the holder of the trombone
I think they've added a dmg reduction cap since then but man.
I really want that to go through.
I really want that to go through.
I will never understand roadhog battles, I shoot him to weaken him I hook then lay in another hit they should most likely have been dead however then I get hooked and killed and they always have like 20-50 health left, what in the fuck...
Sorry to hear about the crummy team. I feel you on your last bit, I'm juggling too many multiplayer games with not much time to really play them at this point in my life, but right now I'm just rockin' the solo queue life as far as comp is concerned with some QP/arcade with non-competitive friends when the time strikes. You gotta go with the game you gravitate towards and stick with it, time's precious.And honestly, when I think on everything concerning my time with them the past few months, I'm thinking my first mistake was me grouping up with a bunch of highschool/college age kids with too much time on their hands and delusions of going pro while I'm in my thirties working a full time job.
i feel like the bastion salt will increase tenfold with these changes.
The problem is people don't build comps around her and her contributions aren't always obvious.I really want Sombra to work and #EndSombraShaming but it's too damn hard. She's so... obtuse.
So why is competitive designed in a way that ruins the game if one person rage quits?
What's the alternative?
If the game ends in a draw or whatever, then people losing will just quit so the other team doesn't win. This actually happened in season 1 when games with leaver awarded less SR to the winning team.
You can't have another person join either because there is no guarantee they will join in time and moreover, it's not fair to the person joining what could be a game that is effectively already over.
What would the incentive be for that? I don't think you're going to line up people to join games that are already skewed against you, so what's the benefit for them? No SR penalty for a loss wouldn't work, that's just the opportunity for free SR. Removing any SR adjustment at all for the person joining makes it pretty pointless for the person entering to begin with. Moreover a different person joining could be unfair for the opposing team as well. The current system isn't very satisfying to suck up, but it's difficult to consider an appropriate alternative that can't be gamed in some way, and you can't make the punishment for occasional leaving too harsh because there are legitimate reasons it could happen outside of the leaver's control.It should at least be optional that you can join a competitive match mid game. Our team was actually coming back and winning when this person just up and left. Just happened twice in a row. So disappointing.
I wasn't aware that they nerfed Ana's grenade. This shows healing even after being hit by the grenade?
Edit: This post says 75% now
btw, console players, what sensitivity are you using for aim? I cranked it up to 90 on both horizontal and vertical.
The stuff that's more recently being discussed is only in the PTR (public test region) right now, which is an opt-in testing section for the PC version only. The latest changes are stickied on the forums here: but those are only the changes added as of today, there are more tweaks in the PTR that have been added over the week that haven't made it to the live servers as of yet such as Bastion's tweaks, the server browser, and the just discovered hidden nerf to Ana's biotic grenades anti-heal. The changes will eventually be for all systems once they've finalized them and push them out of PTR.Are the buffs/nerfs for all systems? And how do I see what they are?
I guess when some guy ignores multiple requests to group up over the last few months, they just don't wanna play together. I get the message.
I guess when some guy ignores multiple requests to group up over the last few months, they just don't wanna play together. I get the message.
She's the bestTracer is too much fun. I feel like I'm driving a car.
Are you on PS4? Do you wanna play?
I just remove those people. My friend list keeps maxing out.
Sure, but I'm only playing QP tonight. No Comp.
Just a bummer cuz they play often and yet always going solo in arcade for some reason. I deleted him.
I'm down for just QP. Wanna duo for bonus xp.
What's your PSN
Edit: got it. No mic and I'm only playing a few more
Lame. I just went to bed hyper, maybe tomorrow?
I wasn't aware that they nerfed Ana's grenade. This shows healing even after being hit by the grenade?
Edit: This post says 75% now
I wasn't aware that they nerfed Ana's grenade. This shows healing even after being hit by the grenade?
Edit: This post says 75% now
KK, hope you don't mind attack bastion lol.
naisuConfirmed it's a bug with the new damage reduction limit.
good. more nerf the better.
GG hype
How long does your winning streak have to be before you start getting more than the normal amount of points?
QP is chill game. Play whoever you want.![]()
Can I also add you for some QP fun? <3