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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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Try not to evaluate gold medals without context. It's a trap people fall into too easily.


You can get gold while making a lot of fundamental mistakes. Sure it could mean that your team suck balls too but you can only control yourself.

yea not even close to that pathetic stat more like 30-40 eliminations per game, most objective kills and most time on objective. These guys either werent on the object because they didnt know how to push or they ran off chasing an enemy running away. Our genji was useless not only did I have to take out the bastion which was being guarded by a reinhart sheild I also had to take out symmetra turrets because our winston tried to rush a guarded bastion many times and I also had to deal with a decent mcree but always some how got the advantage. Team get bottle necked a little and decides hey we dont need to push lets lose lol
Ah, neat! I think he should have armour. He's pure health, and it doesnt seem like it suits him. His gun is very weak, is it not? Im too afraid to pick him because I dont want people getting mad at me, but I really want to try him more

The jumping in part is important too. You do damage when you land, so jump into some squishies, pop bubble, and run around them in circles while holding attack (like Sym or Mei). When you start to take damage, or kill all the easy targets, get out, get health, repeat.

Winston is more about Genji control and inspiring "Oh shit, where'd he go, why's my damage meter lighting up?!" moments among everyone else.
Wtf. Winstons super takes like 6 shots to kill. I don't see its purpose at all

I very much enjoy killing "squishies" but I find it a bit disorienting to jump onto a squishy and then try to keep track of them as they run around.


restoring all health + increasing max health + reduced jump cooldown + knock back melee means you should be sewing enough chaos not to be killed that quickly. of course if youre 6v1 then yeah you'll die
Wtf. Winstons super takes like 6 shots to kill. I don't see its purpose at all

I very much enjoy killing "squishies" but I find it a bit disorienting to jump onto a squishy and then try to keep track of them as they run around.
I only really find it useful for getting people off your point or knocking them off the map in Nepal


Wtf. Winstons super takes like 6 shots to kill. I don't see its purpose at all

I very much enjoy killing "squishies" but I find it a bit disorienting to jump onto a squishy and then try to keep track of them as they run around.

Winston's Ult is about territorial control. If you're trying to take a point, hold a point, or contest for overtime, having the ult essentially allows you to hold as you normally would, then when your HP is low, you blow it to gain a ton of HP immediately while also getting the ability to throw enemies off the point. This scatters them and allows your team to pick them off in the confusion.
You know there's a problem when you're in the first 30 seconds of defense and you're the only one whos actually, yknow, on defense.

The curse of my Overwatch existence has been my team attacking the enemy as they leave spawn. So many instant skulls, with the 6 mile hike back now in front of them. Gibraltar is the only one where that works at all, and that not often.
I always laugh when I see clips of Reins charging the Dva ult instead of putting up their shields. I wonder what's going made them decide to do that lol?

Iron Giant, baby. Go out a hero.

Okay, actually I've only done it on purpose to avoid a last-second area denial. Sometimes it even works.
Winston's Ult is about territorial control. If you're trying to take a point, hold a point, or contest for overtime, having the ult essentially allows you to hold as you normally would, then when your HP is low, you blow it to gain a ton of HP immediately while also getting the ability to throw enemies off the point. This scatters them and allows your team to pick them off in the confusion.

I think maybe the button mapping is throwing me off. I have super jump on X, which is hard to reach.

Still, wouldnt it be better to go with another character whose ult does a better job of killing/controlling? DVA's super scatters enemies just as well, and she's fairly mobile.

I like using Winston though, Ill keep at it. Right now, I am forgetting to pop my shield sometimes, and I feel like Im jumping too early and dying to my cooldown not finishing.

I love his gun, I really enjoy his and Symmetras guns for some reason. It's so satisfying just lazily holding the fire button in a direction lol.
What do you guys want to see in terms of new meta/abilities for new characters?

The best thing I can think of is:

-a support hero who can place trampolines for their teammates
-a support hero who can give away his/her ultimate meter/health to other teammates

Oops. Sorry for the double post


Holy shit that looks like my graph! Minus the first dip. Fucking killed it at the beginning of season 2. Placed mid gold (woulda been higher but I fucking sucked hard season 1 and got stuck super low), went immediately on a winning streak straight to plat, then I've just been slowly plummeting. One really bad day w five losses and since then like days with 50% wins, but since I was so low season 1, 50% wins means I'm falling closer to last season's level because that's where the ranking system wants to put me, I have to go back on that beginning of season 2 streak to break outta this, or it's back to the pits of hell for me.

we can do it I believe in us!



