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Overwatch |OT6| Boop

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Why is genji allowed ult refund to 100% but mccree who has the worst ult in the game gets nothing
You mean the fastest charging ult? That can wipe a whole team when it is played correctly? It is fine where it is.
Mercy should be a melee character and her revive should have some build up
Zen's discord should be buffed to 60
Roadhog's hook should be removed since they can't seem to fix it
Mei should fall off a cliff

Hire me, Blizzard.
I am glad to know you don't work for them. :p


Why is genji allowed ult refund to 100% but mccree who has the worst ult in the game gets nothing
Every ult works the same now. They both get "refunded" to 100% if they get killed on activation, i.e. you're ulting on your screen but you're already dead.


After swapping back from a Xeon to my normal cpu, I guess I messed up some OC settings and crashed at the start of a comp game.

At least it was on the PTR.
So... my scuf controller took a shit (unsurprising based on how many negative reviews I have gone across), it's no big deal, I wasted a total of $12 for the paddles since the controller was free. During the week I used the controller I noticed the right analog would move by itself (i blamed this on the aim assist but it was the controller).

That being said, I miss the back paddles dearly as soon I as I started using the stock controller.

This left me with 2 options, a.) wait for this abomination and hope it's good when it's released.. or b.) buy a new custom controller.

I went with option b, I researched various companies and settled for a non-scuf controller. It's going to cost a pretty penny but in the end I hope it's worth it. Not posting where I'm buying the controller from as I don't know if it's a reliable company and can't bear anyone spend their money if it turns out to be trash.

PSA: In the search for custom mod's I found a real nice one which I will do on my stock controllers. Relatively low cost (Less than $30) and less than 40 minutes worth of work (quicker if you're comfortable opening the controller).

Instead of using kontrolfreeks or anything equivalent, mod the controller with the Xbox One Elite magnetic thumb sticks.

Example of a GAF'er who did the mod. Elegant, cheap and very useful.


Cool, did you play on eu servers? Maybe I know you :)

Quake 3/Live? Nope, just US (west coast). I only know one GAF'er who played Qlive on the regs with me, not sure if even posts or plays OW (I don't play on PC anymore, all my friends are on PS4 and still playing OW surprisingly).
I feel like 2CP maps are the bane of my existence in competitive. Every time I end up on one I end up with a team that cannot defend the point and doesn't understand how to push through choke points on attack or group up for better results. I think once on Anubis I had an organized team.

It's especially annoying because every time I get to a point where only one win will get me to Platinum, I get a 2CP match. Fucking frustrating.
Why is genji allowed ult refund to 100% but mccree who has the worst ult in the game gets nothing
Tfw Genji gets nerfed and people still think he's OP.

People will never stop asking until he isn't in the game at this point.

And LMAO at McCree worst ult. Just lol.


the holder of the trombone
It's definitely the least impactful assault one though. People mostly use it nowadays to buy time and positioning because getting those potg 5K whatever is not really something you can do consistently. Even 1K is not that guaranteed.

Which is fine. He's so good he doesn't need an amazing ult.


i think i figured out a nerf that would impact Zarya but not break her. her charge would drain faster so she needs to constantly have her bubbles get hit more often to stay fully charged longer.


It's definitely the least impactful assault one though. People mostly use it nowadays to buy time and positioning because getting those potg 5K whatever is not really something you can do consistently. Even 1K is not that guaranteed.

Which is fine. He's so good he doesn't need an amazing ult.
As if McCree wasn't already better than Soldier, I'll take Deadeye over Tactical Visor, too.
i think i figured out a nerf that would impact Zarya but not break her. her charge would drain faster so she needs to constantly have her bubbles get hit more often to stay fully charged longer.
Well, it already depletes fairly quick anyways. This is already how it works. If you have a bad shield or two, your charge will start to plummet.


the holder of the trombone
Actually the one really weird thing I noticed this OW Open is that the zarya mains seems to flex pick between mei and zarya quite a bit. The DPS mains (like iddqd and talespin) will get on mei duty too.

And seagull at this point has turned into a mei main who would flex between zarya and genji.

Which kinda shows the hybrid nature of mei.
I think I did have a pocket Mercy actually - not by arrangement or anything, I guess the rando Mercy decided that healing me on the point would be a good idea. I need more practice with regard to when and for how long to activate Defense Matrix.

DM is a must when flying up to roust out a Widow or Hanzo or turret, obviously. I use it when landing, in case someone takes a potshot at me.
Mainly it's great for teasing out Hanzo scatter arrows and McCree stuns. You know it's coming when they get confronted up close, so learn the tells. Then pop the DM momentarily Then take them out.
Use DM to eat ults, always. If you pay close enough attention, you can eat Mei and Zarya's utls before they go off. Reaper, Pharah, 'Hog, McCree, Soldier- you can block their utls in their entirety.
Besides those specialty cases, just have it ready at all times- always have at least a sliver in the tank. When you start to take too much damage, hit it and boost out. DM is one of the most important skills D.Va has when it comes to tanking and survivability.

PS- obviously you know all or most of this stuff- the key is being able to do it all without thinking. And never EVER DM when face-to-face with another D.Va- it means you lost the staring contest and your children's children will remember your shame.
Pulse Bomb is pretty awful. Why can't Tracer toss it like a frisbee like in the animated short?
I mean, it charges insanely fast. I've seen clips of people having 30% charge 5-10 seconds after using it. She can get a ton of them.

