Top 500 feels great.
I know it's probably more common than I want to think but shhh.
Top 500 doesn't sound common at all. But I'm just a platinum noob
please help me contest the payload
First post in this thread, and to make it a traditional first post I shall complain about my team.
Just had a match where a Pharah shredded us in low plat, and our McCree, who somehow was once in Diamond, utterly failed to deal with her and blamed me as Tracer for doing nothing and not switching to someone who could do more damage (WTF?), conveniently ignoring that I was taking down a high charge Zarya constantly. For the 2nd CP round his friend switched to DPS too and tried to get me to change again and again. Eventually, for round 4, I decide to heed his wishes, go to Winston, and get on the point quick where I see on the killfeed literally every member of my team die to Pharah. At least I got some schadenfreude out of it all.
Man zenyatta is sooooo beast.
Decided to play more Comp even though it has been bad for me today.
"Might be on tilt.... Might be I don't care."
Whats up with McCree mains letting Genjis and Pharahs wreck us?
Hell yeah.
I haven't played Competitive in 3 weeks, though
30 loot crates later.... still no witch mercy
30 loot crates later.... still no witch mercy
So, anyone on PS4 who mainly plays QP? Would love to have more peeps who don't care that much about competitive and just wants to buddy up in QP for fun and 20% exp bonus.
Our group just fucks around in QP 99% of the time. PSN is in my profile if you want to add me.
However, I should probably warn you that our group MMR tends to hate us and match us up against Top 500 teams.
3rd Pumpkin Reaper
even for qp?!
nvm, just remember when I join anne and bumbletron's qp games in pc in the past, we get pair with really good players too lol
MMR to the finest!
I swear the most satisfying thing in this game is when you have a Tracer chasing you, you round a corner and manage to corner pop her perfectly before she can even recall.
Also is NY Soldier from here? Randomly sent me a message saying "Neogaf sucks" and now I have him in a match again lol.
Did you have the GAF avatar or something? The ones that really hate GAF are usually the perma banned dudes.
Definitively still diamonds? They might have dropped to plat and only got diamond through a win streak?289something. I was the only player with plat and I did not understand how all the diamond players were so bad.
One game my team never grouped up.
I had 2 games where I pleaded people to get 1 or 2 kills before charging the point. They replied with, this is the only way to win CP maps while me and the other healer just died at choke over and over again.
I just want people to work together, it seems like no one cares about winning.
The few games I did win, we completely demolished the other team. I did not die at every engage and I had nano boost for every engage. All because the Tanks and DPS did not go head first to die around a corner.
I am just salty. Salty, salty, salty-salt. ]:
This is how I feel about Torb/Bastion/Widow/Sym/Junkrat picks. I hope for the best and play the best I can. More often than not I am let down 80%, all the time.
He glitched it. There's a way to play in a group out of their sr range. People who do this are cheats.just finished a competitive game where one of our teammates was a Grandmaster. The rest of the group was composed of golds and plats.
I thought such a thing couldn't happen ?
Anyway, we destroyed the other team. Felt good. Thanks MisStouf, you are amazing.
Was his SR still at grandmaster levels or is it at gold plat levels?
Maybe he tanked his SR so he could play with friends. Or to have fun wrecking the lower levels.
SR is at 3154, doesn't that make it impossible to play with golds ?
Anyway fuck it, I'm sending this person a pity friend request.
SR is at 3154, doesn't that make it impossible to play with golds ?
Anyway fuck it, I'm sending this person a pity friend request.
Yeah, that's diamond, so it's pretty possible.
If he was grandmaster he would have fell about 1000sr.
Oh yeah that's how it works isn't it?
Not that i would ever know. ;_;