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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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Man losing 50 points when your team is shit and picks bad compositions while you're healing your their ass off is painful.
It's why healing is the worst role in the game. At least if I was any other class, I'd be allowed to switch. Change from Mercy? Hell hath no fury like an Overwatch players' scorn.


OK. Fuck this event with the largest most spiky dildo you can find. Another double legendary box! ANOTHER WITCH MERCY and the worst Soldier skin (the black Stunt Rider: 76 one).

Fuuuuuuuuck getting dupes during the event. Fuck event boxes. Fuck Blizzard and fuck people who are buying the boxes encouraging this shit.
I love the pressure of competitive. QP is my warm up, or practice a new hero mode.

That's why I like to play McCree. I also like when people on chat put the pressure on me to perform and hold me accountable. I feel like it makes me a better player.


I don't actually care about skins at all. Literally would not bat an eye if I lost every single one.

I would trade all collectibles if it meant getting new heroes and PvE sooner.


Thank you for the fun games in competitive mode, AntiWhippy. I'm starting to feel comfortable with Zarya again, but it's been pretty tough for me. Hopefully, it will get easier the more I practice with her.


I got everything in the halloween boxes
without buying any
so far except for the Soldier/Pharah/Bastion skins and the Reaper intro. Luckily I saved up like 9515 coins, so I'm all good.
I had just started messin around with her yesterday. My wall placement was random as fuck, with most of them going nowhere near where I wanted them.

Can't seem to find a QP game on ps4, 4 minutes in and nothin.


I single handedly won a game with Mei this morning(or at least Id like to think so).

The enemy team needed 0.53 meters to push the payload to win, it was in Overtime. Between some well placed walls, some well timed jumps, a very well timed cryofreeze, and then a perfectly timed ult. I contested the payload all by myself until my teammates respawned to clean up the mess.

Mei is a beast on defense with payload maps. I love getting around the enemy team and just causing confusion.


We still whoop ass most of the time though.

Unless Buttchin is on our team.



2-0 up and Lucio decided to go tracer then when people asked him he decided to troll and go widow then fed with Winston by running at them.
Lose 3-2
And he's on my team again.


the holder of the trombone
Thank you for the fun games in competitive mode, AntiWhippy. I'm starting to feel comfortable with Zarya again, but it's been pretty tough for me. Hopefully, it will get easier the more I practice with her.

You did fine on zarya. Had some real nailbiters, but unfortunately couldn't clinch some of them.

Also yes, just broke my record elims for a single match. 53 elims with mei. Didn't do to well today though, but didn't lose too badly overall so whatever.


Soldier is top!? McCree and Mei both under 2%?!

Wow, super unexpected. I like to try and play under-used characters in multiplayer games, and it seems like for once, under-used and viable combine.

Need to get my McCree game up!
What does fire% mean? Seems low as a bitch for accuracy.

If you are on fire, that means you are doing exceptionally well for your role. It's only a cosmetic effect, though.


Not the most comprehensive list because it only takes in data from its users.

Take this information with a grain of salt. Overbuff's statistics can't handle character swapping, which completely fucks with the numbers.


the holder of the trombone
If you are on fire, that means you are doing exceptionally well for your role. It's only a cosmetic effect, though.

Take this information with a grain of salt. Overbuff's statistics can't handle character swapping, which completely fucks with the numbers.

I think what they do is combine character playtime ratios until it determines that you've complete 1 ratio of a match.
Has anyone here been playing a lot of PTR?

Dva, Zarya, nano boost impressions?

I'm enjoying the changes to the Ult rate more than anything. The game feels way different with ults taking 20% longer to charge. Hard to get any solid impressions since 90% of the games you play have 3 D.Va, 2 Soldiers, and a Mei or something equally dumb.


Just lost two of my placement games in a row. Can't carry the absolute worst players with Zarya. Got gold elims, damage etc. but my team was always dead. Constantly telling people to combo my graviton but of course the Hanzo sends a dragon from spawn or the Dva who decides to throw her ult into a Rein shield.

