Vault Dweller 111
Getting a bit tired of playing Lucio like I knew it would happen after so many games in a row with him, gonna get off support for a bit in the next games.
Getting a bit tired of playing Lucio like I knew it would happen after so many games in a row with him, gonna get off support for a bit in the next games.
I just had the worst match since I started playing.
2-stack picks Rein and Road, I pick Lucio. Someone else picks Zenyatta after we've already left spawn, so we're low on healing.
First fight, our Rein charges so far ahead he's in front of the enemy spawn and obviously gets picked off. Immediately the 2-stack starts yelling in voice chat, russian swear words and all. And I mean yelling LOUD. "retard team", "so bad", the usual things.
The Zen fires back and yells in russian too. Says he's done healing (after the 2 minutes as Zen) and switches to Hanzo. The other DPS give up too and pick Junkrat and Torb, Rein switches to Mccree, Roadhog switches to Rein. He continues his friends strategy of charging into all enemies by himself.
At his point the yelling is way too much so I leave the voice chat and switch to Mercy, desperately trying to dish out enough healing for all the diving dps.
Every single fight the Rein opens by charging in, either getting destroyed immediately or charging into a hole. Every time the 2-stack insults everyone in text chat. Junkrat keeps catapulting himself into holes or the enemy team. I'm fairly sure the Hanzo wasn't even aiming at the enemy. When I quickly check into the voice chat again, the yelling is still going on. It seriously sounded like people were screaming their souls out.
Of course we lost 0-3. I have never had a more miserable round of Overwatch and I absolutely hate how my enjoyment of this game hinges so much on the sanity of random people on the internet. I love the game itself, I really do. But I fucking hate people.
And i don't give a damn who I offend anymore: Playing on EU, 4/5 times it's russians that are needlessly aggressive in both text and voice chat and wouldn't switch to a character that would benefit the team if their life depended on it. I have a friend who speaks russian and I can pretty much understand all they're saying just because he used to teach me swear words in russian. Call it confirmation bias or whatever but at this point I almost lose hope the first time I hear an eastern european accent on voice chat. That's what this game is doing to me, making me hate entire groups of people.
Fuck I'm mad.
Aaar you pljayink on Pjee es fjour? Add mje, if you wont. I jam njot rjussian. Prjomise.(New to game, gold league, getting better)
I'm on PC. But I have my doubts it's any better on console.
I don't have any problems playing the Same hero all the time. I mean I have a shit ton of hours on mei lolMore Lucios is always good
He's such a beast now, really love the changes blizz made with him and hog (a while back), two of my most played characters got so much more enjoyable to play, what a bliss.
What do you guys do when you solo queue? Do you usually lock down your favorite dude and hope everyone fills just bases their picks on creating a balanced comp or do you wait until everyone else has picked and then fill in whatever is missing?
I play non-standard heroes like Mei and Sombra, but it never feels good picking them. If I choose first, then it's like, "I'M PLAYING MEI! DEAL WITH IT!". If I don't choose first, then I never get to play with them. lol
I am off work till Saturday after tonight. Let me help.from 2718 to 2570 today.
I'm just gonna keep playing til I'm bronze.
I am off work till Saturday after tonight. Let me help.
I am off work till Saturday after tonight. Let me help.
Lost 2 but won 2 finally hit diamond for the first time.[IMG]
Out of one hell into another.
Don't worry you'll be back to plat SR in a couple of games.
Uprising has reminded me that the majority of the people who play video games have no idea what they're doing.
Pretty much know it's an insta wipe if someone picks one of the first like 10 characters, or loses half their health within the first 30 seconds.
I know people have been clamoring for a PVE mode or story mode, but man I was done with the Uprising mode after playing it twice. I've never really been a fan of horde modes in any game, though, so it could just be that.
Uprising has reminded me that the majority of the people who play video games have no idea what they're doing.
Pretty much know it's an insta wipe if someone picks one of the first like 10 characters, or loses half their health within the first 30 seconds.
It's pretty light. They need to do a more substantial Raid-like mission with actual puzzles and bosses. It's a good first step.
It's pretty light. They need to do a more substantial Raid-like mission with actual puzzles and bosses. It's a good first step.
I'd like a mode that really goes into its MOBA side: XP and upgradeable skills. Had they just implemented that into this PvE, kinda like those Hero Defense games in Warcraft custom games, this mode would have been light years better.
Played two solo queue games earlier today, won both.
