Just played with a dude that almost hit GM this season and dropped to 2800. Pharah main with a silver border, playing her on Eichenwalde with a pocket Mercy against a team that didn't have a single hitscan (Mercy/Sym/Roadhog/Zarya/Mei/Genji). Sounds easy right? We didn't even cap the first point.
The enemy team had a Symmetra on defense with turrets all around the choke and this sob didn't even bother destroying the fucking turrets once, like it didn't have anything to do with him. He also didn't manage to get significant picks nor putting pressure on the enemies in front of us. I wonder what the fuck he was doing while we were being held at the choke.
Managed to get a draw by playing Sym in the 2nd round.
Had this same dude in the previous game on Ilios and the only thing he did was asking for a Mercy while being constantly killed by S76 and Bastion.
No wonder he dropped like a rock, I'm wondering how the hell did he manage to climb so much playing like this.
OT8 Wall of Shame:
I think it's time for me to drop the beat
I ain't posted in the Overwatch OT but I'm starting to play it more and more now. I finally got to Competitive level conveniently on the same game I got my first Play of the Game On a couple days ago (I mostly play Lucio/support so I don't get those), so I'm starting to branch out to the basic shooter characters now. Feels gud
I started learning Zarya because I was feeling like a Reinhardt one-trick.
Wow. Her carry potential is real.
I just need to fight the feeling of invincibility when I'm at full charge. And maybe land those right-clicks on Tracers.
I started learning Zarya because I was feeling like a Reinhardt one-trick.
Wow. Her carry potential is real.
I just need to fight the feeling of invincibility when I'm at full charge. And maybe land those right-clicks on Tracers.
give me a magic fireball shooting wizard
I miss Warhammer: Age of Reckoning =(
Thinking about remaking the GAF discord since the one we had was around launch and a lot of people who joined completely bailed on that. Thoughts?
casual has to conjure flames around skulls instead of simply engulfing the void of the universe with primordial forces beyond human comprehension.
0/10 shit wizard
You'll feel invincible when you have a good team and good healers that can keep you alive so you can go ham.
You'll feel useless when you get hard countered/focused and your team does nothing to help you and doesn't play as a unit.
People have a few good games on a hero and routinely come back with "WOW THIS HERO CAN CARRY HARDDDDD", but reality, especially as it relates to OW and "carrying", is a bit more nuanced.
Got 5k gold saved, so I'm eagerly waiting lol. I'm looking forward to Orisa too; she looks fun to play.What is the next upcoming western holiday that will most likely result in a seasonal event?
Since we get Orisa in March I wonder what is coming up for April. Easter event?
So has Blizzard mentioned anything about stats not updating on Overbuff, Oversumo, etc?
had a great genji player on my team today.
got carried.
Haha, he's called ''Piikachu''
Pharah is slowly becoming my most annoying hero to deal with and play against. Good Pharah's can make me so salty. Especially since i am not playing McCree or Soldier, and even with Ana it will be harder to kill her now after the DMG nerf. :/
Oh my god
I finally found out whats wrong
I have a broken controller. It's really subtle, to the point where I didn't even notice it, but the left stick, when it's pushed farthest jumps slightly between fully forward and partially forward. I noticed this whenever I left the base, just walking forward, but I had assumed it was lag, because I never noticed it during the chaos of combat.
I only realized it now that I'm trying to play Nioh and my character can't keep a full running animation for more than a second before slowing down, then running again.
Holy christ. It wasn't me sucking. All this time, it wasn't me sucking!
()it might have still been me sucking, but harder than I should be
You play OW on PS4? I thought you were on PC. What's your PSN?
Jellie too busy 'studying' to play with me, meanwhile this nerd is making 700 posts on a vidya forum smh
Am I being replaced? Now that I reached masters I can study more lol. Plus want to keep that shiny gold emblem for a while so might not play for a few days lolCan we get a list going on gaffers on each platform/region so we can easily add and play.
I'll start:
Josh#22637 PC EU
Also have 2 smurfs offering a diamond plat boost service for the low price on 30 dorrah a game kappa
Idk how you missed that I play on console, I have to put up a disclaimer about it every time I bitch about how unbalanced soldier and widow are
God, this makes so much sense now. Over hte last few weeks, my Genji has been uttterly worthless which was wierd because I used to be pretty good with him, but my less mobile heroes were just as good. I need a new controller asap.
Am I being replaced? Now that I reached masters I can study more lol. Plus want to keep that shiny gold emblem for a while so might not play for a few days lol
Jedi? As in Jedi Master? 😂You can fend for yourself now jedi, but come on and quickplay right now.
lol, ok, sent you a FR. I dunno, it gets hectic in this thread sometimes. What's your current rank?
2200, or thereabouts. The other 3 seasons I stayed mostly in the 2700-2900 range, finally breaking through to diamond in season 3 before falling down to where I am now. I'm looking forward to seeing where I land once I'm able to actually control my heroes how I want to again. I might also wait until Orisa launches with the bastion nerfs. But other than that, I'll be happy to party up with you first chance.
Jedi? As in Jedi Master? 😂
I'll be on in a bit. Having a lie in since no uni for two weeks.