Definitely ending up in silver :(
Just lost two of my placement games in a row. Can't carry the absolute worst players with Zarya. Got gold elims, damage etc. but my team was always dead. Constantly telling people to combo my graviton but of course the Hanzo sends a dragon from spawn or the Dva who decides to throw her ult into a Rein shield.

Definitely ending up in silver :(

See the positive: At least you're getting to play with people.
In 7 out of my 10 placements, my team had a leaver (usually really early on) and we subsequently lost. The 3 placements my team didn't have a leaver I won. <_<


We legit need "avoid this player"back in some capacity. :/

Definently. He said he went from Lucio to Tracer because our pharah wasn't being a tank (we had 3 dps one tank two support) so if they can DPS why can't they. Great logic. Then on Hanamura attack they pick Mei and never wall the enemy Mei so I get to see the tanks go in and get walled by themselves. I asked them to wall their Mei's LOS and get told to shut up.

Three losses now so came off.


Not given up but I have stopped playing competitive until I improve in several areas. I've done exclusively QP or Brawl for quite a while now and I've most definitely rediscovered the fun. Being able to play whoever I want, whenever I want with no stress to have to perform or maintain SR has really helped me calm down and enjoy the game.

We get trapped in the mindset that SR is the most important thing and it's not. The most important thing is fun and enjoyment. Increasing SR and the satisfaction that comes from winning are just components of having fun and enjoying yourself. That's the reason we get so tilted when our team members in a Comp match aren't making good hero picks or performing well; that SR decrease feels like the worst thing in the world and we want to avoid it at all costs.

Going back to QP, who cares if someone makes a silly hero pick. It's QP, right? Nothing of real value lost. And we have to take that same attitude into Comp play that SR really has no lasting value and ultimately it just does not matter beyond that moment and this one game.

I'm still working on that attitude. Mentally I know it's the right answer but actually putting it into practice is tough. Like many of you I am very competitive and want to win. So until I can be satisfied with my personal performance and have consistent fun even in a losing situation (which I do in QP all the time) I am staying out of Comp. This is a temporary restraint that I have placed on myself. I am hoping to try out Comp again within the next week or two and see if I can approach it with a new, more positive attitude regardless of the outcome.

Edit - Now I sound like a sports psychologist. The long and short of it is that there's a healthy way to approach winning and losing so let's be healthy!

I understand what you are saying and agree that my rank isn't important but constantly losing isn't fun.

Regardless of how good I am, it seems that something isn't working correctly if I am constantly going 5-6 games without winning.

I got fed up playing season 1 competitive for the very same reasons. I hoped that the changes to season 2 might fix these problems but I'm starting to think that the inherent problems with a team-based multiplayer game, where no one communicates or adapts to the opposition, cannot be fixed.


And my third match (on Echenwalde again) is a loss. We completely steamrolled attack but our Mercy decides to go Mei and is absolutely terrible as her whilst forcing one of our good DPS to go Mercy. That single change completely lost us the match. It's just so tragic.

I've had 3 Echenwalde maps out of my 4 placements. I'm sick of it now.

Definently. He said he went from Lucio to Tracer because our pharah wasn't being a tank (we had 3 dps one tank two support) so if they can DPS why can't they. Great logic. Then on Hanamura attack they pick Mei and never wall the enemy Mei so I get to see the tanks go in and get walled by themselves. I asked them to wall their Mei's LOS and get told to shut up.

Three losses now so came off.

Just got three losses in a row as well. Got gold elims/damage/objective kills for all 3 of them as Zarya as well.

I'm gonna place in silver man :(


I'm enjoying the changes to the Ult rate more than anything. The game feels way different with ults taking 20% longer to charge. Hard to get any solid impressions since 90% of the games you play have 3 D.Va, 2 Soldiers, and a Mei or something equally dumb.

They really need a ranked mimic mode on PTR where you get one hero limit and the game scoring follows ranked rules. That's the only way you're going to get a true test of effective role changes with the patch. Hell the scoring part is optional. Just get a one hero limit game mode on there for proper testing.


Played a QP game with someone last night that recognized me from GAF. He was Ana and I was Rein and he got me a POTG for wiping out 5 people with a nana boost, but with 2 Torbjs on our team (in a duo queue :p) we eventually lost.
I feel like diamond should be harder to get into. Or rather, the way to rank up should maybe be tweaked a bit or something.

