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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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the holder of the trombone
I need to rant a bit, but how do you deal with those games where you just want to GG out straight after hero picking screen? Teams like hanzo, ana, mei, zarya and junkrat on offense. It doesn't matter what I pick. And then, when its time to defend, everyone again chooses something equally retarded and the cart literally never stops moving. After last nights 3-11 loosing streak i feel fucking exhausted.

Like 3 of those are very good on offense. 1 is situational. Another 1 is average to poor but some make it work.


Solo'd this Genji 5x as Mercy. He couldn't get enough of that golden gun I guess. I got a silver medal for elims lol
I went to sleep before watching all of envyus vs fnatics matches but saw some highlights and man talespins pharah 😥😥😥


I need to rant a bit, but how do you deal with those games where you just want to GG out straight after hero picking screen? Teams like hanzo, ana, mei, zarya and junkrat on offense. It doesn't matter what I pick. And then, when its time to defend, everyone again chooses something equally retarded and the cart literally never stops moving. After last nights 3-11 loosing streak i feel fucking exhausted.

I start to ask politely for people to change comps to something competitive. Like saying. "we need another tank", or "we need another healer". If they don't change that's when I start bming my own team. They change sometimes if you're aggressive enough in saying how much we're going to lose if we dont have a better comp. Sometimes it still doesn't work though.


2998. What a tease.



at like 2900 ive started to feel the ana becoming common and u cant do anything about her unless you have one too

this game is never going to solve its "x is x's best counter" problem, is it



Well done!

I wish I had the fortitude for that. I initially placed around 2678 then sank to 2459 when my cousin and I got stuck with a succession of teams that would demonstrate an amazing level of cluelessness ranging from charging in solo 1 v 6, healers who would only pocket heal their DPS buddy and never heal my Zarya, and DPS that just couldn't seem to kill, period. Or, as Platinums we'd get matched with Masters then get punished heavily for a loss.

But, for some reason, I've had more luck solo queuing and slowly crept back up to 2510, so I might keep at it. I do tend to main Zarya in comp because I'm pretty good with her these days but I'm thinking about working on my Reinhardt game to supplement it. Too often these teams I'm put in think Zarya can solo tank against an organised opposition which is just not going to happen, making Reinhardt the better choice.
As someone who has used Zenyatta the most since the beta, I came to hate Hanzo due to the constant getting one hit killed by a stray arrow that wasn't aimed at me, and because I was too stupid to dodge his ult, and as someone who also used Widowmaker, the fact she got nerfed super hard while Hanzo didn't also soured me on him.

Nowadays I don't find him much of a problem thanks to Zen's HP buff, and I find his ult super easy to avoid. Anyway, because I never liked him I never really played as him, but last night I unlocked the Young Hanzo skin, tried him, and had fun, so I'm looking for tips on how to play him best.

The thing I'm most unsure about is how to approach close range combat. Should I just use my movement abilities to get away, dodge while charging arrows, or just pepper them with uncharged arrows?
Holy shit, got 2490 points and decided to risk it and try and promote and the team I got matched up with did so well, we made the other team disconnect right away.

Hit 2523! From 2345 hell to Platinum! I'm so happy!
Weird ass bug for a few hours last night.
Whenever a game began i was instantly disconnected, but not only from Overwatch but also my chat party and even signed out of PSN. I was getting decent download speeds and i could even join games that were already in progress, but whenever i started a game from the beginning i was immediately disconnected.
Holy shit, got 2490 points and decided to risk it and try and promote and the team I got matched up with did so well, we made the other team disconnect right away.

Hit 2523! From 2345 hell to Platinum! I'm so happy!

This sounds like me!

I managed to claw my way up to Platinum last week, or a little longer. Weirdly, since hitting that mark, I've not played the game again. Not felt the urge to.



I need to rant a bit, but how do you deal with those games where you just want to GG out straight after hero picking screen? Teams like hanzo, ana, mei, zarya and junkrat on offense. It doesn't matter what I pick. And then, when its time to defend, everyone again chooses something equally retarded and the cart literally never stops moving. After last nights 3-11 loosing streak i feel fucking exhausted.
Zarya's the best character in the game


the holder of the trombone
As someone who has used Zenyatta the most since the beta, I came to hate Hanzo due to the constant getting one hit killed by a stray arrow that wasn't aimed at me, and because I was too stupid to dodge his ult, and as someone who also used Widowmaker, the fact she got nerfed super hard while Hanzo didn't also soured me on him.