I think maybe the button mapping is throwing me off. I have super jump on X, which is hard to reach.

Still, wouldnt it be better to go with another character whose ult does a better job of killing/controlling? DVA's super scatters enemies just as well, and she's fairly mobile.

It depends entirely on the situation. If you are looking to specifically deal damage and kill more people, Winston is not a good pick. But he is very useful for cases where you want the mobility and the ability to specifically force enemies out of positions. Dva's ult scatters enemies but you have little control in how they scatter. Her ult is very easily avoided and a Rein can easily block it for his entire team without anyone scattering. With Winston's ult, everyone has to either focus fire to take him out, or they have to scatter, otherwise they get scattered by the knockback anyway. Winston in general also works well as a Genji deterrent.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
S2 Zarya has been treating me well.


Was busy with the For Honor beta over the last weekend but I'm gonna try to (...hopefully) climb more this week.


I've started learning Zarya because I play w/ friends pretty much exclusively and wombo combos are simply too easy w/ her... just wins games. I think the most difficult part is understanding your limitations with taking damage and shielding allies at the perfect moments. She's so fun though.

What are the counters to her ultimate? Do you just HAVE to have a Rein shield, or a zenyatta/Lucio ult or your entire team is just dead?


So, I just watched this video on "how to escape ELO hell" i.e. how to do better in solo queue.

Seems to make a lot of sense, and the basic thesis is that because solo queue involves no synergy and no communication (something I'm personally at fault for thanks to two bad experiences) the best heroes to choose are those that can stay alive themselves without having to rely on teammates.

E.g. D.Va, 76, Pharah, Roadhog, since you can't really rely on your dps teammates doing their job. Just because someone picks McCree, doesn't mean they're actually going to be headshotting tanks or downing Pharahs, etc.

On another note:

How is the best way to use Lucio's speed boost? I normally just leave it on heal, unless I see we're losing a team battle, then I hit speed boost and retreat, hoping others will follow me (again communication would help). Are there other times I should be using speed boost? Should speed boost just be left on, and switch to healing when I have the amp move off cool down?

I assume it's more complex, and situationally dependent, but I'm looking for a rule of thumb.


the holder of the trombone
So, I just watched this video on "how to escape ELO hell" i.e. how to do better in solo queue.

Seems to make a lot of sense, and the basic thesis is that because solo queue involves no synergy and no communication (something I'm personally at fault for thanks to two bad experiences) the best heroes to choose are those that can stay alive themselves without having to rely on teammates.

E.g. D.Va, 76, Pharah, Roadhog, since you can't really rely on your dps teammates doing their job. Just because someone picks McCree, doesn't mean they're actually going to be headshotting tanks or downing Pharahs, etc.

On another note:

How is the best way to use Lucio's speed boost? I normally just leave it on heal, unless I see we're losing a team battle, then I hit speed boost and retreat, hoping others will follow me (again communication would help). Are there other times I should be using speed boost? Should speed boost just be left on, and switch to healing when I have the amp move off cool down?

I assume it's more complex, and situationally dependent, but I'm looking for a rule of thumb.

Team fights. It's kind of a crapshoot when it comes to randoms, but more often than not you can use speedboost to get the team to run over the other enemy. Especially effective with a reinhardt swinging away. Basically my ploy with suicide reins now is depending on the situation. I'll boost them on their way and hope for the best.


I just played a game of Numbani on attack.

We did not capture the first point. I had 3 golds attacking, including gold elims with 1.

I've literally never seen that happen that I know of.


Team fights.

Basically my ploy with suicide reins now is depending on the situation. I'll boost them on their way and hope for the best.

lol yeah, suicide Reins are extremely common. It cracks me up, but there's not much I can do about it. I feel like they'd just say "Why weren't you healing me?! That's why I died" after charging headfirst into 6 players.