But dragon blade and death blossom are the best ones imo.
Every time I come to GAF to complain about something I end up having the opposite happen right after.

Just had a 2CP match where we took both points in under 3 minutes, then we stuffed them hard on the first point. Managed to save the day with a D.Va ult at the last second after my team nearly wiped from a Reaper ult. Felt good after two terrible matches in a row.

As if McCree wasn't already better than Soldier, I'll take Deadeye over Tactical Visor, too.

I personally like Tactical Visor more because it helps clear the point of those annoying Lucio/Genjis. Although it is annoying when the auto target jumps away from the person you're targeting because another character gets in the way.


Pulse Bomb is pretty awful. Why can't Tracer toss it like a frisbee like in the animated short?

It's meant to take out one or two players. If you get lucky to use it during a graviton surge, even better. It charges too fast to give it Reaper-level killing power.


don't get me wrong, i've seen good Tracers use the Pulse Bomb to good effect and take out 3 or more players at once. i took out 3 guys with it before when they were camping. I just find it odd that it just sorta drops down instead of being tossed. i guess it's just gameplay balance.
Pulse Bomb > Dragon Blade > Dead Eye > Death Blossom > Barrage > Tactical Visor


Pulse bomb should have the properties of a boomerang once tossed.


Here guys:

That is one low quality gif.
So I just lost to a team with 4 D.va's. How exactly do you counter that? Tried Zarya and reaper and roadhog but they kept just forming a wall of defense matrix together and then rushing us.

With 5 D.Vas.
But seriously, just stack your own Tanks (not Rein) or Bastions and they'll handle D.Vas fairly easily.
Only time I've lost against this is KotH, and that rarely.


the holder of the trombone
Like for real though, anyone else think that QP is getting less and less play?

Last night I queued into 2 QP matches that timed out because it couldn't find players.

Went into comp and found a game within 3 secs.


Pulse bomb is one of those either you are on it or not.

Tracer in general is like that. That in the zone comment she makes when she's on fire pretty much speaks volumes. Literally on some Kuroko shit where your just on a different wave length from everyone else.
When taking charge time into consideration I think pulse bomb can be considered an above average ult. It's nice that pretty much every big fight you'll have at least one pulse bomb which if used correctly can take out the main enemy threat. It's great to take out a fully charged Zarya, or a Reinhardt. Or even an annoying support. And any muli kills are gravy. If it could take out a full health Reinhardt it'd be way better. But oh well. It is very easy to whiff though, and it sure as hell isn't as good as game changing ults like death blossom and dragonblade. Unless you have a Zarya on your team there is hardly any reason to even announce that it's charged.


I didn't say it was bad at all. But it sure as shit ain't better than dragon blade or death blossom.

Death Blossom isn't that good, he's very vulnerable during it. Dragon Blade doesnt last long anymore and all it takes is zen ult to completely neutralize it.
it's not that great especially compared to other Ults. easily avoidable unless she literally sticks you with it.

A good tracer should be sticking you with it. The best thing about it is how frequent you get it. Easily 3-4 a game maybe more. I have no qualms about chucking on a lone roadhog or whatever, but then you can always make the big plays in combination with graviton as well.


don't get me wrong, i've seen good Tracers use the Pulse Bomb to good effect and take out 3 or more players at once. i took out 3 guys with it before when they were camping. I just find it odd that it just sorta drops down instead of being tossed. i guess it's just gameplay balance.

I think its design is for Tracer to get into melee range and attach the sticky bomb to an enemy player to turn them into a suicide bomber. If it drops to the ground, that means you missed sticking it.




Here guys:
That is one low quality gif.
Not that good. The rein goofed for not using the shield and protecting his team.
What? Considering how slow graviton charges, you're much better off using pulse bomb as liberally as possible.
I have walked away from that bomb more than it has killed me. I have stunned Tracers right after she drops it, before she could blink away, just so we could die together. Pulse bomb is strong if the enemy has no awareness.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I think Sym needs a buff of some sort. I'm not sure what, but she's pretty useless except for when you are on defense.


the holder of the trombone
Ana is op and thats more down to the boost than the ult itself.

Yet weirdly enough it's the most diverse support meta so far.

Well, for now anyway, but I was pleasantly surprised to see all 4 supports played in the OW open pretty effectively. Though ana and lucio are definitely the most commonly used.


But I like Ana :(

i'm out here throwing the alley oop like it's game 7 with a minute left on the clock
i dont mind her usually but the shit with the tanks and the stuff she enables with the ults a thousand times per team fight are just over the line

i like the hero, shes probably the only support i like, but good god she is a mess


What's all this talk of nerfing Zarya? Her bubbles are a long 10 second charge, the beam for her gun is low range, the alt fire is very slow and to keep her charge up you have to have good situational awareness and constantly bubble under-fire teammates.

Her main perk is her 200 hp 200 shields. Fully charged she's dangerous, but as noted it takes effort to get there and even more so to keep it.

Her ult is one of the strongest in the game but only when combined with teammate coordination. On top of that it takes a long time to build.

I main Zarya, because I like her play style. I find other characters easier to play though.

She's not even difficult to handle. If you're attacking her, stop when she's bubbling and stay mobile. She has very little mobility and she's rather large. Just keep mid distance from her to avoid her beam.

The only character she has a large advantage over is D.Va. This is mainly because a lot of D.Va players don't know/notice that Zarya's beam goes straight through her defense matrix.
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