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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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Good to know. It didn't seem like my win after was boosted too much, but maybe that's just because I'm totally average, heh.

Hey, it's better than the average person who no matter what height we reach, we always think "I should be higher". You'll improve :D

...My issue on PC
I don't know how antitrop hasn't told me to die yet.


Harambe strikes again.
No angry messages from anyone. Only people saying impressive, or good job. ]:

I'm assuming no one in the other team picked Reaper? If the other team let a Winston do that much damage, they are doing something really wrong.
Seems like every win barely nets me between 25-30 points, while most losses (Unless they are ranked higher, or I literally had all Golds) is usually around the same.

Finally managed to break back into 3k tonight, hope I can break into 3100 and get out of this secondary elo hell.


I'm assuming no one in the other team picked Reaper? If the other team let a Winston do that much damage, they are doing something really wrong.

Hard counters exist

thank god reaper can actively avoid his hard counter by spacing well
The losing streak hurts, especially when I've been support 95% of the time.

Painful when you see people suicide to their deaths and they won't listen to reason.
Painful to be focused down by every flanker and no one to save you.
Painful when your team turns a corner and they're all suddenly less than 50% hp due to the reinhardt dropping his shield the moment he turned to corner to launch a firestrike.
Painful when your team is all over the map and you're the only one at the objective...

Basically, watching your team self destruct over little things that can be prevented but since you're the healer there isn't really much you can do aside from hope your teammates learn from it...


Only message I've ever received was a Mercy complementing my D.Va play on Honamura Defense. It was us and 4 DPS, and we never saw our teammates after A fell early on, except when they ran past us after spawning.
They were doing work out there though, because we sat on the point and took wave after wave of Roadhog, Lucio, and Hanzo, but never saw their 2 Genjis and Tracer. We won, with Mercy doing some amazing Heal/ Buff switching, and nailing 2 clutch rezzes.
I have never felt better playing D.Va- zipping from target to target, knowing I was just desperately prolonging the inevitable loss- and trying to recreate that feeling is what keeps me playing, months later.

Sidenote: I was typing a thank you message to her when I received hers. Overwatch is pretty okay, you guys.

I love this post.


We had a Winston on attack who kept on jumping to their cp and yelling, "Push in now, we have advantage. Just to watch our team lose at choke 5v6 cause they ignored his dumb ass.

Rest in piece my win streak.
The plummet into hell is real.

from nearly hitting 2700 down to 2300. I can't even complain about half the matches but this streak is painful
Mid 2900s must be my natural rank this season, no matter how low or high I get I always end up right there again. Just like last season I never dropped below 65 even on bad nights
First comeback from 0-2 on KotH for me (Illios). Overtime, 99% for both teams, All 12 players on the point, all ults used up in the previous team battle. Just a slaughterhouse. All 6 teammates in chat (I was in a 2-man group), and I have never heard such joy and relief on a mic as when the Victory banner came up. Makes me feel great about always risking team chat. We had a Zarya/ Reaper ult combo with a minute to go that tk'ed the enemy and you would have thought WWII had just ended for the cheers erupting in chat.

This game drags me down to the depths, but it always gives me a feel-good moment to compensate. Thanks, OW.

PS- 46/26 elim/death as D.Va, and I'm not sure I've ever felt better about a performance. That was a fucking knuckles-in-a-back-alley brawl, and my D.Va stood her ground and dealt the pain. Good stuff.


the holder of the trombone
I think at this point booping ulting enemies to their deaths is what I live for as lucio.

Had one at the start of route 66 where a mccree thought he could be cute and flank deadeye.



Played one comp with Bankyconan and people, we held off the second kings row point but didn't make it there on our attack. I think our flaw was having two healers when they only had one, we kept stalling out on our pushes and mei continues to annoy. is it usually a good idea to match healer amounts if you are struggling to push? Still a fun match despite coming up short.

The worst thing is, a good chunk of them were decent games. Only a handful had outright bad or toxic players.

This is what I get for breaking my usual code of no weekends/friday nights but since I was so busy in the week I needed my overwatch splurge.

Then again, same thing happened to me last season too. Ended up having a day having good games but alot of loses. I had a 64 rank and plummeted to 48.


the holder of the trombone
Tbf no one has ult awareness at that point so just go someone who can teamwipe on flanks

No kidding. Recent match I heard "reapersitioning", backed out, only to see the rest of my team feature in a potg.

