Games with russians have been very rare for me, but I've had a couple today, and man, they really are very prone to being ragers, aren't they ?

Games with russians have been very rare for me, but I've had a couple today, and man, they really are very prone to being ragers, aren't they ?
This is today! In 6 hours it will be GAF v GAF! It will be at 7pm Eastern 6pm Central be sure to be there!
This is today! In 6 hours it will be GAF v GAF! It will be at 7pm Eastern 6pm Central be sure to be there!
This is today! In 6 hours it will be GAF v GAF! It will be at 7pm Eastern 6pm Central be sure to be there!
This is today! In 6 hours it will be GAF v GAF! It will be at 7pm Eastern 6pm Central be sure to be there!
Is this full btw?
My plans fell apart.
I would recommend it yes. You can check out some pro players settings here to try out some different sensitivities and see what you're comfortable with.
800/4 gonna be dramatic change for you to get accustom to. try like 1600/4. thats what i play with. its around 8.5inch for 360.
you're probably use to using your wrist to aim only but with 8.5inch for 360 might slightly start you on using your arm.
800/4 and lower is usually for people that got a huge mousepad that can swipe 12+in for 360. those are for very precise aiming.
it involves in a big arm movement and it might be hard for you to switch aim method so quickly.
Yeah i'm starting to get there. Currently i reduced my sensitivity from 30->20 and i'm adjusting to that. I tried it at 15 and it was too much mouse movement for me. As far as arm vs wrist aiming, I saw that in a FPS tips video and it's way too uncomfortable for me to have my arm up in the air for that long.
I'll have a group created once everyone gets in.
We'll make teams based on skill donuts even. If one team starts getting stomped well switch it up.
I recommend you download the PS messenger app for Android and iPhone so you can communicate better.
Thought we were using discord? Is that not the case?
Just got 12 SR for a previous wtf Blizzard. Now I've just lost 27 SR, for my first loss of the day. They really need to sort this out. How the hell am i supposed to climb with these crazy restrictions?
Not everyone has discord. But they should get it and join it.
Last night I lost 32 SR for one loss then gained 24 for the win after. I've been on a decline since I hit my career high and can't seem to get consistent wins to get back up.Just got 12 SR for a previous wtf Blizzard. Now I've just lost 27 SR, for my first loss of the day. They really need to sort this out. How the hell am i supposed to climb with these crazy restrictions?
When the GAF V GAF start? I can join in probably 90 minutes or so, or earlier but cannot use mic til then.
Last night I lost 32 SR for one loss then gained 24 for the win after. I've been on a decline since I hit my career high and can't seem to get consistent wins to get back up.
Same here, started happening after I hit a career high. I practically need two straight wins to balance out the SR that I lose after one loss. It's getting really annoying. Oh, and I love losing 30 SR because half my team leaves on Hollywood because the other team started the payload.This is what I'm saying, I've never seen this happen until I hit my season high. How the hell do i get to diamond if I lose double from what I can gain?
This is what I'm saying, I've never seen this happen until I hit my season high. How the hell do i get to diamond if I lose double from what I can gain?
Ever since they changed the SR system (around the time the Mercy/support bug existed), I've been going on a downward spiral myself. I lose more than I gain even if I have a 50% win rate. Sucks even more when you're a support main since you don't get much in general.Same here, started happening after I hit a career high. I practically need two straight wins to balance out the SR that I lose after one loss. It's getting really annoying. Oh, and I love losing 30 SR because half my team leaves on Hollywood because the other team started the payload.
Ever since they changed the SR system (around the time the Mercy/support bug existed), I've been going on a downward spiral myself. I lose more than I gain even if I have a 50% win rate. Sucks even more when you're a support main since you don't get much in general.
That's the funny thing though. I usually play Lucio is Comp and I was gaining about 30+ SR for each win and losing 20something each loss. Now it's reversed.Ever since they changed the SR system (around the time the Mercy/support bug existed), I've been going on a downward spiral myself. I lose more than I gain even if I have a 50% win rate. Sucks even more when you're a support main since you don't get much in general.
Ever since they changed the SR system (around the time the Mercy/support bug existed), I've been going on a downward spiral myself. I lose more than I gain even if I have a 50% win rate. Sucks even more when you're a support main since you don't get much in general.
Just got 12 SR for a previous wtf Blizzard. Now I've just lost 27 SR, for my first loss of the day. They really need to sort this out. How the hell am i supposed to climb with these crazy restrictions?
My games have been awful ever since the event started and I've dropped a total of around 300 SR between my two accounts500 points down from my peak
literally every single game for the last week i've had someone berating the team for no reason and casually throwing slurs
Can't really dive us when we're not together. Rein shield can only cover so many angles. We had them constantly retreating and staggeredlol junkrat and soldier gonna down that shield like nothing and making it easy pick for widow and hanzo.
then with hanzo, shield means nothing once he dragon straight in their face.
just surprise they didnt do a dive comp on you guys since they got 5people.
6pm central 7pm eastern. About two hours from now.
Nah, it was confirmed by Jeff Kaplan himself. Someone linked another post about it here too when it was happening. I forget which.Blizzard said that had looked at the supposed support bug, and found that as far as they could tell, it didn't exist.
That's the funny thing though. I usually play Lucio is Comp and I was gaining about 30+ SR for each win and losing 20something each loss. Now it's reversed.
Yup. You basically need close to a 60% win rate to maintain your current SR nowadays when before a 45-50% win rate was enough to stabilize and even grow with short win streaks.It's really hard mentally. My win rate has been mediocre at best this season (~55%) but I'm still slowly climbing after hours of games.
Competitive is disheartening when you spend so much time and effort winning games only to have a couple losses wipe those gains out.
GM feels like it'll take forever to achieve at this rate because ~290 more SR will take ages unless I get lucky.or git gud
Really late here. If you do another maybe try earlier so easier on Euro people. Have fun.
Can't really dive us when we're not together. Rein shield can only cover so many angles. We had them constantly retreating and staggered