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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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I climbed back to 2800. Look forward to my post in a few days where I drop back down to 2600.



Yeah, I'm the one who made the clip and thread on Ana's grenade function. It still does 80 dps on enemies, so the 200 healing is a bit of an anomaly, tbh. She's already hard enough to kill, and this means that you have to 'kill' her twice over before she dies.

I've done some testing as well, and it seems as though it is a hard 200 (tested on a custom with a roadhog). If it was ticking twice for the heal due to a bug, the second tick should, in theory, be for 200 since the doubled healing should apply. What this seems to imply is that the healing was straight up increased for the grenade, and that this is not due to some strange property of the increased radius.

Experimenting with Roadhog (Kappa): https://clips.twitch.tv/mattz2007/WanderingMeerkatSmoocherZ

Thanks for sharing this. Pretty weird why they didn't mention it in the patch notes. Must be a mistake somehow.


It's way too stressful, but coming back to win ranked KOTH down 0-2 is so satisfying.

I already had 2 draws in a row so I was stressed. There was a single diamond player on the other KOTH team, as Genji, basically destroying half our team. Even our attempt at a Winston counter didn't work. And then after losing 2 people somehow adapted, found things that worked better, and (importantly?) started getting the first cap instead of trying to retake. AND we learned to focus the Genji super hard when he'd get near.

We focused him so hard he switched off, and started switching to other champs. Each time, we'd identify which one he was, and focus him down.

After the game, someone was like "I guess lobbying with plats for a lower queue doesn't work", hahaha.


I hate this shit so much. I've lost close games because of it.
I've been on both sides of it. Have clutch revived 5 players from the spawn to win the match before, but have had it happen to me as well. Typically it fails, because the attackers have already overrun the point, but every now and again it works.


What's the consensus on gaining rank? I'm looking at 50/50 win/loss and I'm consistently losing rank. Not much, but I'm almost always gaining around twenty to twenty five for wins, but losing twenty five to thirty on losses, even on games I go four golds with a close loss. Is this the norm and I have to get a lot more wins than losses to gain and keep rank, or what? It's incredibly frustrating. Feels like playing Competitive is like playing against the house at a casino.

2 support is in like every high level streaming or pre-made group game

yet every single time i solo queue, NOBODY wants ot do support. And everybody thinks we're ok with just Zen. Like you're not going to fucking die if you play Lucio or Mercy.

I play a lot of support and it gets old fast. Especially on solo queue. When you're on main supports like Lucio and Mercy, Overwatch is an FPS where you can't FPS. Lucio's shots are hard to hit with and don't feel that powerful when you do. You're just there to stay on points, speed boost, heal and occasionally boop. It's necessary but not as engaging as one of the other characters. Mercy doesn't shoot (or if she does, something's gone wrong) and it's more engaging than Lucio's play, but it's still support in solo queue--hoping that the team you're supporting is good enough to warrant you being their healer. Feels like one in three games I play support I'm babysitting people who couldn't win a 3v1 fight against a Mei.

There's also the belief that supports don't get as much level gain. Not sure if it's true or not.

Now with a good team, support is perfectly fine. All those gripes just disappear. Shame you never know when one of those will come along in solo queue.
What's the consensus on gaining rank? I'm looking at 50/50 win/loss and I'm consistently losing rank. Not much, but I'm almost always gaining around twenty to twenty five for wins, but losing twenty five to thirty on losses, even on games I go four golds with a close loss. Is this the norm and I have to get a lot more wins than losses to gain and keep rank, or what? It's incredibly frustrating. Feels like playing Competitive is like playing against the house at a casino.

I play a lot of support and it gets old fast. Especially on solo queue. When you're on main supports like Lucio and Mercy, Overwatch is an FPS where you can't FPS. Lucio's shots are hard to hit with and don't feel that powerful when you do. You're just there to stay on points, speed boost, heal and occasionally boop. It's necessary but not as engaging as one of the other characters. Mercy doesn't shoot (or if she does, something's gone wrong) and it's more engaging than Lucio's play, but it's still support in solo queue--hoping that the team you're supporting is good enough to warrant you being their healer. Feels like one in three games I play support I'm babysitting people who couldn't win a 3v1 fight against a Mei.

There's also the belief that supports don't get as much level gain. Not sure if it's true or not.

Now with a good team, support is perfectly fine. All those gripes just disappear. Shame you never know when one of those will come along in solo queue.

Personally, I team up with one or two friends and we insta-pick what we want. If the others pick badly, we adjust. You'll win more than you lose, which is really all you can hope for. Good luck!
Reminder to groups- and I know this is a big ask- at least go over to team chat and see how many people are on it. Communication is key, and we have no idea what's going on with you if you stay in Group.

I lose too much when playing with groups, especially considering I'll do whatever the team requires to get a win, so please at least give us solos a chance. Please?


