the holder of the trombone
IIf you're a big dumb crazy person? 
IIf you're a big dumb crazy person?![]()
If you can't make it, you could always just drop $40 on lootboxes like I did.
Of course, I'm a big dumb crazy person, but I'd say it's a reasonable alternative.
Jokes on you I only have 15 dollars
Why does it always go back to the main menu screen after each competitive match?
I've literally never had the option to continue playing with the same group of people after a finished competitive match
Why does it always go back to the main menu screen after each competitive match?
I've literally never had the option to continue playing with the same group of people after a finished competitive match
Why do people spend comp trying to learn how to use a character? Had a Pharah who had only 20 minutes on the char and was dying to a team that had zero ranged hitscan. Literally zero. Rein, Winston, Junkrat, Lucio, Mei, Genji.
Whats worse the person died to the Junkrat the most...almost every death was to the junkrat.
the pain of being a support main...
I have never uploaded another players potg but this mercy one was so clutch I had to.
Enemy Mercy potg
I've only seen it twice once I was in a fully party and a dead symmetra got potg we were all laughing and one guy in our party said we should all vote for that symmetra so we didLiterally my first time seeing someone get to 10 upvotes on their card and discovering there's a second line of dialog.
Vs A.I is a great place to practice with characters you want to learn or just watching other players play that characterLesson of the night: don't play characters I'm not completely comfortable with
Wow, had a game where our DPS's never used their ults once...
Oh well, I darted a flying pharah above a pit. I'm happy even when losing.
Note to PS4 players. Once you're in a comp game, switch to Team chat if you're in a party (social>groups>team). Otherwise your teammates can't hear you.
I'm surprised how few people actually know about this![]()
Actually there was a pretty similar play recently at the OGN apex. It was pretty sick.
Note to PS4 players. Once you're in a comp game, switch to Team chat if you're in a party (social>groups>team). Otherwise your teammates can't hear you.
I'm surprised how few people actually know about this![]()
you really should not get time penalty when leaving before the match start. I was tank, my team all pick dsp and the last guy pick widow, the fuck was i supposed to do? stay in for another 15 min just to get a sure loss?
If quit during "assemble your team phase" you shouldn't get penalized. That's for QP though. If you mean comp, well..
Lol yea, imagine that.
There is always at least one of the 12 not going to be completely happy at the start and just leave.
I got a quintuple kill as Zenyatta last night in the space of like 5 seconds, and I didn't discord orb the 4th person I killed so I missed out on the rapid discord trophy.
I feel dead inside.
there should be a reasonable middle ground. I'm fine with a penalty but it should not be the same as the penalty for leaving in the middle of the match. I also got penalty the other day for leaving too quick after the defeat/victory thing which is complete bs
Such a tough trophy. I think the time limit should be erased. Just make it per match.
It's easiest to get after a blizzard/earth shatter/graviton surge.
You don't even have to get the kills yourself.
there should be a reasonable middle ground. I'm fine with a penalty but it should not be the same as the penalty for leaving in the middle of the match. I also got penalty the other day for leaving too quick after the defeat/victory thing which is complete bs
What's the point in leaving early after the match is over? It kicks you back to main menu anyway, so you save what...5-10 seconds?
POTG, Voting, Stats. You don't wanna see all that after you lost.
Depends on what the follow up is. Pulse bomb then everyone dies. May need a bit of luck with teammates killing your targets first and spam discords.Also Graviton Surge? Won't the enemies, or at least some, die at the same time there?
Aww, that sucks dude.
That one and Lucio's Floor is Lava are the main problems for platina.
This one is not hard at all. The best and easiest map to do this is on Lighthouse. Stay in the lighthouse area, boop guys off to their death, ride a wall immediately after.
you can definitely leave after PotG and skip the voting and such, see streamer do it all the time, you just can't quickly rage quit after you see defeat.POTG, Voting, Stats. You don't wanna see all that after you lost.
I can't even get that many environmental kills without wall riding in between.