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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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I can somewhat understand the Zarya nerf but the Torb change makes no sense. Having it build up over time just encourages camping by the turret even more.

Okay, after getting to 2931 I lost my way down to 2750 but then managed to fight my way back up to 2880. What's the safest way of securing that diamond when you're that close?

Same thing happened to me and there is no safe way outside of having a really solid group.


0 Deaths as Symmetra and teleported 7 people, the enemy team was so shocked.

They couldn't destroy my teleporter because the whole team was waiting in spawn to be teleported.
I can somewhat understand the Zarya nerf but the Torb change makes no sense. Having it build up over time just encourages camping by the turret even more.

It also stops Torb to have to run ahead into the chokepoints to pick up the scrap from corpses. Like if you play on say Hollywood Point A, as Torb, it's really scary to go to the archway leading to the point because the enemy spawn is right down the hill and they can come out really fast and murder the shit out of you. Same goes for the diner and the curve at the start Route 66, or the gate at Hanamura and King's Row Point A.

In some games I die quite often because I try to play ballsy and grab scrap.
Yeah you're wrong on that. To be good with Hanzo requires skill. Any bad player or average player can get some picks but that's true with a lot of heroes. There's a reason why even pro players don't really use him even though he can put out a lot of dps. He's hard to consistently land shots at a high level.

Oh I didn't mean to insinuate he didn't require skill to do well with, just saying on paper he's even harder to master than in practice.
Anyone on ps4 feel like grouping up tonight? I'm down for comp or qp and have a mic.

My SR is like 2360ish or something, psn ID is Psychoward23. If you send me a FR just put gaf ow in the title


First people complained about the PTR having basic changes that were already going to be in the game.

Now people are complaining the PTR is too wack.


So, Zarya charges up slower now but she still gets to 100. I guess she still has her damage then but it takes longer to get going?
Which is what I wrote. Folks were thinking she only got 80 charge or something, I think?
I mean she only gets 80 max charge through 2 bubbles yeah so now getting max charge is gonna be pretty damn tricky.

Also the achievement fr staying above 70 charge for a minute is gonna suck

Edit: Damn just played a 1 v6 comp round.

Got the total recall trophy by accident by fucking around on the spawn area as tracer passively


for the third time today I was matched w/ a team of peeps that not only didn't play tank or healer (one reluctantly went Mercy, in the end), but they felt 1 healer was sufficient against a team running double... WTF?! We put up a valiant fight (no lie), but in the end... DEFEAT. SoloQ is honestly breaking me down. T__T

is there anywhere I can find peeps to build my own group? LOL Another tank main (Zarya or Rein), 2 healers (Zen & Lu), and 2 flexible peeps that can run DPS or Mei, or whatever?
for the third time today I was matched w/ a team of peeps that not only didn't play tank or healer (one reluctantly went Mercy, in the end), but they felt 1 healer was sufficient against a team running double... WTF?! We put up a valiant fight (no lie), but in the end... DEFEAT. SoloQ is honestly breaking me down. T__T

is there anywhere I can find peeps to build my own group? LOL Another tank main (Zarya or Rein), 2 healers (Zen & Lu), and 2 flexible peeps that can run DPS or Mei, or whatever?
What platform?


Been playing in the PTR and Zarya is still pretty powerful after the nerf. I didn't think she needed a nerf, but I think this is a way for Blizzard to make people play other heroes.


I like the changes to Torb.

Having the scrap generate is super helpful because then I can focus on defense and toss out armor to keep the team going without endangering myself. Keeping the scrap drops also helps speed that up when I get an opportunity.

Hammer speed up is incredible. My biggest problem with Torb was that he always took too long to either setup or get the turret healthy taking away from your other activities. That extra hammer speed should let Torb be more mobile and let him engage in firefights from different directions a little more Hopefully, anyway, lol.
Finally pulled myself up out of the depths and back above 2k. It's been like 3 days down there.

Currently on a 6 game win streak, and the SR gains are growing (+51) for the latest win.

I've been insta locking McCree for Payload and Hybrids, Reaper for KotH and Captures. Only switching off if we don't have 2 heals.
when you queue with randoms and they all lock to damage dealers


I pick rein early...two dps, mei, roadhog, dva. Yeah that's fine for a payload map, we're fine. I switch off Rein before the match begins and go Lucio, the enemy is just better at team fights and we lose easily.

0-2 for my late night can't wiggle into a group solo q.


The Battle.net client has other patch notes. There is some background optimization going on; that's why the patch is so big.

Changes for XP: 1-13 is the same; 14-100 is reduced; 100+ is 20K, no resets. The reason:

Really not liking this. The reason is they want to sell you more lootboxes on events. My luck is I'll reach the next setv of levels right as the event is ending and blow them on normal boxes and then the new system will be implemented for the Christmas or whatever is next event.
Streak ended,lulz...knew I shouldn't have said shit about it.