Pharah is too good on Eichenwalde. I snuck around map and hid near point A. Defence got a few picks so I waited for my team to respawn, I kill the Sym and Junkrat and my team push through, I barely play Pharah but she's almost a must-pick on map for attack teams. It helped having a Winston as well.
Welcome to a new matchmaking cesspool!Lost 2 but won 2 finally hit diamond for the first time.
Out of one hell into another.
I know people have been clamoring for a PVE mode or story mode, but man I was done with the Uprising mode after playing it twice. I've never really been a fan of horde modes in any game, though, so it could just be that.
Yeah, I've been trying to solo queue the expert mode and just leave when I see silly picks. Seen people pick McCree, Hanzo and silly heroes who won't last 5 seconds when it gets crowded. I just leave and search for another session. Think the only way I'm going to get the expert and legendary is with friends.
We have to play one day man. 99% of the time I'm online I'm playing with people, if you don't mind joining a team of spaniards I'll invite you one of these days (or if I see you online and I'm in solo q).
I actually really enjoy it. Overwatch took me by surprise last year and I've had mostly good experiences with it, but I can only play about 5 full games in one sitting before I get bored. I just find it extremely repetitive and the wait times on PS4 certainly don't help with keeping my interest.
But then along comes Uprising and now I can't put it down. I've been grinding the hell out of expert difficulty and even though I wipe most of the time, I still find it fun. And yea, it's pretty repetitive as well, but something about it keeps me coming back. I was a big fan of Extinction in CoD Ghosts too and this is very similar.
It's just too bad that half the roster is useless on higher difficulties. As soon as I see a Reaper, Pharah, Ana, McCree or Sombra up on the board, I just drop out. I had one game wipe because Junkrat launched himself on top of the map and nobody could get to him to heal him. Even Reinhardts now seem to like throwing themselves into the fray and dying in bad spots. Most of the roster is just a liability, especially if you're playing a healer who has to leave your safe spot to go bandage them.
It's a good step for PvE content, but I'll probably get bored of it pretty soon. It seems like I'm matching more and more Genjis and I'm running out of face to palm
I've beaten expert a handful of times with randoms. The best team comp in my experience (and apparently the PS4 leaderboards reflect this) are Bastion, Orisa, Zenyatta and Mercy. There are some wild cards, but I feel like most of the rest are liabilities. The last time I checked, Dva wasn't even on the board until 130.
I'll team up if anyone on PS4 wants to give legendary a go. I seem to see more stupid picks on that difficulty than expert, so I doubt I'm ever going to beat it solo.
I live in spain lol but I always group up with US PS4 GAF. (my parents are from Spain, I was born in the US but now living in spain for about 3 years)We have to play one day man. 99% of the time I'm online I'm playing with people, if you don't mind joining a team of spaniards I'll invite you one of these days (or if I see you online and I'm in solo q).
The issue with the pve is that everything spawns in the same spot every single time. The predictability of it all not only makes it incredibly easy but incredibly boring.
I enjoy them doing things like that for sure and I hope they do more but after playing it twice its boring.
The issue with the pve is that everything spawns in the same spot every single time. The predictability of it all not only makes it incredibly easy but incredibly boring.
I enjoy them doing things like that for sure and I hope they do more but after playing it twice its boring.
I live in spain lol but I always group up with US PS4 GAF. (my parents are from Spain, I was born in the US but now living in spain for about 3 years)
How come I don't have you on my friends list???
Yeah cool, no probs to me at all. I sometimes play with a bunch of French dudes, so I'd be used to it! I see you made diamond, I'm really determined to get there this season.
Lol yeah I noticed after I had posted.Well I play on Xbox, I guess that's why
Lol yeah I noticed after I had posted.
you are the only Spanish person I know who owns an Xbox everyone owns ps4 here. I have the Xbox one but never use it.
Gained 20SR for a hard fought win.
Lost 24SR for a hard fought loss.
Fix or explain your shitty SR algorithm Blizzard.
Uprising has reminded me that the majority of the people who play video games have no idea what they're doing.
Pretty much know it's an insta wipe if someone picks one of the first like 10 characters, or loses half their health within the first 30 seconds.
Gained 20SR for a hard fought win.
Lost 24SR for a hard fought loss.
Fix or explain your shitty SR algorithm Blizzard.
They make Lucio a completely new character with that aura nerf, but he's still got the speed. So stays s tier.
Seems like Orisa propaganda.
Lucio can only be nerfed if they deleted Speed Boost.
I know people have been clamoring for a PVE mode or story mode, but man I was done with the Uprising mode after playing it twice. I've never really been a fan of horde modes in any game, though, so it could just be that.