Vault Dweller 111
That's because you're not a team player.I climbed 500 SR mostly in solo queue this season
RIP SpainIm playing solo q right now because you guys are never on when I play
That's because you're not a team player.I climbed 500 SR mostly in solo queue this season
RIP SpainIm playing solo q right now because you guys are never on when I play
I play exactly 5 minutes after everyone is done for the night
Lol, not really. But I am on late during my work week. 10 PM MST (9 PM PST)
I play exactly 5 minutes after everyone is done for the night
Lol, not really. But I am on late during my work week. 10 PM MST (9 PM PST)
We use PS messenger.
There is also a discord. Only Komaru and I really talk in there with PC GAF.
That's because you're not a team player.
LolI am the best team player. Nobody plays on a team better than me. Fake news.
Im, 4-0 so farThat's because you're not a team player.
RIP Spain![]()
I am the best team player. Nobody plays on a team better than me. Fake news.
Im, 4-0 so farbut my teammates are always a bunch of French dudes who I don't ever have a damn clue what they are saying lol
It's noon here and I'll be studying for the next several hoursI am carrying with Reinhardt ugh can you guys get on please
Anyone feel bad about leaving friends behind when you climb in ranks?
There's an element of on/off to it.
The past 2 times that I've been, they've been off nights. I'm down about 200 SR, in the mid-2600s right now. Lowest I've ever been. But I agree with others that playing in a group is way better than not... it's just more fun.
Stuck around after the last one and duo'ed with Biscuit and broke the losing streak. Small group is still the best way to rank up, I think.
I play exactly 5 minutes after everyone is done for the night
Lol, not really. But I am on late during my work week. 10 PM MST (9 PM PST)
No worries with the fucking disaster of a team I just got I'm calling it a day. I was the only one switching to try to counter the enemy team when they switched. Lost 2-3 koth because the fucking team just decided to not switch. I went rein to counter we won. They went Pharah no one switched off tracer or Genji we lost. I go off rein to soldier we won. They went back to two tanks and we still had 4 DPS and no one wants to fucking switch so I can't play both rein and s76 ended up losing. What a disaster.It's noon here and I'll be studying for the next several hours
I do want to play for a couple hours before the Jazz game but that's like 9 hours from now.
If you hit master you won't be able to play with us.![]()
TIL learned what it's like to play against a real Hanzo player. I fucked up bad and got bodied.
Do you play Genji in Comp?
You sir, apologies for the one game we played last night. By that point, gamer fatigue set in for ND, batman and myself. We were going to call it a night a few games prior but then Owzers got on, and then you got on shortly after... we stayed for you guys! I owe you some wins though...
Now that I know there's at least one late night GAF'er, I don't have to rush myself to get into the GAF group (it gets full quick nowadays). I can get my OW fix at night and not worry about taking someone else's spot for evening GAF.
Third most played hero this season =)
That's okay! No worries man. We'll get those wins together
Always know your limits. I will quit as soon as I feel a bit tired cuz I know I won't be at 100%. Altho I've been playing with you guys while I have a cold and coughing like shit. I guess I've been doing well anyway.
No worries with the fucking disaster of a team I just got I'm calling it a day. I was the only one switching to try to counter the enemy team when they switched. Lost 2-3 koth because the fucking team just decided to not switch. I went rein to counter we won. They went Pharah no one switched off tracer or Genji we lost. I go off rein to soldier we won. They went back to two tanks and we still had 4 DPS and no one wants to fucking switch so I can't play both rein and s76 ended up losing. What a disaster.
Update just release on PS4 I assume it's the mei patch etc
Holy cow that was good.
The amount of pistol use in that video is insane. I think something I struggle with attempting to main Mercy is the decision of whether to use the pistol or damage boost a teammate instead.
I've learned to be a batter Battle Mercy from watching Pooh play. Never even used her pistol before but I've killed Soldiers and Reapers in 1v1 and it makes me laugh when I win.
It's the best when a DPS thinks they have you but they stepped in the wrong area.
Her pistol is shockingly good. I used to look down at it but it can do a good amount of damage.
Playing Mercy tonight, I will do as well as the Jazz.
I've learned to be a batter Battle Mercy from watching Pooh play. Never even used her pistol before but I've killed Soldiers and Reapers in 1v1 and it makes me laugh when I win.
Her pistol is shockingly good. I used to look down at it but it can do a good amount of damage.
Im, 4-0 so farbut my teammates are always a bunch of French dudes who I don't ever have a damn clue what they are saying lol
Also I probably should be playing p5 or any one of my backlog but I'm so tired from work I hate to play games that make me think and read.
You have to kind of feel the moment.
I've gotten a lot better with pistol game as Mercy since watching her videos.
I've also been encorporating blocks to other teammates through out all characters.
The opening sleep dart block was inspired.
Playing Mercy tonight, I will do as well as the Jazz.
The frustrating thing about Pharmercy is that I feel like we do everything correctly, we have the counters, we focus her. And it's still a huge pain in the ass.
