop him

his single target DPS is pretty crappy but he's meant for attacking several heroes at once with his gun, surprising people and breaking up ranks/snipers
That said, I love nano-boosting a winston. That extra damage tesla cannon is amazing for getting down anything with less than 250 hp almost instantly.

That THAT said, I hate it when I nano boost a Winston, and they rage out, as it seems to do very little to the Ult's performance.
a lot of people play him and go "man his damage kinda sucks" and drop him

his single target DPS is pretty crappy but he's meant for attacking several heroes at once with his gun, surprising people/breaking up ranks/snipers
Even more importantly, his Tesla Cannon goes through Rein's shield, is unaffected by Genji's reflect or D.va's barrier, and requires little aim. It's reliable in even the most chaotic situations.

Plus he can reload it while jumping, for little downtime.
Honestly, Winston is at his most effective when your team is calling out the dps and their locations when they have taken some damage. You can hop in and kill them in a second, then take out the healer that was probably with/near them. Then you repeat ad nauseum. Also, when fighting, turn so your target is at the side of your screen rather than the crosshair. Helps save you from easy headshots.


Also i am becoming much better with Zarya. Today i even got my first POTG with her. It wasn't anything special, 4 eliminations i think but she can also be very fun, and i realised that literally 2 days ago.

I also think that she doesn't need any nerf but i am on PC so idk. how is situation with her on consoles.


That said, I love nano-boosting a winston. That extra damage tesla cannon is amazing for getting down anything with less than 250 hp almost instantly.

That THAT said, I hate it when I nano boost a Winston, and they rage out, as it seems to do very little to the Ult's performance.

Great with a graviton surge since he hits them all at once plus if he does ult he can do damage since they don't move in it.
Winston and Zarya are a match made in heaven. Zarya shields Winston when he jump in to the action and this usually gives her energy, and Winston does a lot of damage in Zarya ult because he can damage multiple targets.

Those two were made for each other.
That said, I love nano-boosting a winston. That extra damage tesla cannon is amazing for getting down anything with less than 250 hp almost instantly.

That THAT said, I hate it when I nano boost a Winston, and they rage out, as it seems to do very little to the Ult's performance.

The best part is, after being nano'd if they immediately rage you can get probably 75% charge off of him alone and have nano up for the next push. Then he gets his from the nano boost and you can repeat the cycle.
The best part is, after being nano'd if they immediately rage you can get probably 75% charge off of him alone and have nano up for the next push. Then he gets his from the nano boost and you can repeat the cycle.
Except a good Winston will constantly be leaping around and that would be very hard for Ana to hit consistently.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
the best thing about winston is

'nerf thi-'
'barrier up'
Except a good Winston will constantly be leaping around and that would be very hard for Ana to hit consistently.

his hitbox is gigantic and his movement is easily predictable. he's not that hard to hit.


Zarya is meant to go with everyone. She's like every class rolled into one character.

Beautifully designed. Please don't nerf.
Nah, he's a big target and easy to hitscan. As long as you have los, you shouldn't really have too much difficulty hitting him.
Fair point. It's just when I hear constantly moving target and sniper I usually don't think that goes well lol
Jeff Kaplan just posted this, he said that they won't add a minimap to Overwatch anytime soon.
Makes sense, I never felt this game needed a minimap or would benefit too much from it. Although it would be nice if there was some indicator showing where the health packs are for newer players still trying to figure those out.


The OT's title is more appropriate that we ever anticipated lol.

Zarya can be easily dealt with if you know what to do.
Except a good Winston will constantly be leaping around and that would be very hard for Ana to hit consistently.

She's actually a good team-up because she can heal him from across the map. Winston has no problems reaching safe corners or heights on the map, but a lot of problems healing--which Ana can solve.


Makes sense, I never felt this game needed a minimap or would benefit too much from it. Although it would be nice if there was some indicator showing where the health packs are for newer players still trying to figure those out.

Jeff Kaplan just posted this, he said that they won't add a minimap to Overwatch anytime soon.

When did the game needing a minimap become a debate? I really hope this game doesn't go the way of insane hand-holding. That would ruin the game entirely. Just go into the maps in a custom game and learn the health pack placements/layout. New players are not entitled to immediately know every map layout immediately without putting in any work.


When did the game needing a minimap become a debate? I really hope this game doesn't go the way of insane hand-holding. That would ruin the game entirely. Just go into the maps in a custom game and learn the health pack placements/layout. New players are not entitled to immediately know every map layout immediately without putting in any work.

New players get confused by the layout and that's really about it. Healers can see other players through walls and that's more than enough.
When did the game needing a minimap become a debate? I really hope this game doesn't go the way of insane hand-holding. That would ruin the game entirely. Just go into the maps in a custom game and learn the health pack placements/layout. New players are not entitled to immediately know every map layout immediately without putting in any work.
I never thought a mini map was needed, I was just saying make it easier to learn the health pack locations(not like it's too difficult in the first place).

People are always complaining about lvl 25 not being high enough for comp, and this would ease that problem that some people have. They could even give an option to toggle it off if you don't need it.
Ate a lot of losses today, I can at least say I performed well in most matches so I went down fighting.

