rage snip
It's not just you. I ranked at the beginning of the Season with some agreeable matches, coming in at 2565. I thought "Great, time to meet some players of the same skill level who want to play as a team." Nope. Proceeded to lose 10 painful games in a row. I don't mean tight matches that ended in losses, it was 10 massacres in a row. I've been playing QP since then and enjoying the game far more. (and encountering far more skilled players).
In the 8th and 9th games, I just saw it as fact. I was being matched with DPS that couldn't beat my KDR when I was playing as Zen (and I don't mean assists, I mean 100 kills), I was being matched with healers who didn't respond to healing calls (No, I wasn't Tracer 10 miles behind enemy lines) and would just heal the tank. I know Level shouldn't be indicative of skill but I couldn't believe I was meeting Level 65+ as Soliders who couldn't finish off the enemies I'd severely weakened.