Stallion Dan
Got this guy playing Junkrat whole game and haven't seen him shoot the Reinhardt shield once.
Some players seem to have a mentality that shield up = impossible to beat and won't even try and attack it unless they Bastion.
Got this guy playing Junkrat whole game and haven't seen him shoot the Reinhardt shield once.
Is the community better on PC?
You're not going to avoid the nature of humanity regardless of where you go.Is the community better on PC?
What's the general opinion of Uprising? On the one hand I like it because it means there's now a guaranteed way to get your arcade lootbox wins, but on the other hand it is kinda long and I couldn't stomach doing it a bunch of times in a row. It'd be cool if it became a game mode and got some more maps.
Is the community better on PC?
Is the community better on the platform where someone can rattle off their thoughts in a text box whenever they want?Is the community better on PC?
People probably blocked their own voice from being recorded!Whoa, rewatching a VOD on Comp with Buttchin and it has all the voice chat. That's pretty good. I think it didn't record it before by default way back.
Hanzo scatter arrow is still the most broken thing in the game. Fought a one trick that consistently oneshot a person every cooldown.
Feels cheaper than original Roadhog hook, or PharMercy spam.
Yeah GGs.
Ramirez was around to being a sneaky McCree... going into a kneeling position and all that to sneak around.
You gotta take high round LiK as Hanzo.
You have to get creative if you hope to kill anyone with Deadeye, lol.
A good hanzo is the scariest thing in the game6 losses in a row.
5 shitty hanzo's.
1 leaver.
Blizzard really needs to fix this shit.
Remove hanzo from competitive. It's only being used by trolls and noobs.
Knowing an enemies exact position on both sides during a push is super importantSo do we all agree that Widowmaker sadly has the worst Ulti of them all??
I mean it can be useful for her, headshots and all that but overall it's pretty short and pointless. I wish they would do something about it.
Also it would be cool if Venom Mine when triggered would also reveal enemy position for the short period of time, just like Hanzo's Sonic Arrow does it.
So do we all agree that Widowmaker sadly has the worst Ulti of them all??
I mean it can be useful for her, headshots and all that but overall it's pretty short and pointless. I wish they would do something about it.
Also it would be cool if Venom Mine when triggered would also reveal enemy position for the short period of time, just like Hanzo's Sonic Arrow does it.
There's a reason Valkia stopped playing on EU and started playing on NA, despite the ping.Games with russians have been very rare for me, but I've had a couple today, and man, they really are very prone to being ragers, aren't they ?
I agree, Winston should climb walls.
Holy fuck dude I don't think I've ever seen your Junk in action from your perspective
Comp with Buttchin and other Gaffers from two nights ago. I missed the first half cuz I forgot to set my recording to more than 15 min. But at least I have the start of Junk's return. First half was a stomp anyway. I enjoy Buttchin's reactions.
Comp with Buttchin and other Gaffers from two nights ago. I missed the first half cuz I forgot to set my recording to more than 15 min. But at least I have the start of Junk's return. First half was a stomp anyway. I enjoy Buttchin's reactions.
Yup, Deadeye is almost worthless unless you sneak it in.
Nerf junkrat. That was a great junk game Lik.
Holy fuck dude I don't think I've ever seen your Junk in action from your perspective
That was such a fun match. Your junk is the nutz dude
It's fun to go around hacking shit with her.I'm gaining new appreciation for Sombra
Thanks guys. I still laugh at the part where Buttchin noticed Junk was talking to himself.
Games with russians have been very rare for me, but I've had a couple today, and man, they really are very prone to being ragers, aren't they ?
Knowing an enemies exact position on both sides during a push is super important
Her ult might not be the best but it's not even close to the bad ones
QP - Attack on Gibralter
I always insta-lock widow for the first portion of this map, but will go Pharah depending on enemy lineup and positioning.
My team picks Hanzo, Genji, Junkrat, and Soldier.
The enemy team has a kinda balanced comp; Rein, Roadhog, Mercy, Torb, Bastion, Soldier.
My friend who's in chat with me asks who he should pick. I say fuck it pick another DPS, pick Pharah. Who needs tanks and healers if you're just going to kill them before they can kill you.
We won the map in 4:46. I had 15 elims (no medal) 1 death and a scoped accuracy of 62%. No one on my team switched. The enemy team ended with Ana, McCree, Rein, Torb, Zarya, Roadhog. The last 5 were in a group. We had 1 solo, my group of 2 and another group of 3. Probably the fastest I've ever completed that map.
This is today! In 6 hours it will be GAF v GAF! It will be at 7pm Eastern 6pm Central be sure to be there!
This is today! In 6 hours it will be GAF v GAF! It will be at 7pm Eastern 6pm Central be sure to be there!
Can I get in on this? PSN is Chance_Splinter. I'd be honored to heal or assassinate all of you.
Yeah! Add me UltimaPooh
Game could fill up quick so hopefully we can cycle some people in and out if we get more than 12.
This is today! In 6 hours it will be GAF v GAF! It will be at 7pm Eastern 6pm Central be sure to be there!
I want to join in on this.