Same dude that wouldnt switch off Genji says his ult is ready. I earthshatter 4 of the enemy team. This is with our shitty fucking comp because xxReaperxx and GenjiBoi69 wont switch off when they aren't getting shit done.
Genji ults. Deosn't go after the ulted Mercy who has rez, doesn't go after the Lucio who has ult. Goes after the fucking Roadhog. Lucio ults, no one dies from my perfect earthshatter. Only seconds later, the enemy team has a Bastion on King's Row. Not once did the Reaper or Genji go around to kill the Bastion. We would have won if either of them either switched to Pharah and dealt with the Bastion or learned how to play their 'main'.
Genji ults. Deosn't go after the ulted Mercy who has rez, doesn't go after the Lucio who has ult. Goes after the fucking Roadhog. Lucio ults, no one dies from my perfect earthshatter. Only seconds later, the enemy team has a Bastion on King's Row. Not once did the Reaper or Genji go around to kill the Bastion. We would have won if either of them either switched to Pharah and dealt with the Bastion or learned how to play their 'main'.