Urrghhh what a shit competitive streak I had these last few days. Managed to get to 2700 not too long ago but that's been on a consistent downtrend. Today I got into a game where this obnoxious asshole kept talking in voice chat about how I was a terrible DPS, that I'm not doing anything and that I should have gone healer even though everyone was scattered around and aimless, or just plain getting outplayed. Also he kept being a sore loser in public chat.
Shit made me tilted and I performed worse because of it. I don't know why ranked has to be such misery, all I want is some cool weapon skins but even that is "whatever" for me now.
Shit made me tilted and I performed worse because of it. I don't know why ranked has to be such misery, all I want is some cool weapon skins but even that is "whatever" for me now.