The Revenge of Dr. Junkenstein Halloween game is some serious fun and drips with style (Reinhardt's narration, the banter between the heroes and villains, the slow-mo close-ups of Junkenstein and his crew -- Lucioball feels a bit empty in comparison, and would have benefited from featuring the rest of the cast, like Winston and Tracer as referees, Pharah as eye-in-the-sky camerawoman, Hanzo and Genji on commentary, etc.). Blizzard is clearly having fun designing these limited run events; hopefully we'll see a more dedicated PvE mode in the future (like dungeons and boss encounters), because it fits smoothly into the framework they've already built.
I love that there are difficulty settings and a leaderboard this time. Medium feels like a solid challenge. Are 4-star and 5-star performances locked to Medium and Hard, respectively?
Also, Zarya's R.I.P. victory flex from beyond the grave is a riot.