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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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Another one of those bad comp days.

I get a team that had a Sym on Lijiang....pretty self explanitory.

Then I get a game that had comp wise wasn't that bad. But no one really produced. Silver elims, silver obj kills, silver obj time, gold healing (24k) as Lucio is headache inducing.
Man I'm genuinely scared to play competitive at the moment. It's ridiculous how much build up I have to do to get into it. I need to play like 4-5 QP games with me doing really well with my top 5 heroes before going in. I think I need to just start jumping in because this isn't healthy lol.

I always just jump in. If I get stressed out beforehand then its just a bad idea overall to do. (A big problem I always had doing ranked in fighting games)


i'm like bacon: I work with everything! ;P
I beg to differ.


imo the Sombra thing is much worse because the content drip has been pretty slow, tbh. The game came out in May, and we've had one new character and one new map.

Granted they're both of incredibly high quality, but it's still slow compared to other titles.

Wait, how fast do other games update? The games been out for 4 months and we've had three major content updates - a character, a map, and a special event with custom game mode. I don't know a lot of games that have DLC out in the first month.
Well it can't. Sure, it could know that you exited a game manually, but if they added this change in, all that would happen is people would start just manually disconnecting their internet and the game wouldn't be able to tell whether or not it was an honest disconnection or intentional. You'd go back to the early days of gaming where people used to disconnect to avoid losses. It doesn't fix anything. If anything it would make leaving more rampant.

I'm mostly talking about errors on Blizzard's end. Those shouldn't penalize players at all.

And all you would need to deal with people unplugging their modems is a penalty for frequent disconnects (which I believe is already implemented), because someone with shitty internet shouldn't be playing online anyway.


The streak system is meant to get you quickly to your supposed placement.

I think the results would be different if he didn't cruise through bronze and silver racking up a streak and then blow through platinum in like 3 games, but I guess we'll never know. Still pretty impressive.


the holder of the trombone
I think the results would be different if he didn't cruise through bronze and silver racking up a streak and then blow through platinum in like 3 games, but I guess we'll never know. Still pretty impressive.

He used to be diamond though isn't he? I've seen vids of him playing with the likes of chipshajen who are in masters.


He used to be diamond though isn't he? I've seen vids of him playing with the likes of chipshajen who are in masters.

It was an alt account, so he threw games to be placed in bronze today, to prove a point about elo hell not existing. I know he's a grandmaster, or was, on his main account.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
Man, if you're gonna play Toblerone and never switch off, at least be good at him.

EDIT: Hey, can one of you DPS switch to a tank? McCree switches to Widowmaker.
I love the enigma that is known as the Attack Bastion. Just had one that was probably one of the best I have seen this season.

He only placed when he knew it was safe or he had cover, kept somehow outliving most of the other teammates despite being near the pushes, and even got POTG with a quad turret kill mid push

Also FML. Get thrown in with a 5 made premade against a 6 man premade.....


when will peeps learn that spawn camping = very. bad. idea. in a game like overwatch? Like, if you die you are gonna have to travel twice the distance most of the time! -__-

just had a comp match on Numbani where the enemy team attempted to spawn camp us... so I (D.Va) just boosted around them, went straight to point A, and proceeded to capture it. The enemy Tracer and then D.Va tried to stop me (by then it was half-captured! lolz), but by then my teammate Zenny had arrived to back me up.

we took all 3 points, and then on the flip our Mei tried to get us to do the same dumb thing (Satan in a glasses and a parka!)! She ran down by the bus and proceeded to spam 'group up!' and my teammates were LISTENING/going, so - standing on the payload - I began spamming 'group up!' as well, and they chose to stay. Holy crap, wtf?

anyway, we won. But WHY would you try the same boneheaded move the team you just beat did?!


the holder of the trombone
Yeah people really need to learn how spawns work in this game.

Had a match on dorado yesterday where the dva was so obviously hiding in the corner of our spawn room that she clipped through the wall lmao. I just turned the corner, slept her, and she wasn't long for this world.


Lost 3 comp playing as tank and support getting silverse in kills

For the rest of the season i'm literally about to snap pick on DPS characters. Way too many games are getting lost to these dudes picking phara or reaper and not doing shit and barely getting kills.

Strong arming my way through this season
Lost 3 comp playing as tank and support getting silverse in kills

For the rest of the season i'm literally about to snap pick on DPS characters. Way too many games are getting lost to these dudes picking phara or reaper and not doing shit and barely getting kills.

Strong arming my way through this season

Yeah, just started getting quite a few losses due to REALLY bad dps players.