If I see a diamond icon I want to be able to assume that this person understands the game (team comp, ult management, how to play after a pick, etc) but it seems like lots of people just found their way into diamond by instalocking a DPS and just being a little bit better than everyone else in 1v1's or something.

I should not have to tell 3000+ rank players that we don't need 3 DPS or 'hey you switched off healer? That might be important to tell us' or 'what do you mean you aren't good with any Tank or support characters?' I would ALWAYS prefer to have a platinum player who understands the game over that guy.

Not really sure what could be done without a major algorithm change. Something like less SR if you win too many games in a row with one character, or getting more for winning as a tank, support, DPS. Especially for switching mid game (which seems to hurt more than help SR gains at the moment). I know there are a bunch of problems with something like this, but these players should not be in diamond. Or maybe they should be and I have to get to master to consistently be matched with people like that, but I'm not good enough for master :(
Fact or fiction: You need high sensitivity (80+) sensitivity on PS4 to be able to keep up with tracers movement so you can kill her.

Fiction, it's all about preference, I'm rocking a 40/20 sensitivity at the moment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s43PS9lq2zQ

The dual-zone controls have helped me out significantly being able to turn around quicker without sacrificing my preferred slow sensitivity while aiming. Went from 15/10 sensitivity on old system (Exponential Ramp) to 40/20 on Dual-zone. Good shit blizzard, it's a worthwhile improvement.

For those who haven't messed around with your sensitivity when the new control scheme came out, you should.


Are defense characters considered DPS??? I finally was teamed up with a solid widow and Hanzo for the first time ever on console.
Widow and Hanzo are both more valuable on Attack than Defense, since their picks can have more impact with the defending team having the longer walk back from spawn.

Mei is like a DPS/Tank hybrid that works on both Attack and Defense.

Junkrat has the highest DPS in the game, but is inconsistent and usually just outputs "trash damage" that does nothing but boost the Ults of the enemy team's supports.

Roadhog is straight up a DPS. He's like a frontline Widow, he relies on getting picks, and doesn't have much value in actually tanking for his teammates.
I love how McCrees ult can sometimes safely secure you that last push on payload. My team was having trouble getting those last few meters until I jumped behind Rein and hit my ult. I knew I wouldn't get any kills. But from past games I've learned it's a great way to force people to hide. Especially if you let the ult count all the way down.
Fact or fiction: You need high sensitivity (80+) sensitivity on PS4 to be able to keep up with tracers movement so you can kill her.

Fiction, it's all about preference, I'm rocking a 40/20 sensitivity at the moment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s43PS9lq2zQ

The dual-zone controls have helped me out significantly being able to turn around quicker without sacrificing my preferred slow sensitivity while aiming. Went from 15/10 sensitivity on old system (Exponential Ramp) to 40/20 on Dual-zone. Good shit blizzard, it's a worthwhile improvement.

For those who haven't messed around with your sensitivity when the new control scheme came out, you should.

This is also the sensitivity I use, and it works great for me. I may play around with a 45/20 or 50/20 in QP soon tho. I feel like 20 for vertical is perfect atm for me.


Are defense characters considered DPS??? I finally was teamed up with a solid widow and Hanzo for the first time ever on console.

The main distinction between offense and defense characters (according to Blizzard and sort of correct) is that defense heroes prioritize zone control and denial of areas, e.g. you can't just run out into the open if that area is covered by a widow, Mei will F you if you aren't careful with positioning, things like that. Offense characters are more straightforward pew-pew damage dealers with less utility and more aggressive abilities (Tracer dashing behind your team, Reaper poofing around, S76 running... I guess)


I'm very close to start thinking my game is bugged or something.

After opening 38 lootboxes and getting 3 Junkenstein skins (the only legendary halloween skin I have) I also found 3 Ana emotes (the only halloween emote I have). I want a refund.


past few matches I've been getting grouped up w/ peeps that REFUSE to play healer or tank, while the enemy teams are running Zarya + Rein + Zen or Ana + Lucio or Mercy composition... Shit's reeeeeeeeeeee-diculous. -____-
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