Nowadays I don't find him much of a problem thanks to Zen's HP buff, and I find his ult super easy to avoid. Anyway, because I never liked him I never really played as him, but last night I unlocked the Young Hanzo skin, tried him, and had fun, so I'm looking for tips on how to play him best.

The thing I'm most unsure about is how to approach close range combat. Should I just use my movement abilities to get away, dodge while charging arrows, or just pepper them with uncharged arrows?

Have scatter, semi charge arrows + melee, or keep running.


2998. What a tease.

Holy shit, 212 wins.
I've only gotten 29 wins this season. I'm in diamond and part of me know I shouldn't care so much about SR and just enjoy myself and play, but comp makes me turn into a nervous wreck and losses can really annoy me a little too much.


comp makes me turn into a nervous wreck and losses can really annoy me a little too much.

Yep. That's why I always just take a break after a less.

Sucks when you lose a game because someone leaves. Something needs to be done because this just isn't fair.


Basically this. Turret nests around teleporters don't really impede anything, and do rob your team of turret support.

She needs so many fixes ;__;

What if they just put her back to where she was at though, before the nerf? Make her turrets do 20%/30% more damage again or something. Or more slowdown.Many people believed she didn't need fixing in the first place.


the holder of the trombone
What if they just put her back to where she was at though, before the nerf? Make her turrets do 20%/30% more damage again or something. Or more slowdown.Many people believed she didn't need fixing in the first place.

She wasn't nerfed on pc and she's still useless for high level play.
Don't think I'm going to top this tonight in my solo scrub league adventures. Leaving on a high note. Got POTG too but it was just eliminating a Widowmaker, Ana, and 76 in sequence.

I can feel the iris embracing me from here, hot damn.

Thanks! Yeah, I did. All the way down to Gold league just 5 days ago.

(Overbuff hasn't quite caught up on my last few games)

Teach me your secret! I've dropped from the brink of platinum to barely keeping my head above Gold over the last 5 days.
What if they just put her back to where she was at though, before the nerf? Make her turrets do 20%/30% more damage again or something. Or more slowdown.Many people believed she didn't need fixing in the first place.

That's just a console thing, she didn't get the turret damage nerf on PC and she's in nearly as dire straits there.


As someone who has used Zenyatta the most since the beta, I came to hate Hanzo due to the constant getting one hit killed by a stray arrow that wasn't aimed at me, and because I was too stupid to dodge his ult, and as someone who also used Widowmaker, the fact she got nerfed super hard while Hanzo didn't also soured me on him.

Nowadays I don't find him much of a problem thanks to Zen's HP buff, and I find his ult super easy to avoid. Anyway, because I never liked him I never really played as him, but last night I unlocked the Young Hanzo skin, tried him, and had fun, so I'm looking for tips on how to play him best.

The thing I'm most unsure about is how to approach close range combat. Should I just use my movement abilities to get away, dodge while charging arrows, or just pepper them with uncharged arrows?
Getting a headshot from very close range is pretty easy so if you're out of scatters, try that against anyone but tanks. Uncharged arrows are mostly useless unless the enemy has almost no health at all.
I wasn't playing QP last night and there was one match where half the team was dead, the other half was near full health and standing right behind Reinhardt's shield... standing about 3 meters away from the point, just trying to kill the other team who were taking it before their very eyes.

It was like they had never played Overwatch before.


made it to competitive last night. So I do ten placement matches and then what?

Also why do they not backfill during these matches? This little kid rage quit (he was raging the whole match too, hilarious stuff!) and then two more people left leaving it 3 v 6.
why do they even penalize us for staying wtf


made it to competitive last night. So I do ten placement matches and then what?

Also why do they not backfill during these matches? This little kid rage quit (he was raging the whole match too, hilarious stuff!) and then two more people left leaving it 3 v 6.
why do they even penalize us for staying wtf

yea, no backfill for Comp. if someone leaves/DCs then you're screwed.


Played some competitive today and well you know what happened. We can't even capture the first point on Hollywood because our Pharah is braindead and can't get rid of Torb's turret. So I have to teleport up there as Reaper to get rid of it leaving the opposing Roadhog and Zarya to run riot. It's just so fucking frustrating. We NEEDED a Reaper, I was doing my job at keeping the tanks in check but no one on my team including the Tracer and Pharah would think "hey let's get rid of the teleporter or the turret".