We had a pharah and a junkrat...but the gold and silver damage and elims were with the zarya and the zenyatta

Whats worse is that the other team had hitscans but they weren't targetting the pharah so that means the pharah wasn't dying to it's counters.
Lost 3 comp playing as tank and support getting silverse in kills

For the rest of the season i'm literally about to snap pick on DPS characters. Way too many games are getting lost to these dudes picking phara or reaper and not doing shit and barely getting kills.

Strong arming my way through this season

Yeah, bad DPS are gonna cause a loss way quicker than a bad tank or healer. I just wish I knew how to play any of the DPS well aside from Reaper and Soldier
How do some people have terrible games and not get pissed off at some of this shit? Like a match today where our only healer decides to switch to tracer when we're 40 seconds from losing, and by the time I get killed and switch to a healer it's too late. I've learned not to ask people to switch ever because it's met with "fuck you why don't you switch" and I've learned not try to get people to switch characters or change strategies after the first round because that's met with "I have X gold medals wtf are you doing" and I've learned never to try to get the team to come up with a different plan or talk over what was good/bad for the next game because it's met with "lol salt".

Like, I need to find myself a proper nightly group of at least 2-3 people. All these solo games just grind on my nerves and it seems like there's always a couple of people that are hostile, regardless of what team they're on. Having any slight semblance of a team is just anathema to some people.
The only message I've ever gotten was (sincere) praise and thanks for getting a triple res with Mercy on the homestretch of attack, even though we still lost the match. This was on PS4 before comp rolled out.

Only message I've ever received was a Mercy complementing my D.Va play on Honamura Defense. It was us and 4 DPS, and we never saw our teammates after A fell early on, except when they ran past us after spawning.
They were doing work out there though, because we sat on the point and took wave after wave of Roadhog, Lucio, and Hanzo, but never saw their 2 Genjis and Tracer. We won, with Mercy doing some amazing Heal/ Buff switching, and nailing 2 clutch rezzes.
I have never felt better playing D.Va- zipping from target to target, knowing I was just desperately prolonging the inevitable loss- and trying to recreate that feeling is what keeps me playing, months later.

Sidenote: I was typing a thank you message to her when I received hers. Overwatch is pretty okay, you guys.
Was just on a team that managed to push from the first checkpoint in Numbani all the way to a few inches before the end of the map all on a single overtime with no time on the clock. And this was after we bungled the first round of Defense hardcore

Moments like that make all of the crap in this game worth it. Afterwards we managed to hold the enemy team on the first point for like 4:30 too.
Yeah, bad DPS are gonna cause a loss way quicker than a bad tank or healer. I just wish I knew how to play any of the DPS well aside from Reaper and Soldier

I think that might be my problem, too, and why my competitive record is so inconsistent (except lately, when it's been consistently bad). I tend to gravitate towards healer and tank roles in solo queue (originally because nobody else would pick them, but then because I started to get decent at playing them well), but all the tanking and healing in the world does no good when the DPS aren't doing their job and eliminating the enemy team. And I honestly don't feel confident enough in my skills with Offense characters to try and take on that role, so I'm left watching my teammates run like lambs to the slaughter while I try in vain to heal them/throw bubbles on them. Probably going to just say "screw it" for a while and pick the Offense characters in Quick Play just so I can finally log more hours with them, and make more of a contribution in Competitive.
Usually Lucio for KotH but sometimes, if needed, I will play Reaper or Pharah on Nepal because both of them can do some work in the right situation.

Well, last night, no one wanted to tank. So I picked Zarya but once we got towards the point the team just split in all directions. Like everyone wanted to be the flanker, no one went for the point. A few more respawns go by and someone finally picks D.Va so I switched to Winston since I couldn't get anyone to group up with me. We lost the round but that went marginally better.

By round 2 the fighting started and one guy was calling out our Mcree by saying he was trash and couldn't hit anything (I don't know, I wasn't watching him) so as a troll pick the dude changed to Symmetra.

It was pretty much down hill from there.

I'm not sure why that particular map seems to be more problematic but I've had teammates that trickle in, never group up, seem to be playing TDM, don't communicate, you name it. All of this stuff happens on other maps also but for some reason it is Nepal where it all seems to culminate and produce the worst blow-outs.

Now I can't control randoms but I can control what I do and I am always looking for ways to improve.

I've had a bad time there too, recently. I've noticed it's because everyone splits up in that first lobby on Sanctuary. Pick a side and murderball it. A Mei is invaluable on the other two Nepal maps, and Winston, Tracer, and Zen can really help you out. Basically shame a Torb, Bastion (unless you're positive you can grab the point long enough for him to set up hassle-free), or Widow into changing. Hanzo depends on how good they are.