Came back down 0 to 2 by playing bastion for 3 rounds

I originally did it because I thought we were going to lose and the racist crap people were saying. the enemy team with a genji and pharah couldn't stop me for 3 ROUNDS

I climbed back to 2800. Look forward to my post in a few days where I drop back down to 2600.

Came back from higher 1800's to almost 2100's....

Never play anger


No major win streaks but back over 3000 again. Played with Vault. We're a damn good team no matter what randoms we play with. Either a close game or a win. I'm a lot better with Soldier now. He's fun. Time for a short break.
No major win streaks but back over 3000 again. Played with Vault. We're a damn good team no matter what randoms we play with. Either a close game or a win. I'm a lot better with Soldier now. He's fun. Time for a short break.
Yea we have good synergy. Some awesome randoms in team chat tonight. You should join more often.


Do you guys think sniping (as a mechanic) is an afterthought in Overwatch? Not just for both Hanzo and Widow Maker's tool kit, but for the maps/gametypes that are not properly built to accommodate them? My friend had tried the game for the first time tonight, and as someone who played competitive CS and Call of Duty, he doesn't understand why Widow's sniper has to charge up to work as, well, a sniper rifle. This is what he had to say:

"Why increase her aim sight, if she has to charge to fire her rounds? If she was too powerful in the beginning, why doesn't she have less health to counter balance it? Give her less rounds? Make her reload times longer? The default assault rile is pretty pathetic, to boot. In any FPS that have sniper riles as a weapon, their damage is high, but have fewer rounds and longer reload times. If you were snipping in any other competitive FPS, you will die within one or two shots for the squishes if your aim is true."

Just some food for thought, and I want to honestly hear what you guys have to say. He is disinterested with how horrible the snipers are, and unless something changes, he is avoiding Overwatch like the plague.


Do you guys think sniping (as a mechanic) is an afterthought in Overwatch? Not just for both Hanzo and Widow Maker's tool kit, but for the maps/gametypes that are not properly built to accommodate them? My friend had tried the game for the first time tonight, and as someone who played competitive CS and Call of Duty, he doesn't understand why Widow's sniper has to charge up to work as, well, a sniper rifle. This is what he had to say:

Just some food for thought, and I want to honestly hear what you guys have to say. He is disinterested with how horrible the snipers are, and unless something changes, he is avoiding Overwatch like the plague.

Did he try Ana? I think they don't want snipers to be too OP like in the traditional FPS games cuz I gotta admit that snipers ruin those games for me.


the holder of the trombone
Because a lot of the maps are designed with far LoS with a major chokepoint to enter into an entrenched area.

Back in the day a good widow can deny major areas in the first point of king's row. On attack and defense.

Charge is basically a way to limit the RoF. While giving some element of skill in deciding which level of charge is enough or how much you need to charge before you lose the kill.


Do you guys think sniping (as a mechanic) is an afterthought in Overwatch? Not just for both Hanzo and Widow Maker's tool kit, but for the maps/gametypes that are not properly built to accommodate them? My friend had tried the game for the first time tonight, and as someone who played competitive CS and Call of Duty, he doesn't understand why Widow's sniper has to charge up to work as, well, a sniper rifle. This is what he had to say:

Just some food for thought, and I want to honestly hear what you guys have to say. He is disinterested with how horrible the snipers are, and unless something changes, he is avoiding Overwatch like the plague.

What does your friend mean by "the assault rifle is pathetic"? It's actually quite legit, unless they nerfed it also in the last week.
Widow isn't that bad, it's just that other chars are in a better spot atm. The quick scope needed to go, but i agree that she needs somewhat of a rework to be viable. Less ammo and higher dps? I dunno, i don't play her at all and haven't been playing for some time. I don't think a slower reload would be good however, It wouldn't match the pace of the game. She still needs to be somewhat fast, just not "quick scope before nerf-bat" fast.
Do you guys think sniping (as a mechanic) is an afterthought in Overwatch? Not just for both Hanzo and Widow Maker's tool kit, but for the maps/gametypes that are not properly built to accommodate them? My friend had tried the game for the first time tonight, and as someone who played competitive CS and Call of Duty, he doesn't understand why Widow's sniper has to charge up to work as, well, a sniper rifle. This is what he had to say:

Just some food for thought, and I want to honestly hear what you guys have to say. He is disinterested with how horrible the snipers are, and unless something changes, he is avoiding Overwatch like the plague.

Problem is that there is a very very very small middle ground for snipers.

It's very easy for them to either become overpowered or underpowered. In the case of overwatch since Blizzard doesn't want them to be overpowered it's other option is trying to find the very thin line of balanced, else it will be underpowered.

To break down what your friend said.