I'll give it a go, Lucio's healing doesn't seem to do a hell of a lot if there's no amp anyway.


the holder of the trombone
Like, if it doesn't work the first few times, stop doing it and ask them to slow down, but sometimes miracles do happen.

People underestimate how much scarier the faster reinhardt is.

Offensive assists helps alot. I'm averaging 3 per game now which puts me in the top 16% which seems ludicrously low, but a lot of people don't use his speedboost enough. I've noticed that the games I win tend to correlate with the amount of offensive assists I can get.
I got put into a game with 6 top 500 players just now. SIX. Three on each side. My score was 2400 exactly. So not even good enough for platinum, and I get thrown in with these guys.

But my god it was fun. Two teams that realise it pays to play as a team. How good it felt going into battle with five people beside me rather than trickling in one by one to our deaths.

We won 3-1 on Lijiang.

I got 28 points. 28 points. For winning a game that included 11 players who were miles higher ranked. Stick your poxy 28 points!
Maybe I was missing a meme or something, but every single capture point I played yesterday was undefended. Teams kept setting up their defences way too close, and I could walk around it and capture the point without firing a single shot. Happened on Volskaya and both Lijang rounds. When it was time to defend Numbani's first point, my own team of pubs did the exact same thing, and wouldn't group up until the payload was moving.

I had no idea what was going on. I even looked on Reddit to see if this was "a thing", but I saw nothing of the sorts.


Brand new Overwatch player who hasn't unlocked competitive yet but I find it kinda funny that POTG goes to D.Va 90% of the time

I can kill it with Zarya or Lucio but get one ult multi kill always comes in at top

I'm assuming it's very different in competitive mode?


Brand new Overwatch player who hasn't unlocked competitive yet but I find it kinda funny that POTM goes to D.Va 90% of the time

I can kill it with Zarya or Lucio but get one ult multi kill always comes in at top

I'm assuming it's very different in competitive mode?

Yup, POTG is mostly based on multikills. Except for Mercy revive I don't think I ever saw a POTG with only one kill.

Yea, the only times D.Va gets POTG is when she uses her ult for multikills (some exceptions of course). This won't happen that much in Competitive.


Me and Kizzle beat the #17th player last night, as well as two other top 500s in the same game. I got like 29 points for it, lol.

Looking like I'm gonna do the same shit I did last season, hover right below top 500 and never get it. :(
Wtf. Winstons super takes like 6 shots to kill. I don't see its purpose at all

I very much enjoy killing "squishies" but I find it a bit disorienting to jump onto a squishy and then try to keep track of them as they run around.
It's meant to disrupt the enemy. You force them to scatter and focus on you. They are forced to focus on you which allows your team to easily take some of them out. That's pretty much what Winston does. Takes the attention(while killing squishies) and gives his team and easy time. Although you can kill squishies with it, trust me. Utilize your jump. Remember, when you use your ult, your jump cooldown goes down to 2 seconds and your jump deals 50 damage. Use that to your advantage. Knock a guy back, jump at him, deal damage, jump again, repeat until dead and focus on another target. I've had times where I killed 2 or 3 targets without having to knock anyone off the map.


D.Va POTGs disappear in competitive mode. It's REALLY rare to get over 2 kills with her ult because everyone knows the deal. You just need LoS.

I mostly kill slow movers with her ult, and more often than not, I just use it to make people scatter. Getting a kill or two is a bonus.
It's meant to disrupt the enemy. You force them to scatter and focus on you. They are forced to focus on you which allows your team to easily take some of them out. That's pretty much what Winston does. Takes the attention(while killing squishies) and gives his team and easy time. Although you can kill squishies with it, trust me. Utilize your jump. Remember, when you use your ult, your jump cooldown goes down to 2 seconds and your jump deals 50 damage. Use that to your advantage. Knock a guy back, jump at him, deal damage, jump again, repeat until dead and focus on another target. I've had times where I killed 2 or 3 targets without having to knock anyone off the map.

Had a textbook example of how to use Winston's ult. last night in QP: enemy team was on the last push on Attack in Hollywood, but I get my ult. and immediately use it to focus right on their Reinhardt. As I knock him down the hallway and away from the rest of his team, the rest of my team is then free to attack the enemy without that big glowy shield in the way. Ended up winning the match with inches left for the payload to reach the finish line. Fun match.
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