Berserking Guts
So what do you get for halloween legendary dupes? Is it 200 still?
So what do you get for halloween legendary dupes? Is it 200 still?
Meta report!
Same 2 top dogs, but a lot more diversity down bottom.
All defense heroes that aren't hanzo and mei are still bad. Hanzo still only useful for offense despite being defense.
Yea, still 200. What a rip
Just had a brawl where I was playing as S76 and got 5 gold medals. That's right, I did more healing than our Ana!
I'm scratching my head at that one.
I want that Mercy witch skin NOW.
Thats probably because they realize the depth in the characters they master. I'm 100+ hours with genji and I'm still learning. Hell sometimes I think I don't know anything.I don't get mains in this game. Or really the idea of not having a fairly balanced time played list.
When I see a person on my team with a high level, I check their profile and always am flabbergasted when I see 300+ hours put in and characters never chosen once, or 200 of those hours in one.
I couldn't stand the game for that long if there was that little variety in my experience. (But then again I also want more characters and maps to hurry up and get added).
Seriously though, people should check out haksal to see how much a threat a well-supported genji can still wreck despite the nerfs.
The plays are insane, but you can see that the entire team is pretty working together to enable those plays.
I don't get mains in this game. Or really the idea of not having a fairly balanced time played list.
When I see a person on my team with a high level, I check their profile and always am flabbergasted when I see 300+ hours put in and characters never chosen once, or 200 of those hours in one.
I couldn't stand the game for that long if there was that little variety in my experience. (But then again I also want more characters and maps to hurry up and get added).
So I reset my controller and it still happened.
Did some research and I don't think it's the game, seems to be Bluetooth interference?
Not sure why it jus started happening, haven't changed anything with my gaming setup or anything else for that matter.
Not trying to derail, jus wanted to post that's it's not overwatch that's doing it.
(PS4) Since the update I don't think I've had any ghost buttons, but I've noticed that my aim sometimes "sticks" to an enemy and drags my reticle wildly. It's like someone is reaching over my shoulder and flicking my stick for me.
So just some overall tips: You are level 33, have hardly played the game at all at this point. The best thing you can do is just play more so that the nuances of the game become more clear to you. I wouldn't worry about rank this season, just try to play your situation a lot. Be a healer if you need too, switch to counters if you need too, play all of the classes until you find a few heroes that really click with you. Then in season 3 you can actually start caring. Assume your teammates are the same way, and don't blame them anymore, seriously, at that rank it's asinine.
Specifically to you:
It looks like you pretty much insta lock Soldier for most of your games. If you play a dps character then you MUST understand that gold eliminations and damage are now the expectation, it does not mean that you are outplaying everyone. You will likely have a medal in healing too, because whatever biotic field gives you will be more than the zero healing that most of your team has. It literally means nothing to how well you are playing.
Again, just try some different characters. You seem like a good Dva but haven't played her at all in comp. I would try to find 3 or 4 brand new characters and get good with them (preferably one from each class, defense is meh, but Mei is a great hero to know.) Don't worry about performance or wins, just focus on getting better.
That is called aim-assist :b Destiny was like that for longest time before Bungie toned it down a little, your aim would auto track targets quite a bit.
I kind of figured it was some sort of baller aim-assist, but it's way too nuts. It's almost dragged my reticle 45-60 degrees a few times.
I had a moment as McCree where I was shooting Roadhog and when he started healing, his Lucio started dancing behind him and my reticle started dragging around chasing the Lucio so I couldn't hit the standing still Roadhog :/I kind of figured it was some sort of baller aim-assist, but it's way too nuts. It's almost dragged my reticle 45-60 degrees a few times.
lolTheir base damage is way too damn high.
Exactly.I mean, the damage is pretty high.
It's the reliability of landing that damage that's the problem.
I love not being very good at competitive, knowing it, and being told so, but no one wants to play QP. Fuck me, right?
I hope we get a Chinese/Lunar New Year event in the game. Would be a great time to give Mei traditional Han clothes, Winston a Monkey King outfit, Pharah dressed like a traditional kite, really there are tons of possibilities.
What does it say? It should work.Why can't I look at someones career profile in-game before accepting or rejecting them as a friend?
Accept it, check the profile, make final decision after thatWhy can't I look at someones career profile in-game before accepting or rejecting them as a friend?
So what do you get for halloween legendary dupes? Is it 200 still?
Well they still need to make money off these events lol.I can't believe they wanted 3000 credits for Mercy's Halloween skin.
I can't believe they wanted 3000 credits for Mercy's Halloween skin.
I've still not gotten to play any of Hollywood since the update launched. Which is really bumming me out. I wanna play with all the cool Halloween stuff...