I really don't know what the solution is. If the Pharmercy players are above average then its just really fucking hard to stop.
Yeah I've always wanted to have a perfect moment of using my body as a shield like that. And maybe I could pull it off with Winston or a bigger character but Mercy is just so tiny.
I'm excited to try some crazy strafing like in the video tonight, it seems to really give an edge fighting the other low hp players.
PS4 patch appears to have fixed Mei
Holy cow that was good.
The amount of pistol use in that video is insane. I think something I struggle with attempting to main Mercy is the decision of whether to use the pistol or damage boost a teammate instead.
They deleted her? Hallelujah!
If you're standing around a Tank the whole game you're doing it wrong.
The frustrating thing about Pharmercy is that I feel like we do everything correctly, we have the counters, we focus her. And it's still a huge pain in the ass.
I really don't know what the solution is. If the Pharmercy players are above average then its just really fucking hard to stop.
Like I said to Owzers learn health pack locations. Take guardian angel off of toggle. Your team needs to be spread out for a lot of her stuff to work. That way you can be zipping about
In her other videos she is constantly flying about dealing out heals, buffs for when a hog gets a hook, going up to Pharah, back down, whipping out pistols.
If you're standing around a Tank the whole game you're doing it wrong.
That was infinitely better than the Battle Angel video I did last week. That being said, I'm mid-gold and on PS4 and Overwatch is literally my first multiplayer FPS so whenever I wreck a McCree or Tracer on Mercy it feels INCREDIBLE.
My humble contribution:
Edit: also, when something is an imminent threat to you that you can't escape, pull your pistol. When you feel that you shooting this enemy is more likely to save your teammate's life than 60HPS, pull your pistol. When you see a flanker that no one else does, pull your pistol.
Just don't lose focus and go crazy with it. That's how teams die.
Bastion. Worked in Oasis when we had a stack before, and that's a really good map for pharah.
Mercy standing with soldier at all times too, with a Zen helping putting a discord orb on the other mercy/pharah if necessary.
Those are good counters, but it will always depend on the other dps that the other team may have. I assume they will have a soldier and 2tanks/2supports. If this is the case bastion can have a good time, but if they have a Geni or Tracer that can just kill him with a bomb I'd rather not play him. But in that case I'm also going to assume that they won't have a pharah counter, so it's time to use her on defense and wreck their backlines with no fear.
Tanks are very important too obviously, D.Va probably being the best one to create space for the hitscans.
Since they have two characters up in the air there's no problem in using two characters from our team at all times to take them out, because a lone soldier won't cut it most of the times, that's for sure.
We just have to test it in the next games, if they have a pharmercy one of us has to stick with Lik at all times, being a healer or a D.Va.
It's way easier to do this as a 6-stack instead of playing with randoms.
You're the lucky charm!I guess I've been lucky, last week I saw posts on gaf trying to figure out what's better full stack or 4 group stack max, meanwhile I'm thinking to myself.. I've been climbing/keeping steady with either...
Speaking for a fighting 1v1 perspective. During a 1v1ish, I will feel more pressured for the enemy mercy to shoot at me with his teammate than to heal her teammate which I am 1v1'ing.Holy cow that was good.
The amount of pistol use in that video is insane. I think something I struggle with attempting to main Mercy is the decision of whether to use the pistol or damage boost a teammate instead.
Bastion. Worked in Oasis when we had a stack before, and that's a really good map for pharah.
Mercy standing with soldier at all times too, with a Zen helping putting a discord orb on the other mercy/pharah if necessary.
Those are good counters, but it will always depend on the other dps that the other team may have. I assume they will have a soldier and 2tanks/2supports. If this is the case bastion can have a good time, but if they have a Geni or Tracer that can just kill him with a bomb I'd rather not play him. But in that case I'm also going to assume that they won't have a pharah counter, so it's time to use her on defense and wreck their backlines with no fear.
Tanks are very important too obviously, D.Va probably being the best one to create space for the hitscans.
Since they have two characters up in the air there's no problem in using two characters from our team at all times to take them out, because a lone soldier won't cut it most of the times, that's for sure.
We just have to test it in the next games, if they have a pharmercy one of us has to stick with Lik at all times, being a healer or a D.Va.
It's way easier to do this as a 6-stack instead of playing with randoms.
You're the lucky charm!
Speaking for a fighting 1v1 perspective. During a 1v1ish, I will feel more pressured for the enemy mercy to shoot at me with his teammate than to heal her teammate which I am 1v1'ing.
Thats why I will always encourage a mercy that sees me in a 1v1 situation to help out and shoot the enemy rather than healing/boosting me to fight the 1v1 battle.
Yeah thanks to playing Winston for a while I naturally gravitate towards health packs. And I've already made the toggle change which is neat choosing when to disengage.
It's really those pistol battles that are so impressive. Some of those 5x revives are so amazing, I've gotta get better about timing mine.