And then on attack, I go Zarya and the rest of my team think it's best to defend at their spawn. We of course all die within 30 seconds.

But come on guys, we can outplay this! If you want to move up ranks, stop being a baby and outplay the 1v6 situation.

Second game on Hanumura is exactly the same. I go Genji on attack and I take down the Bastion but of course the rest of my team at the chokepoint is dying because the Zenyatta and Reaper can't deal with the Roadhog and Zarya.

We obviously get steamrolled when defending. I go Reaper, get 2 kills but the rest of my team has already died leaving me 1v4.

I know I'm on the verge of tilting so I think I'm done for now.

You just have to laugh when people think it's your fault that you are constantly forced into 1v4+ situations because your team is so incompetent at getting kills.


They only penalise you for a few minutes because someone could have disconnected, and is currently trying to get back in.

After a short time you can just leave too.

the problem with leaving even after timer is up is it's still considered a loss and you lose SR anyway. still sucks.


the problem with leaving even after timer is up is it's still considered a loss and you lose SR anyway. still sucks.

Yeah, but think how easily abusable it would be if it didn't affect your ranking.

Also those 5v6 wins are great for the ego.


Yeah, but think how easily abusable it would be if it didn't affect your ranking.

Also those 5v6 wins are great for the ego.

only ever won one 5v6 in S1 cuz it was a KOTH. pretty much impossible on Payloads. losing anyone in those maps is insta-loss.


the problem with leaving even after timer is up is it's still considered a loss and you lose SR anyway. still sucks.

yeah thats the problem really. If you lose one teammate yeah I could understand that but going 3v6 is just torture. Mean I get why the penalty is there tho. I shudder to think 1v6 or 2v6


only ever won one 5v6 in S1 cuz it was a KOTH. pretty much impossible on Payloads. losing anyone in those maps is insta-loss.

I've won 2 5v6. We dominated in the first round though, and someone ditched the second round. Both times payload. If we had to push the payload it would have been impossible. Pushing is so much harder than defending.
I had a KOTH match the other day where we spanked them so hard on the first point that two of them quit. Then two more. Then a fifth.

The last guy stuck it out and sat in his spawn as a Bastion turret. We just ran up and let him kill us repeatedly while the timer ticked up.


yeah thats the problem really. If you lose one teammate yeah I could understand that but going 3v6 is just torture. Mean I get why the penalty is there tho. I shudder to think 1v6 or 2v6

a lot of Gaffers actually didn't know you still lost rank during S1 when you left after timer said it was okay. we all noticed when we saw that we lost one whole rank for leaving after some random left and we decided not to stay as a group. that was a punch in the gut.

we had a match once where everyone on enemy team left except for one guy and he basically camped in spawn so we had to wait it out for the FULL round. that sucked cuz we had to stay active to avoid getting kicked. such a troll.

I've won 2 5v6. We dominated in the first round though, and someone ditched the second round. Both times payload. If we had to push the payload it would have been impossible. Pushing is so much harder than defending.

yea, Payload with one man down is just a pain in the ass. you gotta be pretty much destroying the enemy team to make progress there.
Heh, my team won a 5v6 once.. when I was the one who had a disconnect. By the time my frantic attempts to log back in were finally successful, I didn't even get out of spawn before "VICTORY" flashed on the screen. Thankfully the other folks on my team were understanding, but the enemy team was PISSED.
Assault maps (Hanamura/Anubis/Volskaya) and Numbani are by far the worst maps to play with randoms. The 1st point is doable, but the 2nd is always terrible. Why the hell people with stars (>100h played) still waste 5m shooting from the entrance or going by themselves wasting their ults is beyond my comprehension. Numbani is also really bad because it has so many ways to attack that generally the team will always split up even if you spam group up. It's like they don't understand the basic concept of the game.
a lot of Gaffers actually didn't know you still lost rank during S1 when you left after timer said it was okay. we all noticed when we saw that we lost one whole rank for leaving after some random left and we decided not to stay as a group. that was a punch in the gut.

we had a match once where everyone on enemy team left except for one guy and he basically camped in spawn so we had to wait it out for the FULL round. that sucked cuz we had to stay active to avoid getting kicked. such a troll.

In S1, didn't you lose more rank if you left the game even after it was safe to leave?

Every single time I did that I would end up losing a whole rank, while if I stayed, even with 1vs6, I wouldn't lose that much.
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