Well, the transition from a controller to a mouse is not 1 to 1. Also the gameplay between the two is not 1 to 1. So although there are similarities the metas are vastly different.
Right now, you're easily a platinum level just based on those stats.
My stats for comparison. Sure I had a slump on the SR but I can claw my way back up to mid plat.
So I just lost to a team with 4 D.va's. How exactly do you counter that? Tried Zarya and reaper and roadhog but they kept just forming a wall of defense matrix together and then rushing us.
Hanzo stigma needs to die asap some random helped bring back 2 down koth with hanzo.
I helped turn around another koth map as well after switchimg to him.
A while ago I remember some guy messaged me "no hanzo" before the match even started and he intentionally picked widow to psyche me into changing lol.
So I just lost to a team with 4 D.va's. How exactly do you counter that? Tried Zarya and reaper and roadhog but they kept just forming a wall of defense matrix together and then rushing us.
So I just lost to a team with 4 D.va's. How exactly do you counter that? Tried Zarya and reaper and roadhog but they kept just forming a wall of defense matrix together and then rushing us.
bastion shouldnt be hookable in the first place
like roadhog isnt that strong to pull a fucking giant metal turret thats planted firmly in the ground. its just like ulted Torbjorn getting frozen. like.. what?
Just gimme Mercy's pumpkin Halloween skin and we're good, Blizzard.
Just gimme Mercy's pumpkin Halloween skin and we're good, Blizzard.
Hope if Mercy gets that skin she flies around on a broomstick.
You can't do that... hearing footsteps is kinda important.
You can't do that... hearing footsteps is kinda important.
You can't do that... hearing footsteps is kinda important.
looks like a new skin for the rat.
Games are too predictable.
Are my teammates on the voice channel?
Do we have 2 tanks and a lucio?
Yeah I smell a win.
VS: instalocked widow/hanzo/torb, no communication.
What I do seems to be of little consequence to the results.
How does Zenyatta work, you hear his balls jingle?
Oh god pls
I don't like a single one of his skins
This is one of the best skins in the game.
Junkrat skins are shit except for Ashen
How do you know Roadhog isn't that strong? If that's the case, why can he hook Reinhardt? He's huge!bastion shouldnt be hookable in the first place
like roadhog isnt that strong to pull a fucking giant metal turret thats planted firmly in the ground. its just like ulted Torbjorn getting frozen. like.. what?
More like he knows Zarya isn't OP.ana getting nerfed before zarya
didnt know kaplan was a zarya main
More like he knows Zarya isn't OP.
Because, you know, she isn't.
I finally did it. On pc europe with mainly soloing and sometimes a party of 2 or 3. I only played genji also and it took alot of carrying
More like he knows Zarya isn't OP.
Because, you know, she isn't.
don't you play on consoles?
And? Console players aren't entitled to an opinion?don't you play on consoles?
Is this because she can aim better on PC? That's not really a good argument because so can her opponents. Same with console, except their aim is a bit worse universally.Console players complaining about Zarya, aren't realizing that she is 10x more of a monster on PC than console. And I'm a console player.
Might try it once I get to 25 hours ingame. Currently 18.
You need multiple of the same character that counters them so 4 zaryas would do the job. You have to rely on your team to realise it though.
He probably means that her staff is a broomstick and she hangs on to it to fly towards teammates.
This one?
How much money you have put aside in case you need go to lootbox purchasing spree for that skin?
Is the Zarya witch hunt really still going on?
Basically if any one person gets killed by the same hero too many times, they will immediately flock to this thread/reddit/OW forums and start calling for nerfs. People don't understand that a hero shooter will never be absolutely balanced and greatly depends on teamwork/countering.When the Genji nerfs were being implemented, it was predicted. So many people whine about it because she is the new big bad.
They need to nerf the characters that make this game a Q spamfest.
Zarya would be my number one on the list.