"Why increase her aim sight, if she has to charge to fire her rounds? If she was too powerful in the beginning, why doesn't she have less health to counter balance it? Give her less rounds? Make her reload times longer? The default assault rile is pretty pathetic, to boot. In any FPS that have sniper riles as a weapon, their damage is high, but have fewer rounds and longer reload times. If you were snipping in any other competitive FPS, you will die within one or two shots for the squishes if your aim is true."

Less health means nothing if the enemy can't even approach a good sniper. And on the flip side too little health means she's dead by a stray bullet. The line is literally either dying to 1 hit or to 2 hits and depends on who's hit. Any survivability equates to more sniper shots. And a good sniper only needs 1.
Less rounds means nothing if the enemy can't even approach a mobile sniper. Widow has better mobility than most snipers in other games due to the hook. But if he's too busy reloading then flankers just overpower her and thus stay underpowered.
Reload times longer mean nothing if the enemy can't approach a good sniper. Too long of a reload also means she's a one wave character and thus underpowered. Why pick widow to snipe one wave when you can have another char to deal with multiple.
Default assault rifle it's merely an option and not her main function. Consider it like a sidearm.
Other FPS's don't have the same mechanics as overwatch (ultimates, melee characters, leaping skills, etc) so you can't just change stats.

There is a lot more to consider than just tweaking stats. Balancing a sniper is actually absurdly hard. Right now, blizzard can't just tweak numbers to make her viable, she needs a rework similar to Dva's defense matrix.
Lol, some guy sends me a message mid match complaining about me playing an OP character and being a scrub and all sorts of other obscenities (I was playing Zarya, and got a 20 kill streak because they were spraying my shields)

Second round we steamrolled them and won, and I spent the next 10 or 15 minutes getting more messages from this salty Lucio player. I just kept replying with variations of "Y u mad" for the lulz of it.


The italics are my friend's replies, FYI.

Did he try Ana? I think they don't want snipers to be too OP like in the traditional FPS games cuz I gotta admit that snipers ruin those games for me.

"I want to play a pure sniper. Ana doesn't interest me, for the fact that she seems like a secondary healer to the main one on the team. She also has no way to score head shots (I know that's not the point for Ana, but it doesn't make sense to me that she's a sniper that can't get kills with headshots), and I had no luck with cooperating with teammates when they have/don't have their ults ready. I don't want to fire my Nano boost wildly and hope for the best, for one."

Because a lot of the maps are designed with far LoS with a major chokepoint to enter into an entrenched area.

Back in the day, a good Widow can deny major areas in the first point of king's row. On attack and defense.

Charge is basically a way to limit the RoF. While giving some element of skill in deciding which level of charge is enough or how much you need to charge before you lose the kill.

"Then why even put a charge in there? It feels like it sabotaging their own skill to put in there."

Widow isn't that bad, it's just that other chars are in a better spot atm. The quick scope needed to go, but i agree that she needs somewhat of a rework to be viable. Less ammo and higher dps? I dunno, i don't play her at all and haven't been playing for some time. I don't think a slower reload would be good however, It wouldn't match the pace of the game. She still needs to be somewhat fast, just not "quick scope before nerf-bat" fast.

"You have to aim for headshots with her assault rile to do any killing damage. Even more so when there are characters that can sneak up or surprise you, and if you don't have a fast respond time, you're basically dead."

Problem is that there is a very very very small middle ground for snipers.

It's very easy for them to either become overpowered or underpowered. In the case of overwatch since Blizzard doesn't want them to be overpowered it's other option is trying to find the very thin line of balanced, else it will be underpowered.

To break down what your friend said.

"Why increase her aim sight, if she has to charge to fire her rounds? If she was too powerful in the beginning, why doesn't she have less health to counter balance it? Give her less rounds? Make her reload times longer? The default assault rile is pretty pathetic, to boot. In any FPS that have sniper riles as a weapon, their damage is high, but have fewer rounds and longer reload times. If you were snipping in any other competitive FPS, you will die within one or two shots for the squishes if your aim is true."

Less health means nothing if the enemy can't even approach a good sniper. And on the flip side too little health means she's dead by a stray bullet. The line is literally either dying to 1 hit or to 2 hits and depends on who's hit. Any survivability equates to more sniper shots. And a good sniper only needs 1.
Less rounds means nothing if the enemy can't even approach a mobile sniper. Widow has better mobility than most snipers in other games due to the hook. But if he's too busy reloading then flankers just overpower her and thus stay underpowered.
Reload times longer mean nothing if the enemy can't approach a good sniper. Too long of a reload also means she's a one wave character and thus underpowered. Why pick widow to snipe one wave when you can have another char to deal with multiple.
Default assault rifle it's merely an option and not her main function. Consider it like a sidearm.
Other FPS's don't have the same mechanics as overwatch (ultimates, melee characters, leaping skills, etc) so you can't just change stats.