I even speedboosted so everyone can BTFO, but nope.
when will peeps learn that spawn camping = very. bad. idea. in a game like overwatch? Like, if you die you are gonna have to travel twice the distance most of the time! -__-

just had a comp match on Numbani where the enemy team attempted to spawn camp us... so I (D.Va) just boosted around them, went straight to point A, and proceeded to capture it. The enemy Tracer and then D.Va tried to stop me (by then it was half-captured! lolz), but by then my teammate Zenny had arrived to back me up.

we took all 3 points, and then on the flip our Mei tried to get us to do the same dumb thing (Satan in a glasses and a parka!)! She ran down by the bus and proceeded to spam 'group up!' and my teammates were LISTENING/going, so - standing on the payload - I began spamming 'group up!' as well, and they chose to stay. Holy crap, wtf?

anyway, we won. But WHY would you try the same boneheaded move the team you just beat did?!

I tell every team I play with not to camp at the spawn. Sometimes it even works. Usually I'm the lone tank sitting there as the entire enemy team descends upon me. This works out poorly for me, as you can imagine.
Had a really good run today and made up the almost 1000 pt deficit I had since my initial placement so I'm buzzing.

I will say that tonight I had the best luck socially manipulating my teammates into changing heroes and starts mid games.

So at least on PS4 there is hope for humanity.


There was a reaper one round.

He gave up. :D

Do you actively engage a reaper as winston? or just hit a bit, shield, then jump away?

Because I get wrecked as winston.

My winston has been doing better lately, but I seem to prefer Zarya a a bit more, as she is a tad more consistent and supportive, where winston seems to be either hit or miss.

Also, have yet to encounter good Ana's on my team.


Do you actively engage a reaper as winston? or just hit a bit, shield, then jump away?

In relation to a reaper, you exist to screw up his ult by bubbling it.
That's literally it.
You can't do a thing against a reaper, It's not a "hard counter" like flashbang+fth is on reaper where he gets melted in under a second and a half from full hp, but theres literally no way to outplay him.


I Don't know what was going on last night but I kept getting matched in quick play with people who were just losing on purpose, just hanging around in the safe zone and purposely not going for the objective. I even got a glitcher who put a transporter thing into some room you can't get out of, so we were all stuck in a room and forced to quit. What the hell?
Blegh, i think I'm just not going to be ana when we have a mercy. They just don't complement each other well.
I've found Ana, Mercy + Reinhardt to be pretty potent. Grenade on someone mercy is healing is such a good burst heal for tanks. I guess the mercy needs to know that early on she should not be healing 'safe' characters who've retreated behind the choke because building Ana's ult is more important.


Started playing Attack class exclusively and I am doing nothing but climb up since my drop to 2400. These mofos gotta stay out of my way, I am coming for my diamond badge.
Started at 2360, never play placements as support friends.

Do you actively engage a reaper as winston? or just hit a bit, shield, then jump away?

Because I get wrecked as winston.

My winston has been doing better lately, but I seem to prefer Zarya a a bit more, as she is a tad more consistent and supportive, where winston seems to be either hit or miss.

Also, have yet to encounter good Ana's on my team.

Very rarely. The only time I 1v1 a Reaper is when they are alone and don't know I have the drop on them. The jump pack is 50 damage and if you melee you do a total of 80 right off the back. I then start using the tesla coil and when he turns around drop the shield.

The whole fight at that point is distance. If you are in the right distance the shield will block his shots giving you valuable seconds to do damage. Now there are two things the Reaper will do, run or fight back. If he runs wait for him to be out of tesla range and use your jump pack to catch up. That is another 80 damage if you hit him with the combo again. at this point its easy clean up. If he wraiths, just let him leave. You will have your cooldowns reset by the time he makes it back to point.

Now if he decides to fight, it all plays out around your shield. He walks in, you back out so that when he shoots the shield is still in the way. You have to pretty much dance around the shield to stop his damage and keep you in the fight. If they are not smart they probably have to reload and you pretty much are golden for the kill. They will wraith and you can finish them off if your team doesn't need you. Never forget you want to protect your supports.