Nepal killed it. I was forced into solo heal with Lucio...had a Torb, Junkrat, Mei 3 stack.

The Mei was playing well, Junk and Torb were just...there. The other 2 guys were a "Hog main" so he couldn't play any other hero and Pharah.

It was also the 1st game of the night with only 1 person on mic. The other 6 I had at least 2 others on chat, so we could have some kinda strategy.


Ended on 2833 last night after 4 games.

Slowly climbing. Slowly.

The one match I lost was pretty funny. They had 2 healers and the genji on our team was whining the whole game about how the Zarya was terrible, how everyone was terrible and how he was amazing and shouldn't be matched with such scrubs.
Towards the end I just said "that ana and mercy never once died, that's literally your only job genji...you failed"

He went quiet for 5 mins then just mumbled "shut up."
Ended on 2833 last night after 4 games.

Slowly climbing. Slowly.

The one match I lost was pretty funny. They had 2 healers and the genji on our team was whining the whole game about how the Zarya was terrible, how everyone was terrible and how he was amazing and shouldn't be matched with such scrubs.
Towards the end I just said "that ana and mercy never once died, that's literally your only job genji...you failed"

He went quiet for 5 mins then just mumbled "shut up."


Man. I don't think I'm ever going to get to platinum unless I learn how to play DPS. Relying on randoms to get some kills is brutal. Just yo-yoing between 2300 and 2400 now ;_;


I actually don't think it was his fault we lost. I just wanted to put him in his place because he was so annoying.

At the SR I'm at, the individual skill of each player isn't so important, it's coming together as a team that wins matches. I've seen it over and over again. Trickling in and dying. Not coordinating ults and letting supports fend for themselves.
I always try and calmly tell people on mic that if they spam "Group Up!" to actually wait for people to group up, before running in.

That match we weren't coordinating on offence. No one was making swaps and it was just messy. Without taking a breath and reorganising, it's impossible to win those matches. We just didn't.


Nononononononon, don't make it harder to charge Zarya while I still need my trophy.

I tried her out for one game, went 1 in 13. So I figured it was going to be hard anyways for me, now it will be even harder.
I've had some really good, intense games tonight. Lots of teammates willing to swap heros and play for the win.

Solo q has been good to me tonight, hopefully the train keeps rollin.
It would also make support players all but die out except for the most hardcore supports. Here's why: Pick off the support all the time, and they will never charge their ults to counter DPS ults. In most teamfights, the thing that can turn the tide around the most, is support ults. Either a Mercy rez or Lucio/Zen counteracting an ult stack of Zarya/Reinhardt + DPS.

This will make supports extremely frustrating to play, because except for Zenyatta and to a lesser extent Ana, none can hold their own, and in a 1v1 against a flanker, even they normally won't manage to live.

So in lower levels of play, playing support will be extremely infuriating, because already nobody gives a shit about protecting the support and they often get picked off (while the team spams "I need healing!"). However, with this massive emphasis on taking out ult charge, you will have a dedicated Tracer or Reaper whose sole purpose is basically spawn camping and keeping the support dead at all times. Due to that kind of frustration nobody will ever play healer ever again.

In competent levels of play, you will have to have at least 1-2 people babysitting the support so they don't get picked off by flankers, and if you fuck up, which is easy because of disabling abilities like McCree's stun grenade, the support ult is gone. This will also give a massive comeback to Widowmaker and even more Hanzos, because they can essentially safely pick off the support from a distance by just aiming at them, since it's so easy for them to oneshot a low health target like healers.

Also, Symmetra would become even more useless.

Most of the stuff you mentioned are good things. People would still play healer they just wouldn't be as necessary because big team fight ults wouldn't occur unless one team massively snowballed. As for Symmetra, she just needs a ground up rework. She simply wouldn't be the same character.

This is the sixth OT and in every single thread there is just the same constant conversation. My team did this and picked X so we lost. Blah blah ELO hell blah blah on and on. Chaos is precisely what you want. Ults being effectively "kill streaks" is what you want. All concerns about "team comp" go out the window in this system. When a single kill can mean so much everyone has a place. When staying alive and getting kills mean more it means YOU yourself have more power in dictating the game's "tempo." It effectively adds another factor to adjust for balancing purposes. Characters with easier to farm ults would have a justified place versus other characters without having to directly compete with them. For example, Soldiers ability to keep himself alive better than McCree would insure that he gets more ults on average which gives him his own niche and so you wouldn't have to worry about power creeping him with regards to his damage which is what is already happening in the PTR. One of Overwatch's main balancing issues in general is that so many characters compete for the same space. An ult drop system gives a lot more "breathing room" in the game's design because you have a balancing point for easy to gain but mediocre ults, and super high impact ults but harder to farm and therefore a bigger risk of not getting any ult at all.
Got the Halloween Zenyatta skin last night. If this was just thrown into the game without any mention nobody would even notice it is a special themed skin, or in fact that it was new. Terrible.
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