You'd love Pharah thenGot the game on pc.
Went 8-2 in placements and placed 3035. Mostly just carried with McCree, guess all that quake payed off.
Who wants to add me on Eu, caesar#2952 ?
You'd love Pharah then
Yikes, maybe try to group up with Gaffers
Junkrat and Torb. Sub 1 hour on supports.
There's your problem!
Honestly I'd rather take a reasonably competent Junkrat/Torbjörn in a lower ranked match than forcing them to use a Support character and have them utterly faceplant.
Also, I have exactly the same experience as he does, and I almost exclusively play support/tank.
I think that people should strive to play all the characters initially. Get used to their weaknesses and strengths so you know how to counter them.
That said, I'd rather a useless Lucio than a Torb.
I just got the game too on pc but played on ps4 before. Only rank 21 though. EU too. Jellie#21742.Got the game on pc.
Went 8-2 in placements and placed 3035. Mostly just carried with McCree, guess all that quake payed off.
Who wants to add me on Eu, caesar#2952 ?
Junkrat and Torb. Sub 1 hour on supports.
There's your problem!
Honestly I'd rather take a reasonably competent Junkrat/Torbjörn in a lower ranked match than forcing them to use a Support character and have them utterly faceplant.
Also, I have exactly the same experience as he does, and I almost exclusively play support/tank.
I think that people should strive to play all the characters initially. Get used to their weaknesses and strengths so you know how to counter them.
That said, I'd rather a useless Lucio than a Torb.
I did put my name on the list thingy, but because I'm so low ranked I can't do comp with anybody as I'm out of range of their rank. (I'm Danj#2393, mainly on EU but I also play a bit on NA as well)
I don't think I'm the worst player in the world, just mediocre-to-average, but because of the way comp matchmaking works (badly) I always seem to be on the losing team.
In comp you either get stomped or are the team doing the stomping, there is rarely ever any middle ground at this rank. Matchmaking should work more like QP - consider the hidden MMR rating first, then the rank number second - that way matches would be less one-sided and more interesting. If the team I'm on wins a KOTH match after taking it all the way to the fifth round for example, it feels way more satisfying than a capture/payload stomp.
I'm guessing you're not too confident in your aim with those picks. Spend some time in qp with McCree and Tracer.
You can get some hard carry stuff done as Zarya in lower ranks, but mostly playing support or tank just doesn't feel good in the end. If your team loses you lose more SR than shittiest DPS in the team and if your team wins you gain less than that shittiest DPS player.
I just got the game too on pc but played on ps4 before. Only rank 21 though. EU too. Jellie#21742.
Junk is fine. Torb sucks.
If person X is useless Lucio or Torb what it matters which he plays? He most likely ends up doing a lot bad plays and getting himself killed 24/7 because of it, so his value for team is very low no matter what. If Danj is decent Tjorb or Junkrat he should start favoring Rat, there is some awesome potential in that hero.
I know. I was more referring to the one-sidedness of competitive in lower ranks, what with it being a curbstomp on either side. I'm in the 1600s (was 1400s in S1), and it's ridiculous. There's very few matches where I think it was fair.
In fact, one of my placement matches was a team (mine) of unranked and a Bronze tier player premade with one of the unrankeds, facing up against a Platinum, a Gold, a Silver and 3 unranked players, the last 4 of which were in a premade group together.
Honestly I'd rather take a reasonably competent Junkrat/Torbjörn in a lower ranked match than forcing them to use a Support character and have them utterly faceplant.
Also, I have exactly the same experience as he does, and I almost exclusively play support/tank.
You're only looking at his Season 2 competitive stats. For all you know, he's played 100 hours of Lucio in QP/Season 1.
I wish it were so but no. I'm not much good with Lucio, I can't get the wallriding thing to work for the life of me.
Any good tutorials or matches to watch to get a sense for the meta right now? I'm approaching the level required for competitive play and would like to go in less a noob than I am right now.
I wouldn't use prometa as any indicator for what you are going to encounter in rankedQ. People tend to pick what ever they like and too many don't care if their pick works for team comp. I would say that focus on heroes you are good with and try make picks that support rest of teams roster.
Any good tutorials or matches to watch to get a sense for the meta right now? I'm approaching the level required for competitive play and would like to go in less a noob than I am right now.
I wouldn't use prometa as any indicator for what you are going to encounter in rankedQ. People tend to pick what ever they like and too many don't care if their pick works for team comp. I would say that focus on heroes you are good with and try make picks that support rest of teams roster.
just search for 'Season 2 Competitive Meta' and you'll get a bunch of videos. Lots of Youtubers have been fixated on the meta and teaching people how to play for S2. Way more than in S1.
I would say that focus on heroes you are good with and try make picks that support rest of teams roster.
This is what I try and do but at this rank it doesn't often make a difference.
Yep! Overwatch Central is a good pick, but be warned if you watch the stream when they play comp they kind of just two stack and ignore people which is a bummer.
Also has anyone ever had success getting random players to not trickle in one by one after a lost team fight? It's like trying to part the red sea most of the time.
