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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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the holder of the trombone
Anyone tried that paladin's game that seems really really similar to overwatch? Just got a pc but can't afford overwatch so if it's similar might play that instead.

I keep getting weirded out by the double peace sign on the paladin ad on neogaf.

That's when I know I was a truly broken man.


Why do people sleep on Bastion for DPS, slightly inferior Soldier 76 (which Bastion is still good at by the way) but can take down big defenses like Reinhardt's Shield, Winston's Barrier; Mei's Ice Walls like it's nobody's business with the turret mode?

He's becoming one of the heroes I pick often in ranked.

i think mainly it's a lack of mobility, so unless you are on a full team and they make it a point to protect you you're on your own as far as being insta-targeted by every single member of the enemy team (if they have any sense. I mean peeps will usually burn ults to kill you, alone) and will be dying more often than helping your team.


Anyone tried that paladin's game that seems really really similar to overwatch? Just got a pc but can't afford overwatch so if it's similar might play that instead.

I tried it because I loved Smite, the game is alright, it has some pay to win elements which is annoying.

The maps are freaking huge, so huge they actually give you a mount.


Hey gaf, what's the good score now in season 2?

I did my placement and got Gold with 2200 or so points. I hear there's platinum? How are does this scoring system work now

Thank you


Hey gaf, what's the good score now in season 2?

I did my placement and got Gold with 2200 or so points. I hear there's platinum? How are does this scoring system work now

Thank you

This chart should be useful.



i think mainly it's a lack of mobility, so unless you are on a full team and they make it a point to protect you you're on your own as far as being insta-targeted by every single member of the enemy team (if they have any sense. I mean peeps will usually burn ults to kill you, alone) and will be dying more often than helping your team.

my single solo q win and retire game last night had a bastion on our Volskya defense, i saw him go to the high ground behind the Point A and told him he was probably on his own since i didn't think it made much sense for my Rein to go back there. He made a valiant effort but " there's a genji heading your way" and he died. He got some good hits in on his next life when stayed inside the little Point A health pack igloo in front of it.


Fucking competitive.

We get absolutely steamrolled on each point on Kings row. I'm literally always the last one alive before I get focused down. Then we go on attack and someone picks attack Torbjorn. I'm just so done with this game. He did absolutely nothing. Didn't even hit one molten core. My whole team aside from me and the Mei were absolutely shocking. The opposing Reaper was ruining everyone and he wasn't even a good Reaper so I was forced to baby sit the idiots who couldn't see him flanking. Literally each point went to overtime with either my death blossom or Mei's blizzard turning it in our favour. Our Lucio would drop the beat when there's only 2 people left. And our Roadhog was shocking as well. Didn't do anything to disrupt their DPS. It was just a fucking mess all round.

I went 25-2 on attack and we still couldn't cap the final point. And yet somehow I deserve to drop 30 points for my team mates being worse than brain dead. They purposely sabotaged the game after the first round. Fucking pathetic.

When you get matched up with a group of 4 and they're abysmal :[

Sort of responding to both of the above but games like the above are all too common and it seems to be sort of par for the course if you play for any length of time. I've pretty much decided it is useless to try and play for the purpose of increasing my SR (not that I don't want it to go up, I do, I just don't want it to be the sole purpose of my play) and just try and be cool and let the chips fall where they may.

My two comp games last night couldn't have been more different and really illustrate why I've adopted the philosophy of "just chill out and do your best". The first game I had a team that communicated and understood what to do and we won easily. The second game I had a guy who screamed in the mic several times and lots of in-fighting and they mostly just ran around like headless chickens. Needless to say we lost and it wasn't pretty.

But today is a new day and there's new matches to be played.

That dude can play some 'Hog!


I won't be able to play tonight, as I have to get ready for work. When will it be the best time for you?

Are you EU? I sent a FR but I am not EU. Would still be down for some games if we could connect.

Do people just have no idea how to counter pick? Just lost to an all Mei team thanks to my teammates blindly charging in deciding that fighting Mei up close with characters that don't counter Mei was the best course of action. None of them attempted to change characters either.

Went against a team like this not too long ago. My Pharah had a good game as I remember. You can't force your team to switch but you can certainly switch and put the hurt on them.


my single solo q win and retire game last night had a bastion on our Volskya defense, i saw him go to the high ground behind the Point A and told him he was probably on his own since i didn't think it made much sense for my Rein to go back there. He made a valiant effort but " there's a genji heading your way" and he died. He got some good hits in on his next life when stayed inside the little Point A health pack igloo in front of it.

yeah, I try to use my DM to protect the little guy as best as I can, but if his aim is terrible it's just a lost cause.

i do find that a lot of guys in soloQ that go Bastion DO expect the entire team to revolve their defense around him. I've gotten a couple of salty messages from guys on my team that went Bastion and we lost. I assume because I played tank (D.Va) and they blame me for not going Rein? ��

We have any more news on Octoberfest/Halloween events? I'm itching to play but I can't cause I'm about to hit level 200 and I gotta hold on to those 22 quick boxes for the future event.

i haven't read/heard anything. I do hope I can use all my saved up coin on it, tho! And D.Va has a new meka... not just colour change, but a new, cool design!
Unintentionally ran 3x2x1 made all 3 points on gibralter lol.
We werent even coordinated.
Maybe the other team just sucked. Cause 1 guy left from ours with about 2minutes on defence and they still couldnt get the first point.


It uses a card system which serves as some sort of a loadout, you can unlock cards for each character or buy them for money.

Oh didn't know you could just buy them. That kinda sucks. Some characters were locked too. Might just stick to overwatch on ps4 for now though I went 66-9 with the Reinhardt equivalent somehow .
6 solos vs two teams of 3 on KOTH. It went about how you'd expect.

