Like the sound of their plays for the overwatch league but doesn't that completely fuck with current status quo? I mean, there are lots of big name teams out there with sponsorships and stuff, how are they gonna transition into the city based model?
I'm tryna' think, who/what's actually a good counter to Sombra?
i'm sweatin
i'm sweatin
I'm tryna' think, who/what's actually a good counter to Sombra?
Same. Thought it was Doomfist at first.
Ah man. HotS is boring as shit.
y u do dis, Blizz?
I have to play fucking HotS to get it???
Console peasants weeping.
I have to play fucking HotS to get it???
Console peasants weeping.
That links to my PSN account?you have a PC and it's F2P.
That links to my PSN account?
Ah man. HotS is boring as shit.
y u do dis, Blizz?
So like, EMP seems like the ultimate anti-support ult. Any sort of defensive hold will simply be interrupted and crushed. Lucio and Zen bye bye? Are they really trying to force Mercy back into the meta? Lol.
Solo competitive is just 1 step forward, 6 steps back, every night.
Yet I still want to keep playing lol.
This is Overwatch.
Lmao. Intalling HotS now. Who wants to group up later? Maybe it will be fun with other people to troll through 15 matches.