My griping point for today: Cowardly/Unnecessary Reinhardt
We all know about the Reins that go dashing off to their death but I'm frequently encountering a new breed that chooses Rein in a situation where he achieves nothing like attacking point B on Anubis, constantly trying to wade down the middle path towards an entire enemy team focusing fire on him. In this case there was even a bastion just shield shredding the entire time.
They basically end up just standing around, I don't know what they're expecting because even with a group of attackers that specialise in long range attacks you'd still be losing the battle of attrition against the closely knit enemy team sitting right by their spawn point.

Then on defense he turns up again, okay this time it makes a lot of sense...until he sets up shop on the elevated ground behind the arch around point A, now if we had a Bastion behind him this would make sense...but we didn't even have one at all so he was shielding no one and leaving the front choke completely open, bravo Rein you god damn lemon.


Just realised Anne and I kinda predicted triple tank and triple support before season 2 even started. Just forget the bit about mercy :|
With the discord nerf and mercy buff I wonder if triple tank with a DPS, Lucio and mercy would be decent. Roadhog can one shot and zarya with two other tanks should be easy to get charged up so there wouldn't be a lack of damage. Might try it out after the patch.
Massive HP with fast healing and sound barrier would make it hard to kill the team and when they die just rez.

I think triple support would be neater. Some permutation of Ana/Mercy/Zen or Ana/Mercy/Lucio as your support pick.

The thing about Ana/Mercy is that their ult charge rates are really fast right now. Ana will get hers first and start a fight with it. If your team wipes the fight, then Mercy rezes them and keeps it going. If your team wins with no rez required, Mercy has her ult for the next fight. If Mercy needs to rez the next fight, then Ana can ult post rez in order to extend or secure the fight. You could have Lucio for your engage or Zen for damage depending on what you want and which support ult you value more.

So like Zarya/Rein/McCree or Hanzo or whatever preferred DPS/Ana/Mercy/Zen or Lucio could be a potential 3 support comp. That's assuming that Ana/Mercy would want or need the third support and you couldn't run 2/2/2 with it.

I think ana can make the team very snowbally. Ult a Reinhardt and he'll pretty much get earth shatter. Earth shatter and your DPS finish the job and get their ults up. It could be pretty powerful in a coordinated team.

I think triple support is maybe overkill though. The damage output would be too little. Triple tank at least would have decent damage.

Damage output might not matter if you have constant Ana ult and can extend a fight forever. You basically are loading a lot of your damage into McCree/Zarya which is honestly enough, if the McCree can secure kills on other DPS you just win the fight anyways. You can also run Zen to get your damage up. Ana+Zen is actually a pretty decent damage boost even with 30% discord.

Anyways, there is a lot to play with when it comes to supports rn.

Edit: I guess you could run one tank and two DPS if you just want the damage over the tanks but I dunno. There's stuff there to experiment with.

Triple tank triple support?

Nice to look back on past discussions to see how right/wrong they were.


New players get confused by the layout and that's really about it. Healers can see other players through walls and that's more than enough.


I never thought a mini map was needed, I was just saying make it easier to learn the health pack locations(not like it's too difficult in the first place).

People are always complaining about lvl 25 not being high enough for comp, and this would ease that problem that some people have. They could even give an option to toggle it off if you don't need it.

There are online resources for that, though: http://2p.com/42599492_1/overwatch-health-pack-locations-for-all-maps-by-jaminnoob.htm

If you want to become a competitive player, I don't think the game should just hand-hold you all the way there. Anyone can be alright in QP, but to get into competitive and be ranked above bronze/silver it should take some effort.

But I do think 50 should be the lowest point of entry to Competitive. Although that might turn a lot of people off from the game, so I understand why Blizzard won't do it. If WoW is anything to go by, in a few years, this game will be extremely casualized and a shell of its former self. We can hope it doesn't go that way, though.


For better or worse, the 3/3 comp is gradually becoming 3/2/1. NiP was running a Pharah today instead of Zen.


For better or worse, the 3/3 comp is gradually becoming 3/2/1. NiP was running a Pharah today instead of Zen.

Haven't they been running Hanzo instead of Zen usually? Also 4 tanks/2 support on defense. They are both variations of 3/3 though.


Haven't they been running Hanzo instead of Zen usually? Also 4 tanks/2 support on defense. They are both variations of 3/3 though.

Yeah, they used Hanzo, McCree, Zen and Pharah today. Other teams have been dropping the Zen too.


Attacking final checkpoint on King's Row as Reinhardt. I get dropped to 100ish health, then back up with my shield up.

Then, I watch as Ana tries to snipe an enemy widow from behind me for 30 seconds while my shield crumbles and I eventually die, followed by Ana getting sniped.

I spent the last two minutes of the match emoting outside our spawn after that.
I think it's "like a fighting game" in how each character has a distinct look and set of abilities. At least that's how I described it to someone at work.


I think it's "like a fighting game" in how each character has a distinct look and set of abilities. At least that's how I described it to someone at work.

Using that metric, it's also like a MOBA or an MMORPG.

I think at a superficial level, using familiar genres to explain some of the game's individual components is fine. But how they work together as a full game is different, unique, and cannot and should not be explained in relation to existing genres, lest people play while fundamentally misunderstanding the game.


Using that metric, it's also like a MOBA or an MMORPG.

I think at a superficial level, using familiar genres to explain some of the game's individual components is fine. But how they work together as a full game is different, unique, and cannot and should not be explained in relation to existing genres, lest people play while fundamentally misunderstanding the game.

The only things that remind me of a MOBA is that they have abilities with cooldowns and charging.
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