There is a lot more to consider than just tweaking stats. Balancing a sniper is actually absurdly hard. Right now, blizzard can't just tweak numbers to make her viable, she needs a rework similar to Dva's defense matrix.

"But she is a reliability, unless you can ALWAYS land headshots. You're basically saying 'Leave her alone', and that sounds silly to me. There has to be some compensation, or else she will always be a mediocre character that will be played for laughs. If Blizzard doesn't want to change the above mentioned or rework her, then why is she even there? Snipers are supposed to be feared at a distance, but the fact that almost anyone can pick her off, makes it counterproductive to what a sniper is supposed to do in a team-based FPS."


how viable is Roadhog in competitive?

I'm about to unlock competitive and I pretty much have the most fun playing him

90% of my playtime is probably on Lucio, Zarya, and Roahog. The remainder is split between Anna and Winston.

I tend to do best when I play Lucio (objectively speaking), but for some reason Roadhog is so damn satisfying to play. I do pretty well with Roadhog too tho, but again we're talking quick matches

Would be sad if everyone figured out some counter for him in competitive, rendering him shit tier.

EDIT: on a side note, went about 5 games straight with at least 2 D.Va on my team, shit was annoying as fuck. I don't get why the fuck D.Va is used so much. maybe because it's easy to get POTG with her ulti?


how viable is Roadhog in competitive?

I'm about to unlock competitive and I pretty much have the most fun playing him

90% of my playtime is probably on Lucio, Zarya, and Roahog. The remainder is split between Anna and Winston.

I tend to do best when I play Lucio (objectively speaking), but for some reason Roadhog is so damn satisfying to play. I do pretty well with Roadhog too tho, but again we're talking quick matches

Would be sad if everyone figured out some counter for him in competitive, rendering him shit tier.

EDIT: on a side note, went about 5 games straight with at least 2 D.Va on my team, shit was annoying as fuck. I don't get why the fuck D.Va is used so much. maybe because it's easy to get POTG with her ulti?

For Competitive? He's pretty self-sufficient, so long as you don't over-extend yourself as the "Main Hog". Roadhog functions best as a flanker, where his chain can catch enemies unawares and kill them before they can react. With his large heal on a medium cooldown, he can operate for long periods of time away from his team. However, his lack of any kind of barrier makes him a lackluster pick when your focus is on protecting your teammates, so keep that in mind if you're the teams sole Tank.

I have had a lot of success with Solider 76, Lucio, and Roadhog, as those heroes are designed to be self-sufficient when shit hits the fan.


For Competitive? He's pretty self-sufficient, so long as you don't over-extend yourself as the "Main Hog". Roadhog functions best as a flanker, where his chain can catch enemies unawares and kill them before they can react. With his large heal on a medium cooldown, he can operate for long periods of time away from his team. However, his lack of any kind of barrier makes him a lackluster pick when your focus is on protecting your teammates, so keep that in mind if you're the teams sole Tank.

I have had a lot of success with Solider 76, Lucio, and Roadhog, as those heroes are designed to be self-sufficient when shit hits the fan.

yeah, I think that's why I like him so much

I don't play him as a tank and don't expect him to fill your typical tank role

I try to flank and pick off squishies although he can still do huge damage to less squishy characters like D.Va. his heal ability + the cool down seem to let me go off and of my own shit without any help, which I kinda like

EDIT: I like Winston for the same reasons. you can solo and focus on getting behind the enemy lines, causing chaos and confusion, then quickly exit relatively unharmed, then repeat, with really minimal to no help from your team

don't get me wrong, I love team play...It's just pretty much nonexistent in quick matches, which forces you to play roles where you have to rely on yourself

hell, i'm scared to even use Ana anymore because every time I put a barrier on a teammate, they rush in thinking they're invincible and immediately die

same shit with Winston, if I rush in with my leap and throw down my shield, all of a sudden my entire team rushes towards my shield which would last only a few seconds before I decide to leap out...except they can't leap out, so they all die...


Do you guys think sniping (as a mechanic) is an afterthought in Overwatch? Not just for both Hanzo and Widow Maker's tool kit, but for the maps/gametypes that are not properly built to accommodate them? My friend had tried the game for the first time tonight, and as someone who played competitive CS and Call of Duty, he doesn't understand why Widow's sniper has to charge up to work as, well, a sniper rifle. This is what he had to say:

Just some food for thought, and I want to honestly hear what you guys have to say. He is disinterested with how horrible the snipers are, and unless something changes, he is avoiding Overwatch like the plague.

Personally i think that in most other games snipers in general are just not team players, they're in it for the kills and aren't generally trying to help the team.
Because OW is a team game, snipers just can't fit into it in the traditional sense, as going for most kills won't win you the objective.
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