Had a match last night where I was paired with a group of 4 - three Platinums and a Diamond. (I'm still Gold for reference.) The Diamond was a pretty good Roadhog, but on Defense nobody would fucking get on the payload so I ended up switching to Mei and doing stall tactics just to keep the team from running away with it. My stalling managed to get the enemy team grouped up on the payload, which got the group of four to actually come to the payload to attack them, which got us the win. But honestly - how can a group of four that's at least reached Plat/Diamond be running around glory hunting in competitive? I would think at some point people know the basics of the game. I'm clearly not the most talented player ever but at least I know the rules of the game and how to win and adhere to that.
Also had another match on Nepal where I was playing as Lucio because nobody else wanted to go healer. We lost the first point, and we're losing the second point and some guy got on the mic bitching that he wasn't getting healed and nobody was on the point. So I got on mic and told him that because everybody was splitting up it makes it hard for Lucio to survive much less heal anyone. From that point on my team stuck together and we turned it around and ended up winning 3-1. So sometimes getting on mic actually helps!
This is what I try and do but at this rank it doesn't often make a difference.
i would just wait for them to respawn and rush with them. sometimes they notice that you're waiting for them and they might wait for other players too.
Got the game on pc.
Went 8-2 in placements and placed 3035. Mostly just carried with McCree, guess all that quake payed off.
Who wants to add me on Eu, caesar#2952 ?
It's not a ladder system though is it? If you're under 2500, you're below average at the game. Ster just went from bronze to diamond in 18 games without losing once, because he was mechanically better than his opponents.
I mean I get it you do get shitty teammates, but the other team should have bad players too. Just go bastion and destroy everyone or something idk.
Seems to me that if they are plat and diamond and are in your gold leagues now that they don't really care that much anymore.
Yeah - I'm of two minds when I get put with Plats/Diamonds at my SR. On the one hand, they may be good and just had an unlucky streak to drop their SR. On the other hand, they good have gotten a lucky streak for their placements and are actually bad and have dropped to their appropriate SR. It's a toss-up.
I don't think the SR is properly representative of your individual skill level, it's still more or less just a measure of how many matches you lost/won. In the end if you lose a game your rank goes down no matter how good you played, and if you win a game your rank goes up no matter how bad you played. The only difference (and it isn't that big of a difference) is how much it goes up/down.
Thanks for the advice. I've gotten pretty good with Mercy and Lucio (had two PotGs in a row with Mercy recently), as well as Roadhog and McCree. Might try to up my Reaper and Zarya game too.
Yea, true.
But he is talking about a group of four. They off course have much more influence on the outcome of the match.
I did put my name on the list thingy, but because I'm so low ranked I can't do comp with anybody as I'm out of range of their rank. (I'm Danj#2393, mainly on EU but I also play a bit on NA as well)
I don't think I'm the worst player in the world, just mediocre-to-average, but because of the way comp matchmaking works (badly) I always seem to be on the losing team.
In comp you either get stomped or are the team doing the stomping, there is rarely ever any middle ground at this rank. Matchmaking should work more like QP - consider the hidden MMR rating first, then the rank number second - that way matches would be less one-sided and more interesting. If the team I'm on wins a KOTH match after taking it all the way to the fifth round for example, it feels way more satisfying than a capture/payload stomp.
In ranked favor Lucio over Mercy. People are less likely to crawl up your ass and tell you to kill yourself because you were unable to AoE heal everyone to top as Mercy. Mercy is already at mercy, no pun intended, of her teams position plays, but in my experience people give you a lot more easily shit for performance when you play her.
That said your favorites line up is very solid. With Reaper and Zarya maybe throw in few rounds of Zen too, people love that discord orb these days. For it to be worth pick does require that teams DPS has decent aim.
It looks like your average elimination at 18 is pretty low considering you're using chip damage heroes like Junkrat, Torb and Dva.
If you're serious about getting out of there, you need to learn Soldier/Genji, Reaper, Reinhardt, Zarya and Lucio/Zenyatta. These are all either top tier heroes or can carry because of how easy they are to use. Genji and Reinhardt will probably take a lot longer to learn. I'd say try all of them out and maybe pick one in each class for now as your mains and maybe branch out next season.
"Pro level player was able to hard carry his whole team with ease, you should be able too!" is always good argument to make. Skill level between him and X GAF poster is after all equal. I would love it tho if SR actually measured YOURS skill and level of play, untied to rest of your team and end result of match. Even devs try to sell SR as such thing when it isn't.
If you want hard carry your team you need to have excellent level of play with heroes like McCree so you can just kill everyone and everything, so your team can just walk into victory. If you can't do that then you are at mercy of performance rest of your team because as team based game you kinda need rest 5. Several times I have been able to push huge hole into defensive line of enemy with Zarya, but rest of my team are just so afraid to push that openings were never used.
That said your favorites line up is very solid. With Reaper and Zarya maybe throw in few rounds of Zen too, people love that discord orb these days. For it to be worth pick does require that teams DPS has decent aim.
If you're serious about getting out of there, you need to learn Soldier/Genji, Reaper, Reinhardt, Zarya and Lucio/Zenyatta. These are all either top tier heroes or can carry because of how easy they are to use. Genji and Reinhardt will probably take a lot longer to learn. I'd say try all of them out and maybe pick one in each class for now as your mains and maybe branch out next season.