I dread KOTH in comp because I always end up with the braindead team who can't organize and trickles in, while the other team just systematically dismantles us.
Res, I'm not actually home.

I'm not ignoring your invite. I'd much rather be playing Overwatch right now, even if it was against an all Winston / Mei / Lucio comp. 3/2/1, 2/2/2, 2/3/1, whatever.

Or pre-nerf all Torb, for that matter.


to make Bastion more viable he should be tanky when mobile and squishy when stationary. He should have 500hp + self-healing on a 5 sec cooldown in recon and 200hp and no cooldown for self-heal in sentry mode. I would play him a lot more if he had more hp in recon, tbh. He's just too slow and dies like nothing rn.
Sigh. Competitive match on Numbani. We attack first, take two points, not bad. On defense we hold them from taking the point until right before overtime, then the enemy team pops three ults and wipes our team, then proceed to push the payload all the way to the required point without stopping, completely decimating any effort on my team's part to organize a defense.

I hate this game sometimes.
I didn't realise just how terrifying a Nanoboosted Winston can be. He just tears right through low-HP enemies, which can be like half of a team.
Mei, you fucking asshole, you're driving me away from this game. You're not fun, at all. You sap away my good feeling and enjoyment of this game. I hate you. And I will actively tea bag the shit on your corpse whenever I see you. I hate teabagging, but you're the exception.

I want them to nerf the shit out of you until all that's left is a hollow shell of your former self. I want to be part of the vocal majority that ruins you for good. And I will be there to lick the sweet tears of the Mei mains who will lament the passing of their fucking waifu.


Sigh. Competitive match on Numbani. We attack first, take two points, not bad. On defense we hold them from taking the point until right before overtime, then the enemy team pops three ults and wipes our team, then proceed to push the payload all the way to the required point without stopping, completely decimating any effort on my team's part to organize a defense.

I hate this game sometimes.

I had almost this same scenario on Hollywood defense last night. Once you get pushed off the first point in a near team wipe situation it can be tough to recover the defense. I've started to learn that it is key in such situations to control the flanking routes. If the defense can plug up those flanking routes and harass the payload at the same time then the defense has a better shot at holding.

On the flipside, good offensive flankers will run ahead and try to lock down those flank routes and if they win those engagements or are not contested then the defense is going to have a bad time.

On Numbani, Pharah is quite good at taking pot shots at the doorways leading in and out of the flank routes and can make Genji/Tracer/McRee/whoever's life more difficult. If I'm not playing support (I'm usually playing support in Comp) then Pharah is my go-to pick for last point defense on Numbani.
I don't seem to have a problem with Mei at all.

The closest I get to getting pissed at her is when someone is ace at her icicle while I'm playing Tracer. Then it's effectively a one-shot but I have to give it up for the person playing her more than anything.


Mei, you fucking asshole, you're driving me away from this game. You're not fun, at all. You sap away my good feeling and enjoyment of this game. I hate you. And I will actively tea bag the shit on your corpse whenever I see you. I hate teabagging, but you're the exception.

I want them to nerf the shit out of you until all that's left is a hollow shell of your former self. I want to be part of the vocal majority that ruins you for good. And I will be there to lick the sweet tears of the Mei mains who will lament the passing of their fucking waifu.

Try harder, Jeff Kaplan plays Mei, we're safe and comfy here, join us!
I'm all aboard the Mei train nowadays. She's the non-tank hero I want to play the most.
Yep Roadhog's hook is totally fixed mmhmmm yup


This still happens to me except it's usually around a corner instead of down below.

The fix is suboptimal--it drags people to where Roadhog was standing when he initiated, not where he is currently standing (preventing weird situations where he hooks from a doorway and runs around the corner, leading to glitchy-looking hooks). Even with the fix, it can lead to some really weird results.

But that hook was legit. It would be a useless ability if a full line of sight was always necessary.

The only true fix would be to root Roadhog in place while he's using it, but seeing as being stationary is the biggest disadvantage in the game I don't think it could ever be a fair trade.


Mei, you fucking asshole, you're driving me away from this game. You're not fun, at all. You sap away my good feeling and enjoyment of this game. I hate you. And I will actively tea bag the shit on your corpse whenever I see you. I hate teabagging, but you're the exception.

I want them to nerf the shit out of you until all that's left is a hollow shell of your former self. I want to be part of the vocal majority that ruins you for good. And I will be there to lick the sweet tears of the Mei mains who will lament the passing of their fucking waifu.

Just shred her with Reaper. If you get the jump on her, you're guaranteed an elimination.
I had almost this same scenario on Hollywood defense last night. Once you get pushed off the first point in a near team wipe situation it can be tough to recover the defense. I've started to learn that it is key in such situations to control the flanking routes. If the defense can plug up those flanking routes and harass the payload at the same time then the defense has a better shot at holding.

On the flipside, good offensive flankers will run ahead and try to lock down those flank routes and if they win those engagements or are not contested then the defense is going to have a bad time.

On Numbani, Pharah is quite good at taking pot shots at the doorways leading in and out of the flank routes and can make Genji/Tracer/McRee/whoever's life more difficult. If I'm not playing support (I'm usually playing support in Comp) then Pharah is my go-to pick for last point defense on Numbani.

Yeah - Numbani is actually my favorite map, I'm usually the Tracer that's monopolizing the flank routes. But this round I had to play as the support on defense and there's only so much you can do as Ana when your team won't organize a solid defense.

Uh, so they finally ran out of Brawl ideas and brought back Mobawatch? Disappointing :/

Well that one guy in the earlier threads that thought Mobawatch was the best mode ever should be happy!
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