Imagine the potential a story mode would have.This brawl is so much fun. Proof that this game desperately needs PvE elements.
How are people even playing the brawl. Been queuing for over an hour now on EU and US servers and it won't put me in a game.
Why use imgur when you can use
Much less hassle
Imagine the potential a story mode would have.
Or hell, if they just had tutorial missions for every character that teaches you their lore and backstory while teaching you how to use that character.
Imagine the potential a story mode would have.
Or he'll, if they just had tutorial missions for every character that teaches you their lore and backstory while teaching you how to use that character.
Man, the brawl just exposing Ana players left and right, lol.
The KOTH I was just doing, the Mercy/Lucio were really giving me issues so I said 'fuck it' on the last round and went from 76 to Genji.
Nobody ever helped that Mercy. I stalked her. I ruined her every life. I bathed in her blood while Junkrat and Roadhog stared forward the entire time.
You never know if Blizz decides to do a OW sequel in the future. I doubt it, but any things possible.Not worth the time and money. I would much rather have some sort of horde mode cod zombies style, or just a multiplayer mode with PvE elements.
This brawl is going to be great for people having problems with their aim.Yeah, my Ana is pretty weak and McRee, Soldier and Hanzo aren't exactly my first choices either. This Brawl is going to test my mettle. Time to put in some practice :>o
It's register to get access (have you not done stupid shit on the internet? you're in) but the domain bit is probably right. My college internet doesn't block it, which is nicea) that site is invite only by the looks of it and
b) .sexy domains are blocked lots of places where imgur is not
hmmm, anyone having trouble finding a game on pc for any mode? NA here.
every update should add skins for all of the healers
so people play healers
ps4 d/l speeds are shit.... 100mbps down and still downloading... been two hours
YesDoes this patch include the balance changes to ana and widow
Nah, I was able to do 4 brawls in a row, <30 seconds to find a match. Maybe a minute for quick play.
Yeah.Are you on ps4?
ps4 d/l speeds are shit.... 100mbps down and still downloading... been two hours
At least on PS4, the new character icons are 3D and high res- it looks absolutely terrible.New portraits? What are people talking about
I hate PSN so much.
28 mb download speed on the test. Nearing on an hour of the patch and not even halfway.
What the fuck.
hmmm, anyone having trouble finding a game on pc for any mode? NA here.
First loot box....
White white blue white. The Halloween item was a Widowmaker voice line.
On PC and in EU, I cant get into any game. Trying the verus AI just to see, and been waiting just over 3 mins now.
They ruined Hanzo's Wolf skin ult out yell.
OKAMI yo watada kuraei
This happened to me when the Division's first major patch came put. It took like 4 hours.
When it was done, I DLed Dark Souls 3 on my PC and it took like 25 minutes, and was a good 30 gb larger.
Pause and unpause
Wait a minute...should I not be using my lootbox unlocks until events like these appear?
I have no loot boxes and must grind them.
Due to a bug, we've temporarily disabled Leaderboards on PC, PS4, and XB1. No ETA for a fix, but we'll provide an update once it's resolved!