My policy is if I am down to 200hp(for any fight honestly) I jump the hell out. Unless he is almost dead the fight is 100% in his favor. Don't get greedy and get yourself killed. Also memorize where all the hp packs(and your healers) are, when you GTFO knowing which way to jump and grab HP is essential.
The losing streak hurts, especially when I've been support 95% of the time.

Painful when you see people suicide to their deaths and they won't listen to reason.
Painful to be focused down by every flanker and no one to save you.
Painful when your team turns a corner and they're all suddenly less than 50% hp due to the reinhardt dropping his shield the moment he turned to corner to launch a firestrike.
Painful when your team is all over the map and you're the only one at the objective...

Basically, watching your team self destruct over little things that can be prevented but since you're the healer there isn't really much you can do aside from hope your teammates learn from it...

I know your pain.
In just one day I've dropped from 2940 to 2684 with about 90% of those matches spent as support desperately trying to keep people from running to their deaths to no avail.
And this hasn't been one long string of matches, I've been taking breaks in between as to not continue the gambler's fallacy but for whatever reason it's like the game has it in for me all of a sudden and I'm constantly on the lesser team.

I'm shocked, actually shocked by the amount of times I'm killed by Reinhardt of all characters, teammates just keep letting him in to stroll up to me and beat the piss out of me with his hammer, the "not my problem" curse seems to be back in full effect where if they ain't the target then they don't care.

I'm almost entirely burnt out on the game now, I'm looking at the trends on overbuff and it's like the stock market crash over here for my season 2 as this massive drop just happens after a slow and steady climb.
Coincidentally my healing in this same period has shot up along with my deaths, constantly getting focused upon with no support for the supports, it just ain't any fun.

edit: I love how the post above shows the opposite effect as attack, go get 'em darklin0!


the holder of the trombone
I've found Ana, Mercy + Reinhardt to be pretty potent. Grenade on someone mercy is healing is such a good burst heal for tanks. I guess the mercy needs to know that early on she should not be healing 'safe' characters who've retreated behind the choke because building Ana's ult is more important.

Thing is why do that when your ana can burst heal more than mercy and lucio can heal 80hps for the whole group with grenade?

Also yeah, competing for ult charge too much.

Though really, as much as people say they find lucio boring to play I'm surprised they don't find mercy even more boring to play.
Yeah Mercy is probably the most boring support for me. Mainly because she has no offensive stuff that she can use while healing. The only time I can find Lucio enjoyable anymore is if I'm wall riding a bunch. I went from Lucio being my most played in S1 to barely playing him this season. Probably because more people are willing to play support now. In season 1, I had to play Lucio 80% of the time because no one would pick healer. Now, 95% of my matches have had at least one healer, and I've been able to actually play my best characters.

But if i do have to heal? Always Ana. Always. Unless I have shitty nano boost targets, then Zen.

But 9/10 times, I have at least one good target for nano boost.

And Ana is a fantastic solo healer as well. As long as you have two tanks, you'll do fine.


the holder of the trombone
I dunno, I'll rotate all 3 depending on the situation. Never mercy though. Mostly because I'm not good as her, but i honestly can't think of a situation where she's preferable.


I honestly suck at being a main healer as Zenyatta, I put the orbs and such, but I don't seem to be as efficient of a healer as I'm with Mercy or Lucio.

Trying to learn Ana though.
Mercy is definitely a case of only being enjoyable to me if your team is competent, if they scatter all the time, leave you open and fail to capitalise on giving them one sided battles in their favour via health and attack boost then it's without a doubt the peak of tedium.


I honestly suck at being a main healer as Zenyatta, I put the orbs and such, but I don't seem to be as efficient of a healer as I'm with Mercy or Lucio.

Trying to learn Ana though.
If your healing stat with Zen is low, it probably has more to do with your Transcendence timing than your Harmony Orbs.


I've been pretty much maining the support class this season (aside from all the D.VA and Zarya that I played to get into Diamond), so I've been trying to find a way to fit each support character into my playtime. For Mercy, I only use her if we need a healer while defending control points because it's more likely everyone will group up and stay near each other so it's easier to heal everyone, stay alive, and get a good res. Other than that, Lucio is always my main healer pick.
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