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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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If no one picks tank(s) then team has a lot more serious issues than what healer you are playing :b

All offense heros is a solo phenomenon I see often.

How long do you think it will take the sombra craze to die down. I remember when Ana was out the first week had a lot of Ana and died down quickly. If she is a stealth hero I'm gonna force myself to learn her but that first week is gonna be a pain not getting her in comp.


Bionade is her most OP ability in my opinion. The healing boost it gives needs to be adjusted. It makes Lucio AOE heal too strong, with 80 heals per second. It's pretty much a mini transcendence.

In addition to nano-boosted targets getting insane amounts of ult charge from nano-boost, this needs to looked at.


All offense heros is a solo phenomenon I see often.

How long do you think it will take the sombra craze to die down. I remember when Ana was out the first week had a lot of Ana and died down quickly. If she is a stealth hero I'm gonna force myself to learn her but that first week is gonna be a pain not getting her in comp.

Depending on how Sombra is balanced craze either lasts few days like with Ana pre-buffs or weeks if she is even slightly OP. Ranked will be fucked either way for week or two as people come there to practice their Sombra, making them empty slot.
Bionade is her most OP ability in my opinion. The healing boost it gives needs to be adjusted. It makes Lucio AOE heal too strong, with 80 heals per second. It's pretty much a mini transcendence.
Seems like you're in the minority, considering it just got buffed lol.

Nano boost still charges a bit fast, so I think not allowing nanoed targets to get ult charge is a good solution.


Seems like you're in the minority, considering it just got buffed lol.

Nano boost still charges a bit fast, so I think not allowing nanoed targets to get ult charge is a good solution.

imo they should have nerfred Ana's ult across the board [charge time, dmg boost, dmg resistance increase...] and not just charge time. It was and maybe still is too fast to get, but also how it turns e.g. Rein into demigodpaintrain that can team wipe enemy is kinda ridiculous.


Yeah this is what I have been saying as well, I placed in gold but people are saying that my current 1400s rank is where I should be. Blizzard needs to adjust their system so it doesn't place people higher than they should be, so they actually have a chance to advance from where they started instead of just going down all the time.

The fact of the matter is 10 games is not nearly enough to determine your true skill rank. There are too many factors that can change on a per game basis for 10 games to be sufficient.

I know Blizzard wants to make the system accessible and easy to get in to but honestly it should probably be at least 25 - 50 games before you are assigned an actual skill rank. I think I would prefer such a system and my guess is that after placement folks would find a little more consistency in their season then they do right now after just 10 games.

A minor nerf I would give to Ana would be to prevent heroes under the effect of the nano boost from building ultimate charge. So if you enter the nano boost at 77%, you cannot go above 77% until the nanoboost wears off. This would prevent a little bit of the snowball effect; right now, you can nanoboost a Reinhardt, and he'll almost certainly have ultimate during or at the end of the nanoboost, which just snowballs into greater and greater advantage.

It's not much, but I think it would help.

This is a good idea but I would also slow down her ult gain rate even more than they already have. It's a crazy powerful ult, it should charge slowly. Her toolkit is so good that she would be great even with less ults in a game, sort of like how Zarya is still great even though her ult charges slowly.


Seems like you're in the minority, considering it just got buffed lol.

Nano boost still charges a bit fast, so I think not allowing nanoed targets to get ult charge is a good solution.

Banned? Hope it's not perma

I think the radius buff was needed, but I was kind of shocked they didn't look at this. Doubling healing is too much, and it already heals 100 to everyone it hits initially.
But how do you quantify playing "great"? Last night on Eichenwalde I had a game where I went 9-1 across both attack and defend as Zenyatta and only got one medal for 6,000 healing. However I was discording like crazy, kept our Widowmaker and Reinhardt alive constantly so we could hold the first choke point, kept an enemy Reaper at bay by discording him and making him run away every time he tried to flank, and had a key Transcendence where I protected our Reinhardt so he could kill the Bastion that was the centerpiece of the enemy's defense, which led to our win. Barely any of that shows up as quantifiable stats, though - so would I gain or lose SR in that scenario? It was a clear victory on my team's part and if I hadn't performed how I did as the team's only healer, they probably would have at least lost the first capture point.

I can see still getting positive SR if you go like 50-5 on KOTH but still lose, but the team's win/loss should definitely still count towards what you get as well.

Honestly man, I have no clue. It's basically just a reaction to being dragged down by the aforementioned trolls and quitters.

Everything you just posted makes plenty of sense and off the top of my head, I can't really see how they would fix it.

The only thing I do know is that it fuckin blows being punished because of it.


I will remeeeemberrr youuuuuuu...

I don't think I've actually played much with Optimus. I know he's on my friends list. Gotta fix that

Damn you're going to remove him from your friends list just because he got banned from GAF? cold


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つSOMBRA TAKE MY BANDWIDTH༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Damn you're going to remove him from your friends list just because he got banned from GAF? cold

Honestly man, I have no clue. It's basically just a reaction to being dragged down by the aforementioned trolls and quitters.

Everything you just posted makes plenty of sense and off the top of my head, I can't really see how they would fix it.

The only thing I do know is that it fuckin blows being punished because of it.

Yeah, I get that. It's hard to come up with a balanced ranking system that also takes into account douchebags who troll and babies who leave instead of fighting for a comeback.

I guess they could implement something specifically for trolls/leavers, like if you stay in spawn for too long you get kicked and an SR penalty on top of that. Or instead of getting banned for a length of time for leaving, you get an SR multiplier for future matches that halves your SR gains for a win and doubles your SR loss for a loss. But people would still probably find a way around it.


Anyone here play on 3440x1440 21:9?

I'm not sure what resolution to play on. I tried 2560x1440 but that just looked really stretched out and you're at a massive disadvantage if you play on 3440x1440.


Is there a way to do the opposite of "preferring player"? Like, never match me with this dick head who mains Widowmaker and can't get a single kill option?


Is there a way to do the opposite of "preferring player"? Like, never match me with this dick head who mains Widowmaker and can't get a single kill option?

They removed "Avoid player" feature because world top tier Widowmaker couldn't get matched without like 20+ minute ques.
Yeah, I get that. It's hard to come up with a balanced ranking system that also takes into account douchebags who troll and babies who leave instead of fighting for a comeback.

I guess they could implement something specifically for trolls/leavers, like if you stay in spawn for too long you get kicked and an SR penalty on top of that. Or instead of getting banned for a length of time for leaving, you get an SR multiplier for future matches that halves your SR gains for a win and doubles your SR loss for a loss. But people would still probably find a way around it.

Those sound pretty good actually. How bout we add...if you quit x amount of times in a season, you get placed in a "quitters q" and are forced to play there for the remainder of said season?
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