Had a hilarious moment today "I don't get mad when I die"
So after checking out some of the overwatch streams, is it safe to assume Moon is basically the nightblue3 of overwatch streams? I.E. popular, no-cam, memelord.
Now he's saying scatter tracks people.There's a guy on the forums where his excuse for scatter being OP is that it doesn't scatter on impact.
*sigh* why do I read this crap?
Do they ever explain that Zarya's shields power her up? I feel like a lot of players are unaware and keep shooting at her.
Way too hard trying to get Hanzo quad kill trophy.
Alright so she's the third worst then, pretty much every one of her assets is underpowered in some way or another and there's a reason her pick rate is abysmal.Also I want a brawl that's just all nano boosted tank Bastions. I don't mean like Ana and Bastion, I mean every single Bastion is permanently in tank form and nano boosted
You can even call it battlebots.
Please. She's nowhere near as bad as Torbjorn. She's still devastating if you can headshot and doesn't require babysitting like someone like Bastion.
Honestly, for a long time when Widow was body shotting everyone to death there was no reason to bring Hanzo. You have to wonder what Blizzard was thinking making two sniper heroes. At least Ana is a support.
Had a hilarious moment today "I don't get mad when I die"
According to the new meta report no one is as bad as soldier 76.![]()
you're gonna hate me but I got it in my first 15 minutes of playing him by accident when I still sucked as him
Alright so she's the third worst then, pretty much every one of her assets is underpowered in some way or another and there's a reason her pick rate is abysmal.
Is it just me or is that crosshair different than Pharah's usual one?
The timing doesn't get more perfect than that lol.Had a hilarious moment today "I don't get mad when I die"
I mean, he was viable at one point. But then he got nerfed and McCree got buffed.They need to nerf healing across the board to make soldier viable. Right now there's too much healing to make non-burst damage viable. Or having unreliability in landing finishing blows, which is why junkrat is kinda bad right now because you're just giving ana ult charge by running a junkrat.
I mean, he was viable at one point. But then he got nerfed and McCree got buffed.
Like, he needs something that makes him a better choice over McCree. They both need to have different things that they are best at, but are better than each other in certain categories.
Oh and I almost forgot. No list of shitty player behavior would be complete without completely abandoning healers. Thanks guys. Yeah let me just go 1v1 as Ana with this Reaper.
Sleep dart is your friend.Oh and I almost forgot. No list of shitty player behavior would be complete without completely abandoning healers. Thanks guys. Yeah let me just go 1v1 as Ana with this Reaper.
Getting back into the game for the first time since launch. Competitive is new to me, so I did my placement matches. That was actually a really pleasant experience! I had ten really exciting games with nothing but super cool people.
Then I started playing actual competitive matches and every single one I've done so far has been at least a little bit toxic. Is this something I should come to expect, or did I just have bad luck with my first handful of match-ups? Really disheartening if it's the former.
You just had a bad string of dumblebutts. From my experience, it's 60-40 with the people you meet in competive mode, as most of the players that I have come across were pretty chill & willing to co-operate. Of course, you will alwaysget that "one guy" that will put the blame on everyone but himself, or just general toxicity in the silver-early platinum ranks. But it's fair game with any video game that has a competitive mode.Getting back into the game for the first time since launch. Competitive is new to me, so I did my placement matches. That was actually a really pleasant experience! I had ten really exciting games with nothing but super cool people.
Then I started playing actual competitive matches and every single one I've done so far has been at least a little bit toxic. Is this something I should come to expect, or did I just have bad luck with my first handful of match-ups? Really disheartening if it's the former.
Who the hell is playing Super Mario.
It's all over the place. I can go from one game where everyone is bitching at each other to another game where everyone is making calls and working as a team to another game where nobody is even talking at all.
Who the hell is playing Super Mario.
Would you say it's comparable to Quick Play before Competitive was a thing? I can tolerate the odd asshole now and then. Just not at the frequency I've experienced so far.
It's been a while since I faced off what was clearly a coordinating team that gives NO room to be outplayed unless the entire team is making an effort...which of course my team wasn't.
I mean, both teams had a 5 man group going, and I was soloqueuing, but where the other team clearly had their shit down, my team was just doing whatever. I think the first round where they attacked was the shortest I've ever seen in Comp, just over 3 minutes on King's Row, while we nearly took all our time to get the point on our turn. We made it to the chockpoint at the very end though, at which point it was just Ult central. But I could see how these players knew coordination and positioning well.
I guess I'm not...pissed, exactly, but it's really evident how after a certain level, you NEED people to work together or else you're fucked. I can respect their teamwork, but it was not fun how there was nothing I could do because this was a team that stuck together at ALL times.
Still wishing for a comp mode without ranking and/or grouping so I can mostly avoid this shit.
I think the conversations that ensued were the true victory of the evening.
Someone lost something tonight, I'm sure.
Like their sanity. Or their dignity.
Hey you can play the Destiny theme on the bells in Dorado.
Still wishing for a comp mode without ranking and/or grouping so I can mostly avoid this shit.
Bought two loot boxes. Got the Mercy legendary in one, and the Reaper legendary and highlight intro in the other. You could say I'm a little happy.