I can't believe we even managed to take a game out of this.


I'd roll with that on Defense and make it work (I'd be Rein in that set-up). I'm mid-Silver, though, so maybe things change when you get higher up?
So if I lose connection before the round starts on competitive my team still gets no replacement? They didn't change that for S2? I just dropped out randomly and I feel pretty bad about it.
This fucking game. 4 or 5 straight wins in quick play, most with 2 or 3+ golds, go into ranked, lose first match with 4 golds (everything but healing). I AM NOT THE PROBLEM HERE

I mean, generally- not speaking about you directly- golds doesn't mean you were doing your job. As a D.Va, if I get golds, it could be that I am having to carry (and a Damage gold as D.Va is a harsh indictment of my team, no doubt), or it could mean I didn't play my lane. I stole flanker kills from my DPS and didn't tank damage on the point. I've been guilty of this in the past, so I know.

I don't know who you main, but let's take an example: if you're a Soldier, and you have golds across the board, but an enemy Pharah wrecks your team, you didn't do your job. Same with a D.Va who lets a Widow or Hanzo wreck your team while you get yours against the other squishies. Sometimes medals mean nothing because you didn't suck it up and do what your team needed.


only doing comp on pc
meh, 2-1-1 earlier, was at 2600 after placements

...6-0-0 today, going up ~80 a match, about 2980

Done for the day, hopefully I end 3500 at least :p

Ok...so I do decently as a McCree, not the best but I stop several ults and made some good shots, then team slams me for even picking McCree....when there's a Pharmercy combo wrecking house. Silver elims, gold damage, isn't the best but obviously still doing the job.

So I switch just to shut them up and we lose because of said Pharmercy combo.

Team also tried switching to a McCree to deal with the Pharmercy combo but didn't even get any kills off.

Didn't care about losing, I was just there with a smug face like "With the gamesense you guys got, I'll just play and watch us lose due to what I was trying to counter in the first place"


what's y'all PSN? We should group up! D.Va + Zen + Reaper sounds like WIN, to me! ;)

these two guys I used play with regularly (Junkrat & Genji main) aren't on much anymore. T__T

my psn is rice3rd, my friend that i play with main is junkrat and his rank is 22.


Sweet, that little winning streak gave me Top 1000 Zenyatta.


what's y'all PSN? We should group up! D.Va + Zen + Reaper sounds like WIN, to me! ;)

these two guys I used play with regularly (Junkrat & Genji main) aren't on much anymore. T__T

My PSN is antitrop, but I double-dipped on the PC version when Season 2 started and haven't gone back to my PS4 account. =/


My PSN is antitrop, but I double-dipped on the PC version when Season 2 started and haven't gone back to my PS4 account. =/

., but Gd4033

My group could end top 100 again, but really, they quit. If they quit, I dunno why I'd go back to ps4 when PC has a higher skill ceiling.
Had two competitive Draws in a row. First on Anubis, then on Numbani. Not great, but not awful either. It felt like I had Overwatch blue balls - then finally won a match on Volskaya, it was a team of 2 and 4 solos vs a team of 5 and one solo and we managed an awesome defense on point B and then took both points pretty easy. I was surprised I thought for sure a team of 5 would obliterate a bunch of solo queuers but I was proven wrong!

Do you gain/lose SR on Draws? Or do you just gain a few competitive points and your SR stays even?


my psn is rice3rd, my friend that i play with main is junkrat and his rank is 22.

went to add you and we're already friends! xD HMU, broooo!

My PSN is antitrop, but I double-dipped on the PC version when Season 2 started and haven't gone back to my PS4 account. =/

booo! -__-

., but Gd4033

My group could end top 100 again, but really, they quit. If they quit, I dunno why I'd go back to ps4 when PC has a higher skill ceiling.

start a new group!!!! ;P

whatever, I'm adding y'all anyway.


Do you gain/lose SR on Draws? Or do you just gain a few competitive points and your SR stays even?

I will note that as we proved last season, internal MMR matters a ton more than external (now, what makes someone a good player or a bad player according to blizzard? Hell if I know!) so a draw will move that and therefore your next match may win you 50 points instead of 30 as a result.
The latter.

Cool. I didn't think my SR changed but I couldn't be 100% sure because I have the memory of a goldfish.

I will note that as we proved last season, internal MMR matters a ton more than external (now, what makes someone a good player or a bad player according to blizzard? Hell if I know!) so a draw will move that and therefore your next match may win you 50 points instead of 30 as a result.

Good to know. It didn't seem like my win after was boosted too much, but maybe that's just because I'm totally average, heh.
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